Balrog is a broken character (rant warning)

lol u sound like h5n1 psykup …anytime fool, providing ur ping is below 60

atleast u didnt deny me domolishing you the last time we played, what I found funny was that you actually chose balrog cos of what I’d written here…lmao and u got owned, ur ryu…owned…ur vaunted vega…owned!!!

Ye you did win one game against my Vega last time we were in a room together i won’t deny that, too bad you left after that though i wonder if you could have gotten more.
I don’t care about losses i get with any other character though.

So later tonight around 20:00 ?

fine, providing ur ping is 60 or lower, Im not doing a challenge against a vega in a high ping match

But you will still claim how you owned me and how bad i am during those same conditions ?

where did I say u was bad? Infact didnt I mention you as one of the best EU players on the xbox forum. You’re a prick and I think you are perculiar but I wont deny when somebody is a good player just cos I dont like them,

what I said was that I owned all the characters you chose against me, inlcuding ur vega and what I found ironic is that you have never chosen balrog against me before until you read this thread and you tried using rog against me with dire consequences for you.

Unwarranted self importance.

I guess when you say someone’s Vega is vaunted or that they got owned.

You simply mean i won that time.
But he is still a good player.

Gotcha. :tup:


Not gonna respond to this ?

^ This… saying someone got “owned” is a rather extreme term for losing once or twice, or even a bunch- and the circumstances of the game especially don’t matter in HDR where a “perfect” can actually be a really close win at times. The term seems to imply a lot more than just winning - eg. both you guys can “own” my DeeJay if you want to put it like that, cos I know if I played either of you I’d be lucky if I could win 1 out of 10, and that’s based on lots of games against both of you.

However even if you used it vs me I think this “own” (or PWN if you like) term is very silly and just designed to cause offence, so I wish people wouldn’t use it for anything other than a joke. I use it like that, it’s actually for mocking people who really talk/think like that when I use it, it’s completely tongue in cheek.

So yeah, please Irrepressible, if you’re wanting to show reasonable respect to a good player, this kind of language isn’t really doing it.

“Same route that exposed went” ? Hahahahah dont make me laugh.

You’re garbage.

I’ll play you first to 10 TONIGHT… 10 pm swedish time. I’ll record the games also to show everyone what a scrub you are.

sharizord is joke, but a weird joke cos he aint funny.

remy…no offence, you’re a cool dude, but did u read the entire exchange between me and shari?..he was deliberatly trolling looking for a forum fight, but he didnt consider that my intelligence is superior to his, he cannot reason against my logic so he lowered himself to challenging me to a 1st to 10, just like h5n1 psykup, even though it was only a short time ago that I humbled and subjegated his balrog, vega and even his ‘vaunted’ vega was forced to yeild and bow before the usa airforce’s finest captain.

his vega is nothing more than a lag enhanced, frame skipping vega in reality, no lag = no win for him.

I’ve beaten that piece of shit so many times b4. He still thinks he can prove something by playing me first to 10 … lol hahhaah…
I might just aswell get it overwith to shut the bitch up.

You should do the same. Then we can both pick on him.

i can only speak for ryu vs rog, and i think rogs corner game is broken. he gets away with way too much when hes got you in the corner. its like hes invincible from a certain distance and everything you can do is an extremly unsafe guessing game. i would like to record a training match with the hit boxes on just so i can see how much of a red wall is in front of rog and how little blue there is to actually hit back.

Afro beats everyone, thats kinda his “thing”…lol

But yeah, its a tough matchup, you really cant make any mistakes, if you bait out a whiffed headbutt its 1/3 of his health (if you have charge). At the tourney I just went to last weekend I ended up facing a pretty solid Rog, its hard as nails, but doable, 6-4 Rog. (Guiles is a nasty stuff for the dash, cr lk and lp can stuff as well, and hit confirm for decent damage, new rh FK can mid screen his dash as well, the headbutt is the real pain in the ass, you HAVE to bait that shit out or your a dead man…it sucks, I know.)

But, to be fair, I did end up pulling out Sim to save my life, lol. (even Honda for shits and giggles)

So lets see.

21:00 GMT+1 The guile player.


22:00 GMT+1 The dictator player.

This should be fun.

I would very much like it if we could get someone to spectate it

Man, too bad I don’t have an Xbox. Irrepressible, I would love to show you how to do a proper corner beatdown with Balrog.

What is the matter with you people? If you are going to play online then except that there will be lag.

Irrepressible, your attitude has been on an icy slope for a while, you weren’t this bad before(it seems anyways)

Shari, sometimes you do, do stuff just egg people on(whether you realize or not)

If irr wants to make an ass/idiot of himself that’s fine, but don’t always have to respond.

@mikeidge, I kind of agree, I think boxer is too good when played right, his offense is ridiculous, and I’ve yet to seem him actually get zoned.

I’m with you, but to play devil’s advocate: If Boxer gets in on you (as a shoto), he should deserve the win. However, playing as Ken, who is quicker than Ryu, I find it easier to not get stuck in the corner and easier to punish whiffed headbutts.

He does. If a shoto or Sim catch him on a corner, it is just about impossible to get out if played right (and Rog doesn’t have super). When played at the highest level, Rog has a hell of a time starting his offense.

I saw a great youtube jap tourney footage the other day(I’ll try to find it again) of a Sim player just killing Rogs left and right by getting them into a corner. It was gross.

So this turned out just like i expected it to:

Let’s see if the Swedish Dic will do any better.

LOL sick! This topic is awesome.