AZ Thread. hAZbats start this saturday! 1/21. Check First posts

Yes, discounted TEs!

Just booked my plane ticket to Tempe for Sept. 14th-17th (Wednesday-Friday). Gonna visit my fiance that’s going to ASU.

I’m gonna try and make it out to casuals if there are any during the time I’m there.

I host on wednesdays usually, so there definitely will be.
If your staying friday night there might be a big tournament… friday bi-monthly tournament.

Well if your pc and connection are great then no, but the problem is that a lot of people have a laggy setup or a pc that slows down occasionly and that will effect the game.

Ok guys am working on the schedule for my tournies and after talking with the wifey we decided that my tournies will be every other Fri & Sat and my plan is 3rd Strike/ AE/ MVC3 (Capcom day) on Friday from 5pm till 3am and Blaze Blue/ Mortal Kombat 9 will be on Saturday from 3pm till 7pm. that’s the best I can do so gimme ur feedback and am gonna start asking for confirmation about the setups that you guys will bring soon. (everything will be recorded and streamed for both days)

I can guarantee most people won’t make the trip out there twice.
I know you want to run all the tournaments possible but… its just too much time.
I stand strongly by my suggestion of just:

BlazBlue / MVC3 / SFIV

Blazblue and Marvel finish pretty fast or can anyways so its nice to run them first. SFIV also probably has the most entries for now and always takes some time so I would suggest running that last.

I think you should just stick to one day, because even if you put two games like MVC on friday and SFIV on saturday I still would probably only show up once due to money, gas, time constraints and just the fact that I don’t like my entire weekend gone because of fighting games sometimes.

In regards to BlazBlue:

They showed up in full force and had the numbers and the hype to get a tournament. Regardless of whatever game is played, this is a fighting game community, and the tournaments that are run are dictated by the attendance. Attendance is key and whoever brings the bodies gets to have their tournament. This is pretty straight forward and nobody can really take that away which is why I think they should be the third tournament for now.

In regards to Marvel vs Capcom 3:

wolvering is herp derp dive kick

In regards to SSFIV Arcade Edition:

blanka is lame, seth is king

In regards to Mortal Kombat:

Last friday was their chance to show what they’ve got as a scene and to rep their stuff, and we supposedly only had 2 people. The excuses that came right after we put them on blast were just retarded. I don’t think we should put anything up for MK for now. If they show up in attendance later and it all looks promising, put it back up on the map.

In regards to** 3S Online:**

I think we should wait and see what kind of scene it will have. I know a few people will buy the game but like all new games probably a small percentage of those initial people will probably stick with it if even that. 3SO is a fun game, but it is an older game that has already come and gone scene wise (No disrespect at all, I know it is still very well played). I think our type of scene is more geared towards the new gen than playing the old, as it probably should be.

Yeah man, making the trip out is really hard. It’s a 45 minute trip both ways for me and I’m sure similar if not worse for most others. Its not even headcount you need to take into consideration for this. If you run Capcom on one day and MK9/Blazblue on another you will have no setups for MK9/BlazBlue

I wouldn’t even bother with the MK9 scene at this point. You tried to make it work for them and only two people showed up. Props to those guys who showed up but I wouldn’t expel extra effort on setting up an MK9 tourney at this point. If they want to have casuals thats cool but they didn’t bring it the day we were trying to figure shit out.

I agree with Armando. BlazBlue/MvC3/AE. If you have at least five 360 setups MvC3 can go extremely fast.

I pretty much agree with Armando. More than three tournaments on a single day seems like it is simply too much to manage, but extending it to Friday and Saturday is just overkill.

I think 3SO should be more of a side tournament if anything unless people really show huge interest for the game. I honestly love the game, but I don’t think I’ll even have the time to really pick it up on a tournament level. It is definitely worth giving a shot though.

MK claims to have a thriving scene elsewhere, and the fact that two people showed up last time makes me think they can just keep on enjoying their game wherever they play it. You gave them a cordial invite and they couldn’t be bothered, so their loss I suppose. You can always run casuals on the side.

Blazblue folks came out in force and and put on a fun show for the people like me who don’t understand their game. I think there is a good chance of sparking a bit of crossover between these communities should they continue their interest in coming out.

But in the interest of getting these tournaments to run smoothly with the maximum amount of people, I think running just Blazblue, MvC3 and SSF4 on Friday or Saturday is the way to go.

Two plus weeks is definitely not enough of a notice. Youre lucky you guys even got the two MK9 kids that you did! /

FYI there’s a mortal kombat tournament today… let’s place bets.
5 dollars on 4 people total showing up!

I gotta say I Haz, I agreed that it should be BB OR Mk9 MvC3 AE on one day… Dont strain yourself tryin to put TOO much shit to together… Friday of saturday doesnt matter to much though I like friday but I know it can be a strain for some people on a Friday… Just try and personally get in touch with some of the Mk9 players and let them know that you want to hold a tourney for their game, I honestly have no Idea where to post info for only Mk9 players though…

for BB just post in Dustloop to see if they even want to have another tourney and go from there…

good shit Haz…!!!

p,s, fuck arnol(D) hes a stinky scrooge…

fridays please. i know i havent called ya hazem. thats my bad.

you need to get a headcount prior to the tournament, on how many people will bring setups. Maybe they should pm you, confirming what they are bringing. so that way you know whos bringing what. also, since bb gets ran on ps3(is there a difference between xb and ps3?) make sure you have enough of each console. I think to compensate players for bringing their gear, they should get their door fee waived or discounted, since they are helping the tournament run smoother. this will get more people to bring setups. You need people to make a commitment to their word, on bringing setups.

you can run 4 tourneys easy in one night. just have 2 running at the same time. another fix, that coulda been done easy, to save a lot of time with last weeks format, is when one tourney is getting down to the final 4, the next game tourney should already be started(if its behind schedule). By the time the grand finals finish from the first game, the first round matches(usually not any noteworthy matchups for stream) on the next game will be over, or close to it. that saves over an hour of time right there. This part is very important. the bracket software allows multiple brackets. just make sure you save a lot, in case things go wrong.

in summation, the solutions are:

  1. get people to commit to bringing setups, waive/discount their door fee.

  2. run 2 tourneys at once. OR, if theres a lot of setups, tourneys can finish fast and still do one at a time. 5 setups + 32 man bracket = less than 2 hours. Even faster if you start the next tourney during final 4 and they are utilizing the other 4+ setups.

  3. No excuses, make sure first tourney starts on time.

  4. keep it on friday. and 2 days is a really bad idea. you are asking players to give up their entire weekend to gaming. and asking a lot of people to make a cross city trip, 2 days in a row. that will just hurt attendance

Haz, if it makes any difference we always do our tournament on Saturdays. Not that we do that many, but we will be going to once a month. Since we really want phoenix to show, we have no choice but to run it on Saturdays. It’s not like we can’t work it out if you decide to do it both days.

I totally understand ur concern guys but my idea was make 3 games that have the same crowd in one day “3s/AE/MVC3” and the next day is the other games that have a different crowd “MK9&BB” since us the CAPCOM people doesn’t play BB or MK9. I hit up the MK people on TYM site so will see what they r gonna say and take it from there. will post an update as soon as I hear from them for sure and thanks alot for everyone for the ideas :rock:

Also, if you anyone needs specific parts from Seimitsu or Sanwa and want to purchase them on the tournament day (17th) let me know as I am about to place an order with my vender in Japan.

ed, just make sure my stick is still there when i come by =) i would love some new seimitsu buttons, but im not sure how my budget is gonna look at that time

I would love it if this Friday is BB, AE, and MvC3 again. This will be the last Friday before I move back to Flagstaff, so that would great for me.

On a larger scale though think we should wait to see how consistent/dedicated of a scene 3SO creates before giving it a guaranteed spot.

But I honestly think replacing BB with 3SO after this Friday might be a good option, because I think BB players willing to drive out there will dwindle more as the semester goes on.

I know you and Tubazo are going back to Flag, Cheyne is going to be back in Tucson and I’ll be out of the country for a few weeks. It was great that you let us have a tourney at your place but I agree with Spiteful, the numbers might dwindle due to the distance and knowing that many people won’t be able to make it now that school is starting back up. 3SO might hit it bigger with you guys.
Again, we really appreciate it, but school and work is going to start getting more in the way.

Games tonight if anyone is interested

Ok guys am confirming it Friday 26th will be Blaze Blue/ MVC3 & AE from 5pm till 3am . now I need confirmation about setups from the BB people and from our MVC3/AE people here. I really like the idea of weaving entry fees for bringing setups but I have to consider my electricity money first b4 I make a decision like that so for now I’ll just keep it as it was last Friday till I figure something out about it. Again thanks alot for everyone’s Help I really appreciate it :china: