Balrog is a broken character (rant warning)

lol, thats like saying “Im gonna tell”, what are you like 8 yrs old lmao

I knew I could break your spirit and I did warn you not too start a forum fight with me. I consider this fued over now. btw ggs tonight…pax guile

Oh my god, that is dedication right there!

As for what constitutes a “playable” ping, I suppose that is subjective. For me, I realize that no matter what an internet battle isn’t a local battle and that I should take it in reasonable stride. I really feel 120ms or lower is fine and is an easy, realistic baseline to shoot for.

Interesting that the GGPO netcode has allowed playable matches up to 180+ ms, and solid playability at 150ms. Of course it’s not optimal, with almost 10 frames of real world lag, but the masking is so good that it feels instant. And it suits me just fine being able to play most Japanese players. I wonder what the difference is between GGPO and HDR’s implementation of the netcode that causes this discrepancy.

//EDIT: A pro-tip that few GGPO players know of, is to press Alt+S when the emulator is loaded up. This shows a nice real-time graph display of your connection stats to the other player, including latency, as well as local and remote frame lag.

Warning: This thread contains significant amounts of testosterone.

Hey Irrepressible,

In regards to the Guile VS Balrog match, you’re pretty much bringing a knife to a gun fight when using HDR or Super Turbo Guile. In my opinion, these two versions of Guile are the worst in all the SF2 games. With HDR Guile, the roundhouse Sonic Kick only helps a little and the easier Super motion only helps those who couldn’t do the original in the first place. Not sure who this Sirlin guy collaborated with when adding/changing moves for Guile, but you can obviously tell that he’s not very familiar with his weaknesses. In Super turbo, the sobat kick is nice, but only when you’re pretty close to your opponent. His back/roundhouse kick is really a weak poke because its just too slow and the range isn’t much longer than the backhand. I’m not on the Xbox much these days because I recently discovered GGPO and my connection on there is ten times better than online HDR. When playing Super Turbo though on GGPO, I pretty much only use Old (Super) Guile. Although not as fast as CE or even Hyper, O. Guile’s crouching forward is quicker and can still be used in combos and as a good poke. He’s got a chargeable short kick which blocks Balrog’s rushing punches from far, and he’s got his standing anti-air roundhouse that does well against Balrog, Sagat, and Ryu’s hurricane if timed early. Some people might disagree me on the whole HDR/Super Turbo Guile dislike (Mars lol), but I’ve been a long time Guile player and know the character and his match ups pretty well. Speaking of Mars, him and I played about 50 games of Guile VS Guile on GGPO about a month ago, and after the set, I think he had a new form of respect for Old Guile.

Sometimes I wonder if the people who main cammy and fei thinks everyone’s broken.

Then again, I’ve seen a guy who uses both characters kick some major ass and never says anything.

Just wanted to say that ken’s super doesn’t go full screen, and isnt safe on block.

:lol: Yeah, pretty much.

My brother was talking about doing something like this. Do you notice anything difference with the cat5 cable vs the ordinary cable? I figured that the “limiting reactant” in our internet wasn’t the cable so I never bought the new cableand talked him out of it. Should I go ahead and buy a better cable (and admit my bro was right lol)? Also could you explain some of the other stuff like replacing the filter, DSL modulation settings on routers, or getting that ping graph? You seem like an expert and I’m sure if you made a thread on the finer details of maximizing intenet connections it would be good enough to earn a sticky somewhere.

IMO, Boxer vs. Guile is 6-4 Boxer at best and 7-3 Boxer at worst. If you sit there and just do :d:+:mk: and SB the whole time, you’ve already lost. You need to be aggressive while being defensive in that fight. Take advantage of a jump-in when he’s down. Show him you’re not afraid too fuck with his head upon a knock down.

On that note though, stop complaining about how impossible Boxer vs. Guile is. You want a hard fight? Do Hawk vs. Honda. That’s the most unfair fight in the whole game (with Zangief vs. Honda as a close second)., but you don’t hear us Hawk players bitch about it. We’ve learned to work what little we have in that fight and to take our odds of winning to the max. Maybe you should learn to do the same?

Some might argue that shoto vs honda is equally retarded, so you can always counterpick :stuck_out_tongue:

Rogs super can’t hit you on the first hit full screen and isn’t always safe on block ether.

Alright, I’ll give you that, but its almost always safer than ken’s on block, and the first hit has at least twice the range of ken’s.

Just saying, there really isn’t that much comparison. Boxer’s is better.

I don’t think I got a huge difference with changing the cable. It was a case of my line to the exchange is fucking long, I had better keep my internal cables as short as possible, and get some better ones while I’m at it.

Normal telephone cable is unshielded, but CAT5e is shielded. Probably won’t make much difference if say you are replacing a 1.0M standard cable with 1.0M of CAT5, but or long runs it really reduces the possibilty of crosstalk (telephone cables pick up interference really easily). The filtered faceplate replaces the standard ADSL block filter, and just cuts out a little extra cable. The internal components of the filter are also much higher quality than you usually find in the supplied filters you get with ADSL modems.

Replacing the filter is pretty simple. Just unscrew the front half of your phone socket (2 screws and the lower half just pulls out) and fit the filtered faceplate in place of the one you just removed. Instead of having a single socket which you plug the filter in to, you now have a seperate ADSL and phone socket at your main phone socket.

As for DSL modulation settings, this is just trial and error. Change it, ping a website, change it again and compare. It seems to have more of an effect on speed than ping though, almost like it just uses different frequencies. If we take ADSL2+ modulation as standard for example, and change to G.DMT, I find that I sacrifice a bit of upload speed, but gain some download speed. I don’t know what sort of margins, but on my connection it helped boost from 4300kbps to 4500kbps. I don’t know if 200kbps is a flat rate change (and would have only changed by that much if I was getting 20mbps for example), or whether it is a percentage of your throughput.

Most of this stuff probably won’t make a huge difference, but I was able to get my ping to the BBC from 30 to 20ms (it has been as low as 12ms in the past, but I guess I’m being routed differently these days).

Even something as simple as using a combined modem/router rather than having seperate devices may help (especially if you use a wireless bridge)

my ping to super1nyc ranges from around 56 lowest to 90 highest, this is with my gaming mode switched on and nothing else taking up bandwidth, he’s one of the few americans I can play with minimal frame skipping, Im guessing he also has a decent upload speed to my location too, but bear in mind there is a very good connection infrastructure between london and newyork with very few if any hops

I also got cat5 cables and copper cable that connection to the phoneline. I did some major improvements to improve my gaming on MW2. I guess the important thing with online gaming is upload speed, try to get it as high as possible. I dont if being the host makes a difference in hdr, but in MW2 it certainly does.

there are also specialist gaming routers you can buy which I’ve heard are very good:

although I think a wired connection is always better than a wireless.

this is exactly what Im talking about, everybody is an expert on the forum, but putting it into practise is a different ball game. I’ve said many times im not talking about the average xbl balrog player.

All the dedicated guile players so far have agreed with me, only non dedicated guile players have said its not that hard. I guess the solution is for one of you guys to play 123corksrublo or louie using guile against their rogs and lets see if your theory can be put into practise. So who’s 1st to volunteer for the butchery???

If you’re going to give Ken’s Super the same range and safe-on-blockness as Boxer’s Super, then you better give Boxer a fireball, a 1st frame hitting Fierce Shoryuken and a Strong Shoryuken that is invincible for all its hitting frames too.

Boxer is not broken. Try using him for 1 day or a week, and see how difficult it is to charge TAP and use Rushes at the same time. I’m no slouch when it comes to dexterity, but I can’t sacrifice 2 of my fingers for a whole round. Maybe for 10 or 20 secs, but that’s it. IDK how Boxer players maintain it for the whole round. And players like Afrolegends and Daigo may make Boxer look like a monster combo machine, but it takes a lot of coordination and practice to get Boxer even to a decent level. I tried maining Boxer for a while, but then I realized that it’s almost as difficult to get good with him as it is with Dhalsim.

Thread should be closed.

Wired is always better. I would generally avoid “gaming” routers as it tends just to be standard fare but made to look easier. In other words, it’s just marketing. My modem/router has a feature called QoS, which is what they call Game Fuel. It simply allows you to set priorities for MAC addresses, ports or whatever. Of course the best thing is just to not use the PC when playing online.

I wasn’t saying ken’s super should be like that, I was just saying that contained between their supers, there is no comparison, boxer has a better super.

I never said Kens was better. Irrepressible was complaining about how the first swing of Rog’s super was 100% red hitbox. I just compared it to Kens’ who is 100% red hitbox for the entire active hit duration of the super. So are a few other supers.