Bad Players at Evo?

Apparently he was so passed out Sat night that they had to wheelchair him back to his room. Supposedly he was hitting on other guys and stuff too.

Bad players at Evo?

I was there in 2006. nuff said


Going to Evo or any major will get you so hyped to play.

My friend Tom and I went to Evo East last year. I was playing poker online as a good source of income, he was on a sponsored paintball team. After playing at East and realizing that I was a better player than I thought, I decided to become serious about the games again and we both quit our other major hobbies. (Although I am going to get back into poker when I have money and can legally join Full Tilt.)

You can learn from the best the only way one can learn SF… by getting beat down. Honestly you’ll never learn what you need to in training mode or reading these forums. Sure it’s fine to learn how to play a matchup, but once the theory fighter is out the window you’ll get fucked up! That’s partially why I’m not too big on the matchup forums for games like 3s… there are so many variables that you need to be “actually playing” all the time… it’s not just fireball/uppercut anymore.

You might also get raped, and learn something new in the tournament. At East I had a TV and Joey Crack’s PS2 setup for AE and I was playing ST Bison and had a pretty big streak over a lot of players, as well as some wins over some great EC ST players for casuals. However, when it came time to play the tournament I put Bison up against a match I didn’t know at all, Chun. I got peaced out 0-2 to two fucking Chuns cause I didn’t know the matchup was so bad. If I got flopkicked without meter, I couldn’t do much besides stand there and lose. If I had played Honda, I know I could’ve won, cause I know the matchup… live and learn. And I thought my worst matchup would’ve been Vega!

EDIT: What, Daigo’s gay? I heard Nuki was… imagine if Nuki and Amir started dating, ugh there’d be no end to the Chun ownage.

man when I had to help wheelchair daigo to his room (after I fished him out the toilet from him puking up his guts hahaha) and stop drunk Raoh from fighting with the security guard. Didnt really help i cant speak japanese

Huh, Ricky Ortiz? Me?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The “Gay” Beast

I think he was just really drunk.Supposedly he has a family in Japan(Which is one of the reason’s as to why he isn’t in the StreetFighter mix as much anymore).

just play random scrubs after you lose in official pool. that will boost your ego(if you have any…I dont…I just wanna play lol)

You shouldn’t think about getting perfected. Instead, think about how you’re going to perfect your opponents.

shake off them (non-existent) haters and just go man.

i will never understand cable perfects against normal opponents.

If someone actually laughs at you, just flip them off. Even if it’s a whole group. Fuck them. Even the best players in the world get perfected every once in awhile.

I’m trying to make it this year so don’t worry, no matter how bad you are, I’m worse :tup:

i suck and i’ll be there


Honestly dude, do not miss the chance. It will be the most fun you ever have, even if you suck. My first EVO story is floating around the EVO East thread somewhere. Nothing like it.

Earlier this year, I played in my first tournament in Northbrook, and I was perfected in my 2nd match by a mean Makoto. (Yeah, you Blizz) Was I embarassed? Nope. He came up to me afterward and shook my hand.

Everyone I met there was cool as hell, and that perfected didn’t make me quit… It only made make the switch from pad to stick. :lovin:

I had a great time, and I can’t wait to get perfected again at Evo North.

I played against Demon Hyo in Marvel and I got raped. (One or two guard breaks with Magneto) (2 unblockables with Sentinel) IN ONE FUCKING GAME.

Don’t worry about getting owned/beasted by top players. Missing out on Evo doesn’t make any sense unless there is no way possible you can get there.

No one will heckle you, especially if you lose to a top player (luck of the draw sometimes). You getting perfected by, like, Daigo, is far more likely to be met with, “Yeah, me too, man; he’s really good,” than anything discouraging. And, you never know. You might end up doing better than you expected (I took one match against Arturo last year, and he’s WAY better than me).

i faced Jwong at tekken 5 last year…perfected me and i felt like shyt…although now i think it would be a different story…losing sucks…but its the only way to improve ur game…

Wow, after reading through this thread again. Its one giant boost of confidence. Thanks guys and see you at EVO finals.