AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

This is to add to FreshOJ’s advice.

Tick throws:
What FOJ said is good. I also use jump jab for a jump in tick. Also, close forward is a great meaty attack that you can use to tick into throw. Close short is another great attack for tick throws. It’s hard to meaty, but if you get them to block you can either throw, jump over your opponent for the crossup combo, or try to trip for the knock down.

Again, FOJ said the basics. Don’t bother with MGU, it’s too slow and the angle is too weird to use reliably. Cr. fierce is great at long distances. I like to use it to punish badly spaced Gief jump ins. At medium range it will trade if your opponent attacks. At close range I feel it’s too slow. Standing strong is fast. I use it as a poke, too. If I feel like my opponent is on the defensive, I’ll just repeatedly walk up and use standing strong. It stuffs attempts to jump away and keeps them locked down if they don’t try to counter attack. Of course, up kicks are the best AA, but you need charge. I find the short version beats out almost all jump in attacks, crossups included. I’ve had less luck with the roundhouse version. But you can juggle with super after AA forward upkicks or any roundhouse up kicks for a little extra damage (if you win that way, you look extra cool).

I’m going to make the same disclaimer that FOJ made, too. I just started playing ST/HDR a few months ago, so there might be more to this that I don’t know.

Thanks. I’ll definitely try these later.

Yep…I forgot about close forward kick. It’s quick, hits mid, and it recovers very quickly, which means you can link a whole lot of his other moves from that one.

In general, if a move is great to link from (i.e. it recovers quickly and gives you frame advantage), it’s also going to be great to tick from because you can do so many different things and your opponent won’t know what to expect…provided you mix it up. You can also check out the Link FAQ I did for SNES SSF2 for some ideas. It’s on GameFAQs. Look at the “Best to link from” moves.

So i’ve recently been trying to level up my deejay, I must say he’s alot of fun. low strong and standing strong are sex, and landing that crossup (i do forward low jab low jab MGU, i’ve been getting this off pretty consisently) is super satisfying.

He has a pretty dirty throw game too, I don’t know who invented this but I saw afrolegends do crossup forward standing jab (whiffed because the opponent was blocking low) -> throw. Really keeps the opponent guessing if you mix this is in. With that said, i think deejay is a solid middle tiered character

Anyways, anyone got some tips against blanka? I try to keep him out with jabs and maxouts, but he eventually gets in (with his super fast jump in) and starts that stupid throw loop; is Deejay more or less finished at this point?

max out/slide in the corner all day. mix it up with tick throws and zone with standing roundhouse:woot:
and against blanka i usually rush em down

Is it possible to juggle upkicks on a standing opponent? I know you can juggle in an extra hit if you stuff someone’s jump in attempt with a rh upkick, but I don’t know about just on an opponent who is just standing there.

For example: If I land a combo like crossup > c.lp x2 > hk upkick is it possible to land an extra hk upkick juggle so I can extend the combo, or is it only possible to extend this combo with a super?

It’s easier on a jumping opponent, but it is possible on a standing, though you’d need to use the forward upkick rather than roundhouse (since, on a standing opponent, you’d get the three hits from the rh upkick already), and then you’re doing way more work for the same number of hits.

If you’ve already gotten 3 hits out of the upkick, you can’t juggle again. But if you only got 2 hits from a HK, or both hits from the MK, then you can get another hit in there. But note that the LK version doesn’t put the opponent into a juggable state, so you can’t juggle after that single hit.

Basically, you can look at it that each kick has a juggle potential of 2. The first hit puts the opponent into the air and juggleable, the second hit is the first juggle, and then the third hit is the last juggle. DeeJay doesn’t have anything with more juggle power than 2, so he won’t be able to tack on another hit. However, if he catches the opponent in the air (or hits T.Hawk, for instance with the crossup combo) where only 2 hits connect, he still has another hit to tack on before his upkicks will whiff.

It’s the same deal with his super, but Im not sure what the juggle points for that are (higher, I assume, because you can do upkicks -> super). But then again, I heard that supers reset the juggle points, not sure if thats before they hit or after though.

Thanks for explaining how his juggle stuff works. Now I won’t look stupid when I try to get an extra juggle when it’s no possible lol

Can most characters punish Deejay during a blocked super? I’m talking about after the second hit of the super, before it is over.

Yeah, once Blanka is in, times are rough. As for keeping him out, low jabs. Rapid low jabs stop most of his ways to advance. Blanka ball and slide both lose to low jabs, and if Blanka jumps, you can stop jabbing and do upkicks. Blanka can beat your jabs with his sweep and some other pokes, but if you make blanka have to walk up to you, you have eliminated the blanka ball threat and can concentrate more on pokes and max outs. Unless you really needed the damage, I wouldn’t try to cross him up. Between upball, electricity, and getting close to blanka in general, the odds are not that great for you.

Hey peeps. I was just messing around doing crossups with Dee Jay on the CCC2 version of ST. (If you’ve read the other threads, you know where I’m going.)

On SNES SSF2, I used to have a field day crossing up with jumping roundhouse. Since I didn’t hear anyone mentioning it, I thought he lost this in ST. But…I JUST DID IT! Practicing against Ken, I can cross him up if I hit his back shoulder with Dee Jay’s crotch. It’s a bit more difficult than it was on Super and it’s certainly more difficult than using jumping forward, but…it works. I couldn’t seem to hit it deep enough to actually combo anything afterward though…which could be why it may be regarded as not practical. shrug

Anyway…thought I would put that out there. :slight_smile:

If you don’t do the super at point blank range, then there are gaps between the kicks that the opponent can punish you in. Don’t do his super unless you’re sure it will hit or you’re close enough that the opponent has to block all the hits. If you want to chip damage someone on wakeup with it, slide a couple times to make sure you are right on them and then super.

Cool stuff about close standing forward…

I do not know if this works on all chars, but you can do meaty close st forward, cr forward or cr RH for a 2 hit knockdown. Or, if they block, continue with a basic block string, or, tick throw off of the st forward. Or, you might get DPed/SPDed for trying the meatie in the first place, so be careful :rofl:

Edit: I need to test this, but I know he could do these 2 hitters in ST.

Check my FAQ. Close standing forward allows Dee Jay to link almost anything after it…and that’s as a non meaty. So, he easily links stuff if it’s meaty.

^cool man, Imma go peep it =]

Like I said Homer Pimpson thanks again for the tips. I’ve been keeping vega wall dive abusers at bay with short upkicks and st. strong. Keeps them on the ground for me to lay that ass whooping lol

Ah…good…just wait until I revamp that bad boy for the 2-double oh-9, son! :slight_smile: Yes yes! :smiley: Soon everyone will be touching people to death with awesomely linkable combos! BWAAHAHAHAHA!!!

Yeah…I’m going to redo the FAQ so that it’s readily applicable to ST and HD Remix (as opposed to readers currently having to look at it and wonder if the character’s current move is faster or slower than it was in SNES SSF2)…and it’ll have combos, too. A little sumpthin’ for the novice and intermediate players to get their offensive game up to speed.

Hey. Semi-new DJ player here. Sorry if this has been asked, but what tools does DJ have when Honda has you in a corner? I’m pretty good with reversals, but upkicks seem to wiff on wakeup when Honda is trying to cr.jab into ochio. I know the standard response would be to not get into that situation.

Also, when you know sumo splash is probably gonna crossup, what do you guys do?

It’s possible to upkick a CU properly. I’m not shure but I think you have to go d/t before going to up.