Balrog is a broken character (rant warning)

Against YOUR Guile.
I have played you and watched yoo on GGPO.
You dont understand how to use Guile against Rog.
Maybe you are different on HDr

Fuck you mean?

Did you not see me weigh in first?
I’m a Rogger too. I’m not good enough to have my post close this thread?

Afrolegends is the current reigning world champion HDR player who also happens to play Rog. You are just some guy who plays GGPO ST. That’s why EgoTrip said what he said.

Ha ha. You kept beating the snot out of me. I was lucky to get that one win.

Pretty sure he was joking. Do you need a ladder to catch that one?

… :shake:

I said snot, not jizz! Sheesh. I was being serious for once.

But you were thinking it.

:rofl: Yeah he definitely needs to get his mind out of the gutter.

Balrog is definitely not broken in HDR and is much better and faster in ST. His extra recovery on his jab headbutt seems to be changed to prevent the safe on block abuse which is fine. The problem is he is much easier to zone because of this extra recovery. This helps zoners a lot more especially ryu and ken. I will even go as far to say with balrogs nerfs and ryus fake fireball that the match is 6-4 in ryus favor. I have been playing both characters and know both sides of the matchup well.

As for guile, ask Marsgatti2009 he has the match down more than any guile I have played. He makes the match seem even. He has the best anti rog guile I have ever played by a large margin. He actually is aggressive vs balrog and any knockdown he takes advantage of balrogs weak wake up game and knows his safe jumps and tick throw attempts. He will also combo you into a flash kick or super if you mess up when guessing. He also zones very well in the matchup too but what really makes him tough is the aggressiveness he uses. Most guiles will get a knockdown and not use it but balrogs weakness is his wakeup game and must be taken advantage of because the safe jumps are so easy. If you are not taking advantage of balrogs weak wake up game with most characters then it will feel imbalanced when it is just not knowing the match up.

Another tip for Guile for the Guile vs. Boxer match up. Thanks to Thrust I now know that Guile can punish a wiffed st. fierce (which I was using as a poke) with a Flash Kick. You have to be pretty good with your reaction time, but it severely punishes Boxer for trying to poke you out of your sonic booms.

I use this sometimes, but with lag, more often than not the FK gets blocked. I’ve started flask kicking rog out of his super after the 3rd hit, again this only works reliably in low ping matches