In practical terms, it’s really a case-by-case by case thing. We don’t have control of the stuff in the middle. When someone at the ISP does something stupid, or the guy next door stealing internet on your wireless decides to download porn, it can be hour to hour, or minute to minute.
well shari, we havnt been getting on, but if you feel like ur connection isnt good then look into getting a new isp, I used to be with aol, my upload speed was 0.82mbs which is very bad for online gaming. I asked them if they could improve the upload speed and they declined, so I change my isp to one which specialises in online gaming. Ask your isp if they have a gaming service, if they do, ask them to switch it on, my new isp has a gaming service and when its on my connection is dedicated to gaming at the expense of everything else, also check if ur nat type is ‘open’, also check what ur ping is to severs in countries where the majority of the people u play are from.
But in gerneral I think there is a better connection infrastructure between the Uk and the east coast US, than the UK and the rest of europe.
So i guess then neither bandwith or latency is really a good way to determine how good of a connection someone has.
back on topic, have a look at rogs hitboxes, draw ur own conclusions
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
By irrepressiblegui at 2010-03-16
101 is pretty damn good actually. Anything 120 and below I find to be pretty much perfect.
As far as what makes for a perfect connection (puts on nerd glasses):
Both players must have enough up and downstream bandwidth to satisfy the size of the packets the game sends. If one player is playing off a decent broadband connection and the other is playing off of a 56k modem, both sides are going to be in lag hell. Good news on this front is that game developers are really good at minimizing the need for fat pipes in online games, especially ones that don’t involve a lot of players (2 player games like fighting games for instance). Fighting games should be satiated with a 30KBps/256Kbps up and down connection.
Distance. Both players could have the best connection in the world and it wouldn’t matter if there’s 10000 miles in between them, unless we find a method of transferring packets that is faster than the speed of light. A person from the UK will likely never get a decent game in with someone on the west coast of the US.
Infrastructure. Ever wonder why it’s pretty much impossible to get a lag free game from someone in Australia? It’s because they don’t have that great of a connection (in this case, undersea fiber optics) to the outside world. Developing countries/continents such as most of South America and Africa have very poor infrastructure, which results in very bad ping and jitter regardless of distance (which results in unpredictable jumpy lag). Your absolute best bet is to stick within your region. North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, East Asia, etc etc.
Bottom line: Saying you have a “good connection” is kind of meaningless. All that really matters is that your ping to your opponent is satisfactory and both connections satisfy the game’s bandwidth requirement.
@Irrepressable: Rog’s hitboxes aren’t that great compared to a lot of the cast.
- Standing jab (all red hitbox) is something a lot of other characters have, like Honda and shotos.
- Standing MP. Not that great, trades or loses all the time.
- Jab headbutt. All red hitbox on the way up. So? Do you complain about character’s SRK moves with ridiculous red hitbox space? Jab heabutt is not safe on block like most of those SRK moves and it is useless in nearly all crossup situations.
- Can’t tell if that is a low rush or sweep. Regardless, not that great of hitbox that loses to most other character’s sweeps or pokes in trading situations.
- Initial punch hitbox of super is invulnerable. So what? Ken’s ENTIRE super is 100% red hitbox. There are a lot of other characters that have better invulnerability on their supers than Rog.
- Turn Punch. Surprised you picked this one. Take a closer look at that pic and you’ll realize the only good thing about it is that it hits mid (so it would hit crouching characters). Everything else is hella weak. If someone used a poke or special move that had even a smidge of red hitbox, it would beat a turn punch.
101 isnt good, i forgot the actual maths but I think you get significant frame skipping at anything over 60ms, I think zero knows the actual numbers
Now you’re fun again.

Wow Guile is kinda broken.
And i mean he has no recovery or startup frames so it’s not like you can punish this stuff.
the last screen shot of guile isnt not his low forward, its the the 2nd sweep of his low fierce, how do I know…Right click the picture and voila, in addition overlay guiles normals against rogs normals…it is clear who wins
Well darn.
Captain Obvious strikes again.
I am amazed by your superhuman intellect that realizes stuff like this but yet cannot grasp the stupidity of using invulnerability frames as some sort of proof for overpowered hitboxes.
I am also stunned by the genius of not including any startup or recovery hitboxes in your flawless argument.

Cammy must be broken.
lol, all this from a guy who posted his ping result to a local server as proof he’s not laggy against international players lmao, besides the graphic is identical to guiles forward, some people would not be able to tell the difference. You have been corrected by multiple people, so just relax and calm down son.
Your mom is broken.
Probably time to close this thread?
Man you are really good at the whole:
Change subject whenever you are proven wrong.
I have lost track of how many times you have actually done it in this thread so far.
You know you might have had some sort of credibility if your only two responses were not either:
You don’t main X character so therefore all your arguments are null and void and the hypocrisy of that has already been pointed out.
I’m not surprised that it went over your head though being a chav and all.
You’re wrong cause of this other thing you did before that has no relation to your argument.
At this point you’re just arguing from pure proof by assertion which is why nobody will take you seriously and i will just continue making fun of you.
Now go ahead and tell me how superior your intellect is to mine or how shitty my Vega which you refuse to actually play against and would rather be safe in the notion that your one win against it means that you are clearly superior in every regard.
Seriously let’s see you try to actually form a response that is not either of these.
lol, getting angry are we shari? Did I touch a nerve? Calm down…you are being far too emotional and effeminate, which is probably why you main vega cos you identify with that homosexual character, you see something of yourself in that homosexual effeminate character. I dont need to say anything more, you have been corrected multiple times. I cant teach you anything else my son, you have learn to fend for youself. You know the wisest man that ever lived said dont argue with a fool(you) bcos his foolishness is greater than your (me) widsom. I could point out the various mistakes in your last post, but I just cant be bothered, but I’ll address a few:
you said one of my only responses was that I dont take what ppl say seriously if they dont main a certain character, but yet I explained to zero that I value his advice even though he does not main guile, I just explained that it would probably take somebody to play a top level rog using guile to see what Im saying.
When I say my intellect is superior to yours I am simply stating a fact, its not my fault you cant handle it or get offended by it. You could say the same thing and I wouldn’t be able to care less even if I tried.
have fun…
Ye so i was right.
I’m just gonna go ahead and report you now and hope i never have to see you again.
You can’t find entertainment like this anywhere else.
This thread reminds me so much of hilarious Euro-drama in Guild Wars. GOOD STUFF!
Can you guys do me a favor and take it to PMs please? It’s really hard for a guy to stay current when he has to fish through something that could easily be settled there or by just fighting online already.
Oh…and Zero1, you nailed Guile’s gameplan to try to shut down Boxer. Good job. :). Irrepresible, that strategy was posted in the Guile thread a loooooooong time ago…like when this HDR forum was new…which could make it easy to forget or hard to find, so it’s all good. Granted, online makes it more difficult to stop Boxer from getting in, but it should likewise make jumping over Sonic Booms of varying speed harder also. Like I’ve said before, man, you have to be able to zone and rushdown, too. Sitting in down-back doesn’t and shouldn’t work against everybody.
Change, my friend. It’s the only thing that’s inevitable. You must be formless. Shapeless. Like water. Water can flow or it can crash! Be water, my friend!
84 ping is nothing man the fuck up or stop talkign shit IrrepressibleGuile, you can’t talk shit after backing down doesn’t work that way cause you just look retarded
Awesome. It wasn’t that hard really, I basically took the strategy I use with Ken and changed it a little to suit Guile’s move set.
Now as for connections, I am on ADSL2+, which is LLU and therefore avoids the BT core network resulting in lower ping than usual ADSL. In fact, my ping to Aerorockman in France (who I presume is also on LLU) is 21ms. He’s maybe 150+ miles away and I get a better latency with him than I do with people who literally live 20 miles away using traditional cable or ADSL (most people I see in the UK have pings of around 50).
Because lag is such an issue in fighting games, I’ve done everything I can to reduce it. I’ve ditched the traditional ADSL filters for a faceplate filter, and my actual line to the modem is 0.3M of CAT5 cable, much shorter and better quality than ordinary cables.
My ISP also offers what they call gaming mode. This allows you to switch off interleaving on the line and use fastpath, which reduces the amount of error checking/correction in order to lower pings. Instead of packet getting retransmitted, they are simply forgotten about so the incoming data stays as current as possible. What this means is that if I play someone with a bad connection, I see visible frame skipping where packets are getting dropped or the latency is too high.
I even changed the DSL modulation in my router as I found that certain types would give me ever so slightly lower ping.
My download is 4mbps and upload is 1mbps. Unfortunately it’s so low because I live far away from the telephone exchange (I should get 24mbps if I lived real close). Fortunately, that’s not a problem for Xbox live, as 1mbps upload is more than enough. I have a router running DD-WRT. I logged in to check the bandwith usage during a game of HDR and it was only about 20-30KB/s (or 160-240kbps in other words), which is a quarter or my upload max.
So as mentioned, most peoples bandwith is so large that it’s a non issue. The issue is the quality of two players connections, and the route or number of hops it takes for those two connections to pass data to eachother.
My connection gets pinged every second, 24 hours a day and I get a nice graph to check to make sure my connection isn’t lagging.
This is a good way to keep an eye on your connection. I started using this graph website when I had problems a while ago. I noticed games getting laggy in the evening, and it turned out to be that the exchange was congested, and got upgraded, but I keep this running because it’s always good to keep an eye on it. Those little red lines are packet loss. Generally it’s not enough to get disconnected, but it might mean that I can’t see a few frames. Generally my connection is quite nice and “raw” in that I see what’s happening currently, not some resent packets from a while ago.
The blue ping spikes are generally caused by browsing or downloading. It’s normal.
So, open up whatever port it is, set up a hostname (if you are on dynamic IP) or enter your IP address and make some graphs. If 2 players have graphs similar or better than mine, but still get lag, then it’s simply that distance is the issue, or that the information is taking some weird route.
As for Super1NYC, my ping to him is 95ms (are you sure it’s 56? I’ve never seen a US connection with less than 90ms or so), which IMO is too laggy. Bear in mind that 1 frame lasts for 16ms (60 fps/1 second) and for each 16ms of ping you have, that is the number of frames it takes for the input from one console to be received by the other. I’m not sure how the rollback system works, but I don’t trust connections over 64ms (4 frames) because there are move that have say 2 or 3 frames of recovery and I’m sure that those sorts of pings make it extremely hard to punish/thow/reversal such moves.
I may be wrong, but that’s the way I see it.
So go to and make some graphs. There is also this site.