Yeah, you have to time it so that they’re at least almost at the apex of their jump.
I haven’t gotten any grief over that particular combo, but I have gotten people mad about the juggling upkicks.
I finally got to play this game, and after trying both combos, I am with you in thinking the 7 hit MGU combo is the way to go. I could not believe how easy this combo was to do. I could do it on a pad, and I haven’t used a pad for a fighting game since…hell, SNES.
Question for anyone, as I do not have this game yet. What does more damage, 7 hit MGU xup combo, or standard xup dread kick combo, without the last hit of RH dread kicks comboing/connecting? What about, xup dread kick combo, but with short instead of RH?
Personally, I would trade good damage and another crossup oppurtunity, guaranteed, for a combo that isn’t 100% for sure to land, but does a little more damage and stun.
@Skankin Garbage: heh, Deejay has always been the ultimate scrub killer. They have trouble blocking crossups, and sitting in crouch block owns their soul. They just jump into upkicks forever
MGU combo by far. I’ve never had rh dread kick combo miss, but I only cr. jab x 1 so that’s likely why. In that case, MGU still does a nice amount more, but dread kick combo can still dizzy fools left and right. I have a feeling that cr. jab x 2 combo probably wiffs second dread hit on the annoying hitbox chars. like chun and claw, but I haven’t tested it a lot yet
At this point I only use MGU combo if I know it will kill. As a dizzy combo cr. fierce -> MGU is ridiculous damage.
^Thanks man =]
Yes, I tested the xup cr fierce, MGU. Shit took off like 60% or so froma full health Honda heh.
I love juggling upkicks Im forever punishing people that have jumping tendencys lol. I love whiffing upkicks so that I land directly behind my opponent and throw him. I’m having issues with claw’s ground mixup game and boxer in general. I hate the fact that I can’t cross up boxer because I always get caught in the headbutt.
^Here are some basic anti character strats:
With claw, just stay right outside of his cr strong range. Cr forward his slide on reaction, same as with his roll. You can also short upkick the roll, but wait till the last second to make sure you are hitting in your invincible frames. Standing strong wall dives if you have no charge, short upkick them if you do. If your in the corner with no charge, use standing fierce (I think, check the ST DeeJay thread for more info on this). Your cr fierce also trades favorably with his cr strong. I know in ST, when he tries to bait an upkick with a “short” wall dive, you can throw a maxout and hit him. Not so sure about his new fake wall dive and how this changes this match up.
Rog: Throw maxouts, make them headbutt through them, but work your distance to where you can hit with st RH when they headbutt. Cr forward, cr fierce, and I think cr jab stops rushes. Just work on your distance on crossing him up, practice practice. I prefer not to crossup boxer too much though. I would rather not be in his “rape zone”.
This info is all ST, so if it does not translate well to HDRemix, I apologize in advance.
[quote=“MrSimpson, post:163, topic:50694”]
I finally got to play this game, and after trying both combos, I am with you in thinking the 7 hit MGU combo is the way to go. I could not believe how easy this combo was to do. I could do it on a pad, and I haven’t used a pad for a fighting game since…hell, SNES.
Question for anyone, as I do not have this game yet. What does more damage, 7 hit MGU xup combo, or standard xup dread kick combo, without the last hit of RH dread kicks comboing/connecting? What about, xup dread kick combo, but with short instead of RH?
Personally, I would trade good damage and another crossup oppurtunity, guaranteed, for a combo that isn’t 100% for sure to land, but does a little more damage and stun.
Since you usually need 2 combos to dizzy anyway (since the 2nd hit of the rh dread kick still doesn’t reliably connect), I always go for the 7-hit mgu combo first to knock down, then go for the 5/6-hit dread kick combo 2nd (unless the damage will kill them anyway).
The short dread kick only combos off of fierce (it’s much slower then the rh version), so you can’t substitute it for the rh version in his 6-hit combo.
^Good to know, thank you.
Here’s a little information on that Dread Kick dizzy combo:
For the sake of making sure everyone knows the combo, it’s (Crossup J.Mk / C.Lp -> C.Lp, S.Mp XX RH Dread Kicks). This dizzies almost every time, and sometimes, even the first hit of the Dread Kicks will dizzy.
That being said, it doesn’t work on every character. Who doesn’t it work on?
E. Honda
Vega (Claw)
M.Bison (Dic)
The reasons it doesn’t work on them varies - either their reeling animation pushes them too far back (E. Honda, Guile, Dic) or the C.Lp x2 pushes them too far back to reliably land the S.Mp (Chun, Vega) Here’s something funny, though - you can simply omit one of the two C.Lps from the combo, and it will connect just fine on them. This could be a good alternative on those characters, and it might help people land it more consistently if they see that there are certain characters that the standard combo just won’t work on.
On most of the characters, it will still dizzy, too - and, let’s be honest, you’re probably landing this combo off of a knockdown or something, so even though the 5-hit variation doesn’t guarantee a stun, your chances are still high, since you’ve probably just landed a hit or two on your opponent.
Other than that, just be sure to land the crossup pretty deep, and don’t do the C.Lps too slow.
Good to know I wasn’t just imagining things :bgrin:
Cool beans Skankin :lovin:
Can anyone link me to a writeup on DJ vs. Ken? I can’t seem to find the range against him (at least, the good Ken players who know their fireball traps)…
As far as I know you have to do two jabs after the cross up and before the strong, or you don’t have enough time to charge your dread kicks. You have to do three attacks after a cross up to give you enough time to charge a fireball or dread kick because the back charge resets after you cross up your opponent. Down charge attacks (mgu and upkicks) aren’t side dependent so you always hold your charge regardless of the side your on relative to your opponent.
I know this is the HDR sub forum, but can’t you do xup forward, cr jab, st strong, short dread kick in ST? I use that combo on GGPO when it seems like I am getting dropped inputs, and it works all the time. I would think it would work in HDR =/ I dunno though.
I think it works, the timing is just REALLY tight. I remember trying it one time and getting inconsistent results
I swear to you, it works. If you want me to show you, send me a game invite, or friend me or something. I’ve already landed it on people in real matches. I’d be happy to show you, since you can probably take that information and use it waaaaaaay better than MY scrubby-ass Dee Jay, lol.
I’ll vouch for it it working as well; I’ve definitely hit people with it in matches.
I would side with lftrpllr on this. I go for universal combos as much as I can, the kind that work on any character, regardless of hitbox size, pushback, etc. I’ve tried to make the crossup Forward>cr.Jab>st.Strong>Sobat work as it would be a universal chain, but this combo doesn’t allow enough time to charge Sobat. However, Max Out needs less time than Sobat, and it works. Once in a blue moon it has connected for me, but I know that’s just the randomness in SF giving the Sobat a faster charge time (it’s not always the same, differs by about a few frames sometimes).
Skankin, can you do it from the front without crossing up? I’ve tried that too, and it STILL doesn’t work consistently, so what does that tell you about crossing up which makes you lose your back charge?
But the combo with 2 cr.Jabs works every time into Sobat. And it does NOT dizzy most of the time. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time it dizzied.
I do cr. jab xx st. mp xx dread kick all the time against chun and vega because if you do two cr. jabs the st. mp whiffs on them. You have more than enough time to charge a dread kick with just one cr. jab.
Not in my experience, I say, if the second dread kick hit connects, I get a dizzy probably slightly more than 60% of the time.