Balancing T. Hawk

very much seconded in increasing the range in spire. Actually the only buff that he needs. At least just enough range to counter Honda’s hp headbutt and Blanka’s vertical ball on block, that’s all I ask.

Also to enable Hawk’s U2 to catch people at any point during their jump, and to autocorrect on crossup.

The rest is fine.

He needs a gun that shoots bald eagles at the opponent.

Now I have been playing Hawk exclusively for a few weeks and had time to settle on some of his good and bad points I have a revised list of things that would make him better (I did one in another thread, but that was after 2 weeks of using him), but not overpowered (he may have issues, but he could easily go the other way):

  1. Input changes as loads of people have said for Spire (normal DP and kicks) and U2 (2 x qtr circle forward and punshces). Also as people have said, make it hitting hit box as opposed to a throw.

  2. Increase the damage of his LP SPD by 20 to 170 hit points. It is the throw of choice and yes you can mix up from it, but when it is only 10 more than some normal throws it seems a little light weight and it is not like you just land the move at every attempt vs good players anyway.

  3. Don’t change the range on any spires, just make them faster on start up. If spaced wrong they should still be punishable on block. I call for better start up to make them really useful in block strings (but you should not be able to combo into them for a hit off anything that can’t know, but if they try and jump away they get caught by it). It should be fast enough that you can use them purely in block strings so your opponent has to play a 50/50 on block. As an example try and make it a true block string off s.lp, s.lp, s.lp, xx mp spire. If the first 4 moves hit, the spire should not land imo, and if they are blocked it should force a situation that pins them in place for your mix up game. The whole point of spire was to close space, yet where Capcom went wrong was making it a motion that is in the opposite direction to moving forward and making the start up take an age…other than that the move has lots of potential.

  4. Give his LP Tomahawk, more priority or some invincibility frames similar to HP on start up. It is his fastest DP and yet is only useful if you put it out the instant your opponent jumps - there is no use for it as a late DP, yet it has the fastest start up. As an alt, just make HP a little faster.

  5. Allow Dive from jumping away and have it execute a little faster (maybe just a frame or 2) to punish fireball users a little more effectively from mid screen. This way it will keep them more honest and you can be a little more tactical with your EX meter instead of burning it trying to get close or psychic EX Spire. Otherwise, still leave it as unsafe on block as it is right now as it should not be there to spam imo.

  6. I will leave the best (or worst) until last, and this may very well be asking too much for the character and taking him beyond the tipping point of becoming too overpowered from tweaks. Give him an Air throw or a second type of grab! He is a grappler for crying out loud and the other true grapplers in the game have 2 lots of grabs - Hakan with SPD, air throw and DDT, Abel with Tornado and Air grab and Zangief with Punch or kick versions of his grabs (one of them being a 1 framer from close distance). Someone please explain why Hawk has 1 type? I am thinking a kicks grab, low hitting only! They can be blocked a bit like the end of Abels COD, but think of the mind games - your opponent is in a jab block string and scared of the low grab so blocks low, giving you the chance to keep them in place. It would really force people to be really frightened of Hawk up close. The animation could be him grabbing their ankle, swinging them over his head and slamming them to the ground the other side. To make it not rediculous, have it 3 frame start up?

honestly, he needs something to make his bad match-ups less horrible. fixing his horrible non-meter DP would go a long way in making him more solid, but I’m not sure what else to add that someone else didn’t already mention. a new grab gimmick like tanma pants mentioned might help somewhat, but I don’t see what’s the point of it grabbing low like he said when he has a command grab that’s grabs anyone standing in-front of him already. maybe improvements to his condor dive being a little better would help, seeing as its supposed to be one of his staples, but its but its insanely risky to use.

make thrust peak’s frame data less horrible.

Something tells me that Capcom prevented him from doing jump back dive because of the FA system. I also suspect that it gives him too many ways to play a keep away game. If he is allowed to do this they have to make it trade or lose to almost everything in the air. I’m often horrible at articulating things and that’s a bad trait for technical suggestion topics LOL! I just have a feeling.

Hawk players need help with Blanka/Sim/Honda/Guile…!

I don’t think he needs any new moves. This would change things too much and Ono stated that new moves would require a major revision of the game distributed on physical media-not DLC.

His bad match ups would be better resolved by buffing other parts of his game. just because you could punish HP headbutt or ball with something would not change a thing. I have played Honda for the last year and people would just use MP vesrion, which comes out as fast, but covers less ground and any Honda using HP headbutt from full screen is an idiot anyway as you can just neutral jump it or jump back and punish with a grab. The problem with Honda in the match is his hands pressure and getting close enough to him when he is zoning you with neutral jump fierce. Once he gets a lead he has all his options free, while you try and get in - the problem is hurting him more when you get in and getting in, in the first place, not punishing the odd unsafe special that good players would not use. Now if Hawk had a grab that you could execute on airbourne moves then that would be a different matter, but I don’t see it myself.

As for the low hitting grab, I have changed my mind and think it should be 1 frame, but has less range. It is just an idea.

FA system? why would they prevent jump back CD from being possible due to the FA system; what are they going to try to to focus other then a condor dive when you jump back? if they block the condor dive, you could potentially eat ultra. wasn’t the slightest bit overpowered in either Sf2 or A3, and it wouldn’t be here. it would only give him more options by allowing him to bait new moves and punish them

I agree with the statement about new moves being highly unlikely though.

unrelated: I think the development team believes that Grappler should only be good at grappling, first and foremost for some reason (basing this off what they said about Geif regarding his nerfs). this is why they made T.hawk’s DP so crap in this game.

If Hawk can still be punished just as easily if he had it on back jump, then why would he need it at all?

I don’t think Hawk is meant to be considered a true grappler due to his similarities to shotos.

I just posted that it would give him more options by allowing him to bait new moves and punish them. did you not read that? :confused:

hawk is a true grappler by the way, its how he’s meant to be played in ST. he’s considered an alternate grappler to Zangeif.

Apologies, I didn’t read it thoroughly. Isn’t Hawk designed to be a character that moves forward, not backward?

well, I don’t want to derail this, but general speaking your right; he is designed to move forward, not backwards.

regardless though it gives him more options, being in some character’s faces isn’t always optimal if your not right up against them, especially if they are putting the pressure on, so creating distance and moving the game to poking range can be a valid tactic every once in a while (this is character specific of coarse). I know it sounds weird, but I do that sometimes in sf2 when I’m not deep in enough that I don’t want to leave, and I’m able to catch something the opponent whiffs with a condor dive if I see it in time (like a fireball). its not a major thing nor does it happen often, but it gives him an extra tool, and it certainly doesn’t hurt him to have it.

I would LOVE if you could do Condor Dive during a backwards jump. Juri can do it, why not Hawk?

It wouldnt fix his glaring problems though unfortunately but would be a nice touch.

Balancing T. Hawk = Remove Blanka & Akuma from the game :slight_smile:

Tamana, I’d like to get some matches in with you at some point, just got back from hols, and back on there raring to go (see not much has changed, shoto army etc., people still staying on the ground letting me get in with U1 for an easy comeback and so on lol).

:rofl:That’s a bit extreme. I think it would be better if Capcom change the properties of certain moves of Hawk’s or Blanka’s so that Hawk has a better chance of mounting an offense for Blanka. I find it incredulous that all of Hawk’s specials can be beaten by Blanka ball, and that Blanka can do nothing but sit there and spam blanka ball/upball when Hawk’s in range with no consequence when it’s blocked.

I’ve no problem with Akuma. Just find the chance to EX Spire through his fireballs and cr.hp/U2-ing his demonflips. You can deal with his teleports by Condor Diving or jumping backwards. It’s difficult but hardly impossible.

Not to mention if you do manage to get in on a Blanka they usually spam the electricity, which completely and utterly shuts down any splash crossups and grab attempts. It’s just a lose-lose situation for Hawk :frowning:

Really, all I want to see is:

Condor Spire becomes DP + K.

Raging Slash gets a bigger hitbox.

Hawk somehow gains the ability to beat Blanka and Akuma players.

Main thing I’d change for Timothy Hawkins is to make st.RH just flat out better in general. Quicker startup and recovery and bigger hitbox in all directions so it’s a better AA and a better long range poke.

Make cl.MP come out more easily as an AA, too. Neutral jumping against Hawk can be abit too good.

T.Hawk DP is actually not as horrible as you all make it sound. Its vulnerable on start up but has great priority after the start up frames. If you can’t react to jump-ins with it then you need more practice. Does great damage too.

Hawk’s main problem is fireball characters. Try getting in on Chun…there’s no way.

Solutions -

EX Condor Spire - Faster start up, travels farther, less damage. Recovery stays the same.
Conder Spire - Less recovery on all of them. Improves T.Hawk’s lackluster rushdown game.

I’d write more but I’m too tired.

st. RH is fine how it is. it’s already quite awesome. but you can’t overuse it. I think that fits a definition of “balance”. cl.MP is an extremely good AA for neutral jumps. hell, cr.fp/tomahawk/u2/thrust peak can all beat neutral jumps. neutral jumping against hawk = dead as long as you aren’t spamming wake up throw tech/360.