Balrog is a broken character (rant warning)

Yeah, if Guile is close enough he might as well cut down on the effective start up on your sonic boom.

Yeah it is. However I think some players have trained themselves to counter poke in reaction to a kick rush. They time so that if they block a low rush the poke doesn’t come out, but if you wiff a kick rush, they poke you as you walk forward for the throw. This technique probably still loses to headbutt, though. Sorry I can’t do anything about that except suggest baiting it and coutnering with Flash Kick.

As a Rog player, one of his most broken aspects in ST is the almost option-select like quality of his whiff dash into jab headbutt. What you can try is whiffing the dash, then as you’re there right in their face (but not too close), waiting a split second before doing the jab headbutt. I find that this technique actually works best against strong players, because they are already comfortable with defending against a standard whiff rush->headbutt with no delay. So they’re expecting the dash->headbutt sequence, and ready to block it, but they don’t expect a delay between the whiff and headbutt. The delay triggers an instinct to stick a poke out (for example, Ryu’s cr.MK), but it’s precisely when they decide to stick a limb out that your headbutt comes out.

That said, on the whole I limit the amount of headbutt shenanigans as it’s often hard to space yourself correctly so that the headbutt is safe on block. Often times it simply leaves you at frame disadvantage, and you can be punished accordingly (e.g. shoto sweep, Guile can do cr.MP->flashkick).

Regarding Rog’s super: it can be interrupted with a flashkick if the super lags, however Rog can avoid this by inputting a kick for the second punch of the super, which causes the subsequent punches to hit with full frame advantage as expected. This is especially useful for Rog when he has super and corners Guile; if he executes super and it’s blocked, this technique is essential to avoid getting reversal flashkicked.

Every character in the game can benefit or hurt from lag. It largely depends on the matchup and/or how legit people play it. For example:

Decent Ryu vs Decent Honda in Medium lag = Advantage Ryu. It’s even harder for Honda to get around fireballs he can’t see coming
Decent Ryu vs Spammy Honda in High lag = Advantage Honda. Honda shouldn’t spam torpedo and HHS in this match, but he can cause of lag and it jacks decent Ryu’s legit strategy.

So, it all depends on the matchup. In general, Vega often has an advantage in laggy matchups because he can move around quick and it can be tough to counter his moves. Lag can work against him depending on character, playstyle, and level of scrubbiness. It all depends.

Also, as an aside, combos don’t suffer that much in HDR or ST on GGPO. Because of CONSISTENT input delay, once you begin your combo it’s just a matter of rattling out the buttons. Nothing changes during your combo. In contrast, SF4 has variable lag that changes during the match. Couple that with 1-frame links and you have a recipe for distaster. God the netcode sucks in that game!

vega excels in lag because he relies on his slide and pokes which are fast and have pretty high piority, so these are enhanced by lag.

I find that once balrog is in, is pretty much over for guile. You cant boom when rog is close cos he can punch through and trade and comes off better of than guile. Also when in close balrogs crouching punches simply out piorities anything guiles has. Also when I play good balrogs they can whiff a buffalo headbutt and go straight into a headbutt grab before you can even punish it.

I keep telling ppl, the anti rog techniques they are prescribing here simply dont work against an excellent rog, sorry but this matchup is 7-3 rog.

That’s what i said.

The bold area should be impossible, thats lag man. You can punish any headbutt that whiffs if you are on the ball. And yes, once Rog is in you are in trouble, but you can push him out. Also, Rog does NOT out priority “everything” Guile has, not by a long shot.

Your getting locked into a bad mindset man, I have been there before, Guile can handle Rog, always could and always will.

No one’s arguing that Boxer vs. Guile is a 7-3. We’re just trying to help and give advice. And yeah, if you can’t punish wiffed Headbutt then it’s probably lag. I try to bait that whenever I play against a Boxer and punish with whatever my character’s punish is. Also, why would we precscribe anti-boxer techniques if they didn’t work? We’re all trying to contribute what we’ve seen work from experience. If it doesn’t work for you, you have to either practice more or it might be lag.

See my sig.

Wouldn’t that mean your dic is weak if guile can break it so easily. :wgrin:

Wanna find out? Lets see if you need one hand or two to beat my Dic.

Okay gay jokes are over for me. I’ve filled my quota for a while.

You don’t have that great of reflexes then. That’s an easy throw/flashkick…

be cafeful of what you suggest because somebody will delete you if you suggest things from a player they don’t like even if it is helpful lol

marsflash, I remember you have your communications blocked on XBL but could we play again sometime?

lol! Man, dictator jokes never get old.

Btw I’ve encountered onehitparry’s dic last night and I have firsthand knowledge that he is broken.

Oh man :rofl: you guys don’t stop.

I’m probably the only one who understands what Mars means LOL

I kinda figured what it meant and then mars confirmed it lol.

After a really bad day, that was really :rofl:

Thanks man!