AZ Thread. hAZbats start this saturday! 1/21. Check First posts

Dual mods are great, when done right. Avoids the need of a second stick. I recommend

yeah it sucks when NO mk players so up to AiAb
esp tournies… :frowning:
Win/lose, I like playing…

Ps… planning to go to the sept third, but dunno if Ill enter, not practicing it

You guys at AiaB, do you happen to have any Sanwa JLF-H wiring harnesses? Radio Shack didn’t have the 5-pin connector I needed to fix my SE, and I’m headed to Vegas next week with a bunch of people who want to play. It won’t get here in time if I order online.

Looking for some AZ people to add to my FL…
I play reach with some MVC3… I try to main ssf4 but I suck…
Playing from the yuma area but may go to any bigger tourneys if theyre worth it…
Add me gt: Haunter AZ

Who’s goin to Tucson for the 3s even early September?

reece, i am depending on plans. its kinda 50/50 right now.

actually, abe told me he may push it back a week, since the current date is labor day weekend, which is why im not totally sure if i can go


i changed the tournament date because it was a holiday weekend and a lot of people told me they wouldnt be able to make it. I hope this works for everyones schedule an i hope to see you all there! =)

Ninja edit. You’re MvC Chris, right?

Nah thats my homeboy Roark hes in Mesa right now holding it down for us…

Seeing how Dota 2 is all European times and should be done by about 3:00 PM I’ll go to any Wednesday gathering today

Heya folks!

So, anyone have some DEVASTATION feedback?

Not that I expect everyone to be bubbling with joy or anything but it is our event; Arizona swings as hard, if not harder than just about every other event out there now. Heck, it is not even viewed as an “Arizona” thing by many people now, it just happens to be here.

Help me out, do you guys not feel a part of it, is there something I can do or not so much? I have always wanted the entirety of our community to be involved with this thing, which I know is unrealistic, but ya know… maybe a little :wink:

Just thought I would ask.

That aside, a few items:
[]OneMoreGame & LevelUp will be manning two of the Live Broadcasts
]We will probably add a third, if not a fourth broadcast for other content
[]We increased the Super Street Fighter IV: AE Prize to $5,000.00
]I am (hopefully) finalizing a few deals today that will push us over the limit of our room and force us to take around 90,000 sqft in the North Building instead (for scale, Evo was in 56,000)
[]We are working with Namco & Capcom to bring out “stuff” and should know a bit more today, barring the teams/delays in Germany :wink:
]Considering adding a big BYOC area, a few people have expressed interest and am I looking to see if anyone else wants to do stuff - this will be easysauce for us if we move to the North Building
[*]Hell, we are even trying to have Fuudo come out so Latif can drop some vengeance on him!
Anyways, throw out your thoughts.


Volunteers - many of you have already contacted us (still following with on some of the messages, I will get back to you today) about volunteering for brackets, etc. If anyone else wants in, let me know. I know we will not take everyone but we certainly will try and include as many folks as we can.

Scooter: The first post does not show up in the default theme - it is all white text… I imagine it is a copy-and-paste formatting thing. If that is the cae, try copy-and-pasting it into a text pad to remove the formatting and then paste it into the post to see if it kills it?

Robb, hmm thanx for the headsup. It’s a stupid problem with the srk forum themes. I’m using a black theme, so some peoples text will show up in black on my end. I tried to correct it. I figure it was good since no one mentioned. I will fix when I get home

Yeah, I have gotten in the habit of copying-and-pasting most things into a text or a URL field just to strip out the formatting… pain in the neck but better than someone not being able to read it. Boo.

thanks rob, really awesome event and hope I can make it this year
Hey, so do you just pay for the ticket and are free to enter tournies? :confused: (really would help me and maybe can make it)

All the info makes it even better dawg!

Yup, just buy a ticket and you are good to go! $35.00 but, if you use this code: “SRK”, it is only $30.00.

After you do that, you can hit up the registration page and select all your events:

No need to jack off today!
haha… Im really excited now man! hell yeah! I don’t care if I gotta drive everyday or sleep in my car… im going! !
dance central champ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

OooOoo… what console the fighting games gonna be on?

Speaking of registering, we should gather up one day, and spread ourselves out thru the brackets. It’ll definitely increase the chances of having more Az players win some pools.

Ya know… there IS a website, right? :smiley:

Click on the game title/event to see what console version is assigned.


That was kinda point to it… seeding by the community :wink:

Fuuuuck yes! 360 looooooving!
Don’t get why evo was on ps3 but hell yes! awesome, can’t fuckin wait now!
Its like all the rockstars I’ve indulged in feeding the hype machine! lmao… feel it? haha
Seriously, I could be a green latern(lol, if i wans’t already) battery!

so hype… I wanna go set some shyt on fire!