AZ Thread. hAZbats start this saturday! 1/21. Check First posts

lol his name is Alex, and that was actually his place, I live over on university/dorsey hahaha, but no worries man, I enjoyed the shit outta our matches =D

Hahaha! I’m a delivery man broski, I’m always burnin rubba hehe, had to get my SF fix, need more Rufus practice, and cowbell lol

I believe ed changed the tucson tourney to the 17th

Edit: stupid swype

I’ll be at amandos tonight. May not be til 10pm, depending if I take my gf to work or not

Scott, if you do end up going, will you critique my Bushinryu some more? Thx man. See you all there at 7:30 =)

Sure, I’m aways down to talk sf


it was nice to meet and play a few games last night with you guys, though i was in somewhat of a rush to get back to campus for free food

i’ll try to pick up a stick and the game (and a 360) and not get scraped as hard next time :wink:

The more I watch Guy matchup videos the more I realize the god-like effectiveness of Ultra 2…too bad I’m not pro enough to use it yet haha

Pm me the exact info you want. I’m not at my pc to update. Send me a pm so I won’t forget,

7:30 till whenever, games at my place
bring set ups and sticks cause I only got 2 set ups and 1 stick (and one set ups is a huge laggy tv haha! marvel anyone?)

+1 setup about 9…

hey armando, ppl headed to your place? where you located?

out of curiosity, is there anything wrong with SSF4 AE for the PC?

Hey guys… just a heads up; anyone who wants to pick up a new TE arcade stick, have a dual mod or some custom art - we have all that coming to DEVASTATION :wink:

are the TEs gonna be discounted? :slight_smile:

Armando thanks for having us over, fun as always.
GG’s to those I played at AE, I was that shitty Ibuki. I’ll figure things out eventually.

Custom art :D.

Thanks for hosting tonight, Armando. Had a blast.

Is it true TEs will be free for people with beards?

Yeah thanks again Armando, 4 setups omgz that was legit! Thx again to all of you for constructive criticism tonight, I appreciate it, gonna put it all in the lab this week and see what comes of it haha, especially that Ultra 2.

@Allen: Dude. Awesome matches. After playing your Guile I was finally able to slow myself down and play sensibly, I’m gonna try and play you first from now on at gatherings if possible =D no homo tho.