Bahrain thread

good shit Mr_Snow and gg’s to you and beast masta Steven aka slinkun. mvc3 matches will only get better every time we play. we need to jump up on that A.E next go round. i’m up for losing as many matches to get something going in that game :confused:

nothing much, we been gaming over at slinkun’s place. he’s got a great setup going.

Yeah I left my MvC3 in your box so unfortunately I won’t be able to work on Doom until we play again. Can’t wait to get AE going, I can come close to winning a match against slink’s Guile with Sagat but he was using a pad. Gotta face him at full power to see how I can really compare.

thats great, im going to dubai this weekend so maybe the one after tht we can go to game-on ( at least once ) and showcase our skills :stuck_out_tongue: if it happens, I’ll tell my frnds and will get that place packed with beasts :smiley:
P.S i may not win, but sure im not gonna make it easy

I may not have the awesome vid set up that slink does but I have PLENTY of room in my apartment to host a gathering of players if ya’ll ever need it.

ohh snap. I gotta get you your game dude. i already have a copy, but did not realize it was still in the 360. next time i’ll be able to play will be mostly likely friday or saturday. let me know if you need it before then, i drop it off. wait, it maybe still over at steven’s place. :confused:

its slimkum we have to worry about. That guy is the beast in A.E. I gotta get my a-game up. i’m weak sauce in A.E =(

Nah you got it, Steve said he was gonna be busy all weekend except Saturday but you’re more than welcome over before then. We’ll get our AE game prime to overthrow him.

Yes, for those unaware, my place is in Juffair right next to that bar, Dublin. I have tons of room, surround sound, and a lagless HD 1080p projector. Screw game on, I’d rather host at my place any day. Plus, we can get loud and no one will give a crap.

site back up. sorry for the late shout out, but gg’s on the last marvel session. I crashed and burned, drop combos, no coordination, reckless assist calling etc etc…
Despite that, you guys are picking up steam fast in marvel. I’m gonna probably get fully back into the swing of thing’s when i get back to the states here in NOV. Time for me is so short so i gotta take care of last min things. Hopefully next session i can do a little better. ahah.

p.s where’s all the other Bahrain folks!!? you guys are missing out on good comp. These guys are not going to be here much longer as i’m already heading out in a little over a month now. Come out the wood works and get ya playing on! =)

Okay so I’ve been messing around. Steve is getting in by those double air dashes he can do. My thought is I can use Purification assist to set up a literal wall between us when he tries and either dash to safety or attack. Dormammu is a mixed opinion for me. Granted he’s powerful and synergizes well with my playstyle but I can’t get in with him, especially not against Steve’s Zero.

well with Dormammu you can put pressure on your opponet or you can play a solid keep away game. Any projectile assist with good range can aid. If you need to get in, you can do the “beware” and you have the options of either qcb L,M or H which will put you at different elevations around your opponet. Zero needs to get in close to setup for the most damage, so a keep away game is the best option especially with Dormammu.

Yah, I’m not really sure what to do about playing a zoning game against the likes of something like zero with the plasma beam assist. It feels really strong. I was thinking though that you should take a look at maybe getting taskmaster on your team in place of either sentinel or dorm. I think replacing your sentinel with taskmaster would allow you to keep your keepaway game after deadpool dies while still having options for the occaisional rushdown. He does amazing damage too and I think you could benefit with by the DHC glitch with cuttin’ time > shield… but not positive on that, you may need an OTG assist to make that work.

Honestly, I see Dorm as an anchor a lot and I’m not really sure why. It doesn’t seem like on his own he has a ton of options. His keepaway is good but it still has too many holes to be good on it’s own.

Hey fox, when are you going to be able to play again?

well, i’m kinda on coast mode right now as i’m trying to weed out major priorities at the moment. Getting most of my belonging’s shipped out, skype chat with my bro’s since at night here its day time in the states (setting things up). Also looks like we are shifting to 8 hour days 6 sections which means more time off which is expected to happen starting on the 5th of OCT. That will be the most ideal chance for me to game while at the sametime take care of other thing’s.

Hey doods. Looks like i will be up for games sometime next week as all the major stuff should be taken care of.

Great to hear, I leave for the states in 2 weeks so it’ll be great to get one more game night in before I don’t play for a month.

i hear ya man. Can’t wait to get back into the states hopefully next month i will be back there for good…fingers crossed

Hopefully we can get some of these other guys lurking in this thread to come out. Let’s actually set a date, I do have a 4 day weekend coming up. =)

Alright, the plan is a get together at my place on sunday, probably in the afternoon/evening. Got a few people already coming. If you are interested shoot me a PM and I can get you directions. It will be in Juffair.

alright, i will get there around 930pm on Sunday, and i can also play Monday night as well. Steven, we gotta get that dude we met at the all hands call. He seems like a serious player and funny to lol =)