Damn, can we all stop arguing and shit? I don’t know what the grudge is between Expo and Shari but you’re both really good dudes in my opinion. Besides, if you’re both Swedish why not just settle it out in a fist fight
It’s also worth noting that it’s hard to react to anything Boxer does at low jab rush distance considering psychic DP is more punishable than psychic headbutt. I wouln’t rely solely on an argument about Boxer’s corner game because Ryu’s corner game is equally brutal given his fireball traps.
Sharizord 10 - 2 ExposedD.
Let’s see if he pulls trough on the recording.
GGs though i really enjoyed it.
Apparently ExposedD does not share my sentiment:
Allow me to translate:
Congratulations you just won 1 million.
Still think you suck.
Anyone can learn to walldive like you do.
How the fuck do you manage against Guile players ?
I bet you get raped every time.
Feel free to brag on the forums.
I don’t care.
Last line hard to translate but that’s the meaning of it.
What I don’t get is if boxer’s rushdown is so easy (or replace with any of the equally laughable complaints like “claw’s wall dive is so easy” or “ST o.Sagat’s tiger shot spam is so easy”), why not spend 2 weeks practicing and proving it? Surely, in that decent chunk of time, folks can master such easy tactics and show them off against decent players. Personally, I think boxer rushdowns are really easy to stop if the boxer player doesn’t have a good game plan down. Wall dives take a lot of positioning and aren’t even a 50/50 against good enough players.
But despite hearing these bold claims so often (more so a couple years ago in my case, maybe because I go matches without wall dives for fun nowadays), nobody has ever bothered proving their case to me by showing how easy things really are. Or maybe they try to, quickly realize they’re wrong, and just repeat the rhetoric as an excuse. But I would very much like to be proven wrong and see somebody take 2 weeks to get a handle on something I don’t think I’ve quite gotten in 2 years. It would definitely force me to re-examine my practice mentality.
All this shit-talking to me and now nothing ?
I am disappointed.
I think that a lot of the cast has a spammable move that will stop all of the rushing punches except for the TAP. Balrog can beat those moves (or trade favorably) using stuff like crouching roundhouse or strong, but, in order to get into position for that, he needs to give up charge.
That said, the properties of his charging punches - especially the low jab one - are pretty gross. Too fast to counter on reaction, guaranteed frame advantage on hit or block, and huge extention on the hitting box so there’s a high chance of trading in his favor.
Was reading something on pg. 3. Anyone wanna tell me how Vega beats M. Bison? That matchup is total rape for Vega, its hard as hell.
- Bison can almost react j. mp walldives
- Tick throws are Vega’s biggest weakness
- Bison can out-poke Vega
- Both are fast
I know Vega has the walldive loop going in his favor but its hard getting that one knockdown. Same with Honda, I can’t believe some people would say its 5-5. Honda can literally crouch and just wait.
Vega’s worst matchups in HDR (no order): Dee-Jay, Dictator, Honda, Balrog
He loses all of those to varying degrees.
u sure?
It depends if you’re referring to Bison and Vega in their American names or Japanese.
Also, on a more serious note… IMO, I think you almost have to be a true expert in your respective character to TRULY KNOW the little nuances that make a difference in a character match-up that on paper or on not the highest levels of play, seem lopsided. Know what I mean?
Dictator’s st. mk, st. rh, and cr. mk are a nightmare to deal with.
So just checked my messages and ExposedD actually sent me a voice message saying he was sorry and felt kind of stupid considering i beat him quite easily. (his words)
I already sent him a message saying i would like to play him some more some time so if you read this feel free to add me or whatever.
Love is in the air
They’re both Swedish so it wouldn’t have to be long distance. I can see it now…
Ex: yo brooooooo
Shar: ja ja ja
^ uncanny
Trying to use big words when not knowing how to spell them is pretty funny. Carry on…
Did you know? Ken vs Boxer is considered a slightly harder matchup than Guile vs Boxer. No offense Irrepressible, but maybe you just need to forget about turtling for that specific matchup and try some other tactics? Sure turtling works against the majority of players online and characters, the same way I can rush people down, but against Gief, Dictator and Boxer, my game style is very different from my auto pilot style. Not because I have to though, because it’s more effective.
Personally, vs Boxer is a match I like, because I find it easy to zone him. It tends to revolve around creating initial space at the start of the round and keeping an erratic flow of fireballs coming to him. His options are to block them, floaty punch over them or headbutt through them. Headbutts can be punished by walk up sweeps, roundhouse, or if they are pretty close, a knee bash. Floaty punches can sometimes be messed up with another fireball (which they may be forced to block, taking chip damage), or walk up sweep/roundhouse if you are close enough.
It’s a simple enough strategy, so I’m sure you could take that pattern of the matchup and adapt it to Guile. Create some space at the start of the round. Maybe stick out cr.forward to stuff any low rush punches (not sure if it trades or whatever, but a trade can be good for creating space too). Alternate between fierce and jab booms at full screen. Jab booms are hard to get around and they may be tempted to headbutt through them. Fast booms will probably hit the recovery of the headbutt. If he is close, boom to bait a headbutt, but instead of walk up roundhouse, or sweep, how about fierce backhand or a reaction flash kick if you have charge?
Remember that the recovery on the booms is awesome. If Ken can throw a fireball and walk up punish a headbutt, I’m sure Guile can do the same. I tend to stutter step or start walking towards as soon as I come out of recovery, so I am in position to punish either a headbutt with sweep/roundhouse/kneebash/dragon punch, or a floaty punch with another fireball, which I will then walk back and reset the trap.
Actually, this is pretty funny. Guile is like one of my weakest characters, but here I see Muteki doing roughly what I described.
I think it really boils down to the fact that people don’t like losing to one move(or set of similar move’s in boxer’s case), used over and over. People of varying skill levels also bitch a lot about Ryu/Guile/Sagat’s fireball spam, Gief/Hawk’s throw spam, Sim/Ken/Blanka’s throw loops, Honda’s HHS spam, etc. To varying degrees losing over and over and over to the same thing just feels frustrating. And depending on your appreciation, or lack thereof, for the nuances in the game, it can also be boring to watch.
I think most decent players recognize that for each of these tactics, most of the skill revolves not on the repeatable move itself, but in setting it up. It also takes a varying amount of skill to keep the loop going. In the fireballer’s case, it’s relatively easy to set up, but often hard to keep going. In the case Gief/Hawk cornering you and SPD-ing you to death, it’s hard to set up but relatively easy to keep going. Each of these has a different balance on how hard it is to set up vs how easy it is to keep going. As a Claw player, I’m sure you’re acutely aware of how well you have to play a given match “for real” until you get the luxury of wall diving them to death.
Many intermediate players don’t approach these setups the right way. They often ask “How do you beat X?” or “How do you get out of Y?”. Of course the real answer is to play very carefully and never allow yourself to get put into that position. Once you’re setup for the loop/rushdown/zone of doom you’ve already failed. But even once people realize that it’s still often much easier said than done. Hence people’s frustration.
TLDR: Loops are often easy to do. They’re also often hard to get going. Don’t let them get it going.
I wish people would stop saying that / pointing it out. It always feel like 8-2 Ken whenever I play. TT__TT