Balrog is a broken character (rant warning)

Still dodgeing me huh.

Although i guess my 1.5 meg/second connection could use some upgrading ?

lol, go away troll, you are well known for having a laggy connection. Get a decent connection and get back to me. It’ll benefit you as nobody will be able to blame lag. I dont need to dodge you, I have beaten you, I dont need to prove anything…that is for you. Know your place and relax.

I’ll just leave this right here:

First line is send.
Second line is receive.
I doubt i have to explain what ms means :slight_smile:

I wonder how long you will continue making a fool of yourself.
I won’t lie though it’s really fun to read.

thanks for confirming your ignorance, that is a pic of ur ping to a server somewhere close to you Try again…you’ll get it right eventually. I thought with you being in sweden that you would have realised that malmo is in sweden and not england, I guess I over estimated your IQ, forgive me, I wont make that mistake again.

give a fool enough rope and he’ll hang himself

I don’t think you quite understand what having a good connection means.

oh Shari, you’re making it too easy for me. You posted a pic of ur ping to a city in sweden with you yourself being in sweden and you think that is proof of a good international connection??? Dude c’mon, we dont get along but I know you cant be this dumb.

Ok, so by ur logic I can play anybody in Japan cos my Uk ping is at most 25ms to anybody else in the UK. Yet you have the gall to tell me that I dont understand what having a good connection means lol

I dont know what colour you are (and it dosnt matter) but ‘Nigga Please’

Irrepressible I think your’re really overestimating how bad this matchup is for Guile. I imagine its probably fairly even in remix after all the nerfs rog got and the couple buffs Guile got. Like maybe 5.5-4.5 or something. The netcode for remix frameskips too much to play properly though in my experience…

LOL! People bring this up all the time. It doesn’t matter if you can download 10,000 terabytes per millisecond. All that matters is PING and the percent of packet loss. You can have lasers in your internets and UK to Japan will still suck. Close proximity + stable connection = good. Far away + anything = bad. Simple as that.

I’ve never said anything about ping silly little chav.
Nor about having a good international connection.

I just said i had a 1.5 meg/sec connection.

It’s kinda funny though because you are the only EU player i have ever played against that has complained about my connection i wonder if this might rather be something on your end.

Reading your post it is rather sad to see what sms and chatting has done to the English language.
Allow me to express my dissatisfaction trough song: [media=youtube]EAYUuspQ6BY[/media]

Agreed therefore the only measurement of a good connection i can think of would be bandwith capacity.

No, bandwidth means nothing. It’s all about ping and the absence of packet loss. Most online games, including SF, require very little bandwidth. But distance and quality of connection matter a lot.

So how would you then define someone having a good connection ?

shari look at what you posted…why did you post that pic, you posted in response to me saying that ur known as having a laggy connection. You foolishly posted a screen shot of ur ping to a local swedish server as proof that ur connection is good lmao

You f***ed up, just admit it and drop this foolish, for it will only lead to further shame for you.

You posted pic that stated the ping you dumbass, why post a pic of ur connection to a local server when you are being called out as being laggy for a majority of players. You’re either a fool or just dumb, or you think everybody else is as dumb as you…why else would you post that pic?

FWIW Connection means two points. You can’t have ‘half’ of a good connection. What makes a good connection depends a lot on the application. For on-line games it’s important to have consistent and low latency. OTOH there’s not much ine way of bandwidth needs.

Since you are just rehashing your posts now it’s not fun anymore.

Go back to complaining about how you can’t beat afrolegends.

super1nyc (an excellent honda player) is from New York city yet his ping for me is 56ms, I would say he has a good connection for gaming considering how far he is from me yet his ping is very low. Your ping fluctuated between something like 84 - 101, now sweden is closer to the Uk than new york, hence, your connection is not a good one.

lol, I admire how you make defeat sound poetic.

thank you!!!

Yea but latency will differ depending on who you are playing against.

So how exactly would you use that to determine if someone has a good connection ?

maybe, I guess I need a somebody to watch me playing a good rog player to point out where Im going wrong. For the record I dont have a problem with most rog players, just the awsome ones like legands, louie,123scrublo,czarRU when these guys pick any other character I can give them a run for their money, but against their rogs its just pure butchery.