AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

Well, no, of course I can’t do it from the front without crossing up; the reason for crossup combos in the first place is that it facilitates the combo by pushing the opponent towards your point of landing, allowing you to get tag on more hits on the ground than you would if you just hit them from the front.

Either way, you can believe me or not, but the combo works; I land it consistently, and I assure you, I’m pathologically egregious at combos. I will tell you, though, that there is one thing that I found out that will make a huge difference in whether or not you combo the Dread Kicks: The cancel window for Standing Strong is a bit larger than you might expect. You can actually wait just a hair longer than is comfortable before canceling the attack, and it will still combo. I guess it also helps if you wait just a little longer after landing to throw out the C.Jab, but that’s not entirely necessary, and makes the combo sound a hell of a lot harder than it actually is.

Nah, I utterly suck at combos, so I can’t get this combo reliably, ever (although I am practicing nearly every night now to try and improve), but you can definitely hit this combo with just a single crouch LP, as skankin’ says.

BTW the random charge times have all been removed in HDR.

It might also help to charge back as you jump and then switch your charge as you cross up your opponent; though my timing is too horrible to do that consistently.

As far as I can tell, that doesn’t work with special moves. For example, I main Chun, and I can switch direction with her super about 99% of the time, even during her throw (which is really weird, because her throw requires her to change directions twice), yet I’ve never kept a cross up charge for a special move, not even once.

I’m surprised that worked. I was pretty sure the way the game engined worked, you had to charge on directly consistently. Either way, I never switch directions and I get all my moves out, I just miss the cr. jab, st. strong link.

No, they haven’t. The only random input windows that have been changed in Remix, is Shoryuken motions (d,f,df - from 8 to 15 frame windows to a consistent 15 frames) and charged supers (no frame data was given).

The SRK wiki states: “The charge times for special/super moves (Can vary up to 3 frames)”

This wasn’t changed for Remix. If it has, provide evidence of this, preferably a link.

As I understand it, this means that the charge times for ALL of Dee Jay’s special moves can be randomly extended or shortened by 3 frames. This could possibly explain why some ppl can consistently do his crossup combo with 1 cr.Jab instead of 2. They could be randomly getting the shortened time for the Sobats EVERYTIME (I know, seems improbable, but it’s not impossible). Or that I and other ppl who can’t do that combo consistently are getting the randomly extended charge time all the time (again, improbable, but not impossible).

Charged moves cannot switch direction and retain their charge, specials OR supers. The only times this works is when your opponent crosses you up or knocks you down and then crosses you up. It’s usually random which direction the charged move will travel in when executed on wake-up, I’ve seen opposite direction Knee Press Nightmares and proper direction Sonic Booms. Same goes for “switching” charge when crossing up.

If you can do Chun Li’s “switched direction” Super consistently, tell us the exact setup and the motions you use, so we can try it for ourselves.

Actually, that makes a lot of sense, because I’m talking about when you already have the super stored. I’ve just been erroneously grouping the two together. I guess that’s probably why I’ve been able to switch directions with it, and never with a charge move. But yeah, I was talking about when you’re already holding forward, i.e after you’re done with the charge. My bad!

Mr.Simpson thanks for the tips I’m going to try them out today if I get some time

Cack. You know, I was going on something I remember reading by Sirlin very early on & I just assumed it had stayed in, but it’s definitely not there in any of the current stuff, so yeh, I now have to make the opposite assumption and I believe you’re right. My apologies. :shake:

EDIT - anyway, enough of me being an idiot. I just read through the thread again and couldn’t find any tips for what seems to be becoming my worst Dee Jay matchup - Dictator (M.Bison / Vega). I just find my poking game gets blown up by scissor kicks and psycho crushers, and once in close Dic’s nasty throw range does horrible things to me. Max Out’s seem to be way risky due to head stomp and super long jump ins.

Admittedly I am way too throw and poke happy in general, so I guess that’s why I’m failing completely in this matchup as I have to play against my strengths, but I’ve gotten so much better at other matchups thanks to tips on this forum. Very useful :slight_smile:

throw happy

if you like to throw you should try fighting against T.Hawk his special moves have lot of recovery time long enough for you to get in and throw

I love fighting Dictator, cuz he has no good anti-air other than st.Jab and j.Strong juggle. So I just jump all day on the Kingpin, and do throw and crossup shenanigans.

I don’t bother with zoning him with Max Outs and Upkicks, I just get right in his face and I stay there, and there ain’t a damn thing he can do about it. = D

Dee Jay’s slide beats Scissors, so lock him down with that. Keep his Crusher in check with random MOs.

Interesting! Thanks blitzufu I will give that a try. I knew I was doing something very wrong cos the same Dic player I could kill with Guile, yet never even got a round with Dee Jay. I tend to forget Dee Jay is far better at going on the offensive.

technique121 - yeh I don’t usually have trouble with T Hawks other than people who are just outright way better than me. Max Outs followed by standing n.HK tends to keep out Hawk pretty well, and you just seem to have loads of options that work, unless he gets you into a tic-typhoon loop of course. >_< But his only real way to get in seems to be a condor dive guessing game vs Dee Jays keep out tricks.

Slide does not beat scissors clean 100%, and it loses to st.rh. Duck jab and jump jab seem the best for stopping scissors/psycho crushers for me.

Good bison players will punish you every time you slide, and most of the time you whiff a normal. Be careful sticking them out. This is a match where you should turtle your ass off until you get a knockdown, because he will punish you standing, and if he’s expecting it, j.strong and st.jab will beat most jumpins.

Jump roundhouse and jump jab are 99% of what I use in the air against dic, but also jump back short kick sometimes.

I tend to throw maxouts, turtle, and try to score a knockdown with upkicks or a preemptive jumping roundhouse on a jumpin (say I throw a maxout and I know he’s going to headstomp or jump, it’s j.rh or JJab time).

One thing to note is that the crossup shenanigans are great against him, like blitz says, but you have to be careful going for the throw, since he has a huge throw range. Also, if you go for the repeated crossup, his jump is super high and fast, and he can escape it, if it isn’t off a knockdown, by jumping away.

NP man hope those little tid bits help to get your started in formulating a game plan against those fools :woot:

I finally got my Xbox360, looking forward to some DeeJay mirrors =]

Slides beat Scissors like 90% if not more, and yes if a good Dictator expects it, he can punish a whiffed slide, but not a blocked one, so the odds are overwhelmingly in Dee Jay’s favor.

Turtling against good Dicatators will get you into a lot of trouble. Unless you’re superman and can punish mid range Crushers and Scissors on reaction alone, I recommend taking the fight to him. Also, zoning from far range is useless because of Stomps and Reverses. And even if you beat them with j.Jab, you just end up right in his lap again, so might as well just stay there the whole fight.

While it’s true that Dictator has a better throw range, if going for the tick throw, Dee Jay will also be in range for his own throw, so that point is moot. However, if you turtle on Dic, he can do his Scissors followed by repeated throw traps and THEN his greater throw range will have you crying.

Slide from max range will beat scissors clean 100% of the time. Also slide beats st. rh clean from about sweep range 100% of the time. Also cr. fp will beat scissors/psycho crusher from close range.

Don’t turtle but don’t be afraid to just block when Dic goes on the offensive and wait for your opening. Scoring a knockdown is crucial, your going to want to go for a tick throw (whiffing standing jab into throw works really well) and throw dic into the corner. Getting dic into the corner is the absolute best thing DJ can do in this match, because it’s pretty much game over for dic if you have your corner trap down.

Once you get him into the corner you can completely lock down dic with some pressure strings that are really hard to escape. Basically jump in jab, cr. jab, st. lk, fireball, cr. forward, fireball, st. roundhouse, then jump in jab and start it again.

Now you can’t just use the same pattern over, you’re going to want to mix it up and go for some throw attempts and throw cr. fp in there. The best time to attempt a throw is after the first cr.jab after you jump in or after a fireball. The best time to mix in a cr. fp is whenever you think a scissor kick/psycho crusher is coming before the st. roundhouse in your pressure string. St. roundhouse will trade with scissor kick/psycho crusher resetting dic in the air and putting him right back in the corner so there’s no need to replace it with a cr.fp. Cr. fp will beat everything dic can do from close range, if you guess wrong and dic does nothing it recovers fast enough that you can just fireball/jump in jab or even punish with an upkick if dic jumped straight up.

If your score a knockdown in the corner, stand just outside his throw range and do a fireball on wakeup, then do cr.short, fireball, cr. forward, fireball, and then jump in jab to start it all over again.

Very rarely do I lose a round if I get dic in the corner.

ggs last night gouki, was good fun trying to figure out the Dee Jay mirror match : )

Hey everybody.

I’m kind of new with playing Dee Jay, and I’m wondering what his best moves are for tick throws. Also, what is a good anti air? I’m currently using Machine Gun Uppercut, but I can’t seem to get the timing down so I’m also wondering if there is anything faster.

All thanks in advance.

You should be able to do a search on this thread using “tick throws” or “anti-air” to get what may have already been said on the subject.

That being said, for tick throws, crouching jab, close/far short, and crouch short are quick and easy. (Generally speaking, jab and shorts are the way to tick with anybody, but any move that has quick recovery and leave you with frame advantage is great for tick throwing.)

As for anti-airs, it’s kinda hard not to find a good anti-air move with Dee Jay. Standing strong, crouching fierce, far standing fierce, close or far standing roundhouse, crouching roundhouse (from further away with proper timing), and the “Up Kicks” (Forward Up Kicks, Short Up Kicks juggle for the win) give Dee Jay everything he needs to keep people out. Air to air, jumping jab, jumping up short, jumping forward, and jumping roundhouse often out-prioritize what other fighters throw out.

I’d still do a search if I were you, as I’m not an expert. I may have missed something.

Thanks. I’ll work on these.