Eh slow day at the office so i’ll chime in.
They are not going to make t.hawk smaller. He has always been the biggest character in every game he’s been in hold Hugo (yet to be seen since they’ve never been in the same game).
SPD - Fine as is
Tomahawk Buster - 5 frame DP like Sagat on all three with 35-45 degree angle instead of a 60 degree angle. BnB involving fp TB with AA as mp TB or lp TB. Invulnerability fine as is. Lower hitbox as well with his waist having a hitbox instead of only his face/upper chest.
Dive - Fine as is. Godly damage and armor break for a grappler. Only complaint is usable on backwards direction jumps should be possible. Maybe allow this only for EX CD.
Spire - Startup needs drastic reduction. Currently at 20/20/20/15. Should be along the lines of 13/13/13/15. Range increase across the board with recovery frame reduction from 4+7 to 4+4 or 4+5. In its current state you can throw a 5 framer every time and punish him on whiff making it an unusable mix-up vs good players. -1 on hit or 0 on hit with -7/-8/-10 to -4/-5/-6 or something similar on block. EX should be at least -6 on block at all distances due to off the ground, fireball invincibility, forward movement, knockdown properties. Currently, condor spire just straight up needs work. 75% of these changes would make it infinitely better. Change to dp+kicks to prevent having to return to neutral when walking forward to get a spire.
Super - Fine
U1 - Fine
U2 - Startup at 3 currently is fine. Needs a better hitbox, hits backdash, damage reduction with easier input (qcf or qcb x 2 + kicks to prevent overlap)
Dashes - Fine
Focus - Fine
Normals - +4/+1 from +3/0, lp’s fine, UNDUCKABLE!, mk’s fine, fine, change from 10/5/22 to 11/3/17 or something similar with -9/-5 the same, c.hp instead of 90*50 to 120 single hit, cl.hp from +6/+2 to +4/+1, s.hp from 8/2/21 to 7//2/16 at -6/-4 with range increase. Splash hitbox change to wider instead of taller to prevent whiffing on deep cross-ups, j.hp stays out for 5 instead of 3, stays out for 6 instead of 4.
Things to not allow happen:
Comboable spire off of light attacks unless you’re left -4 or more (this would be op as fuk)
Comboable sweep unless his sweep gets changed to -14 or worse with a 1 frame link
Cancelable heavy attack and cancelable far medium attacks (too much dmg for a grappler with an spd range of 1.5)
Spammable far range poke like honda (too op for a 2 frame grab grappler, is the max distance probably before too op)
Spammable condor dive (scrub bait)
FADCing Tomahawk Buster would be op as hell for a grappler
Most people on this board and especially in this sub-forum couldn’t balance a character for shit so I don’t expect too many people to understand why some of these changes are necessary or unnecessary.