You can use a lot of luck. It takes luck to win with Dee Jay. In fact, when you win with Dee Jay, most people just message you through XBOX Live and call you “lucky”.
That’s kind of an inside joke :sad:
Did it hurt your feelings that bad?
I got the response once from a veteran player that I’m using a scrub character since I’m a scrub player. I just laughed and dropped he was pissed that I whooped that ass…
Nope - but it’s nice to know that you treat everyone online in the same way. At least your consistent.
To answer your original questions:
Yes, upkicks are the best. They will probably whiff if Honda is too far. Try the roundhouse upkicks because they have the added benefit of flying you out of the corner.
For the crossup Honda splash, just block it. If you have a charge for the upkick, a short upkick should take it out. I don’t remember if you need to do it late or early though - I’ll have to test it out.
Fortunately, Honda is really easy with Dee Jay. You can upkick his Fierce headbutt and super on reaction. If he does a jab headbutt and eats your fireball, just slide into him or throw another fireball.
While the usual idea of zoning is great with Honda, I like to get close to him cause his big body makes him a great combo target. He seems to get hit by all combos and if he ducks, he can still get launched with cr.jab, cr.jab, roundhouse upkicks (he seems to be at the right height for it). Also, the cr.jab, cr.jab, standing strong, rh dreadkick always seems to land with the last dreadkick.
Dee Jay combos are very demoralizing. Someone touched upon this in an earlier message above. It always seems to happen right before you get your third win and probably 6th dizzy on your opponent.
Close standing RH beats butt slam clean, just wanted to throw this in here. Every little bit helps.
Is that on the way up or on the way down? (or at any point of his buttslam?)
At the point where Hondas hitbox is close enough to cause you to go into the close standing RH animation I think. I guess a more clear answer would be both…I think lol.
Cool - thanks. I’ll try this later tonight. I did not know about that one.
studtrooper: There you go - a better way to deal with the buttslam crossup.
I don’t. I was having a bad day and you raped my Rog if I remember right. Apologies.
What are you guys doing to beat akuma? His Air Fireball is ridiculous I can’t do anything to counter him
Haven’t played any that gave me trouble, to be honest. I am not trying to say that I am good (I’m not =D), just saying I have not had the chance to form a game plane yet against him, other than basic noob bashing.
I guess it depends on how good the Akuma player is. I haven’t had any trouble with him (probably because I haven’t faced a good one yet).
What I do is MGU if I know the are fireball is coming. You have to do it a bit early but it will eat the air fireball and then hit him. Only press the punch button once and let it go (maybe twice if you did it too early).
Once he’s down, go for the crossup combos. Dee Jay drains more than 50% of his bar with just one combo. It’s also really easy to dizzy Akuma so punish him with Dee Jays plethora of combos. If you do land a good combo and he still doesn’t dizzy, don’t be afraid to trade 1 more hit with him as that 1 extra hit will probably dizzy him. In fact, this is true with almost anyone you face with Dee Jay. If you hit a long combo that ends with a dread kick, just go in and hit them with anything as they will get dizzy (forward/roundhouse/strong/fierce).
If the air fireball came out a certain way where you think the fireball will hit the ground first, you can do a low forward immediately after he lands (but after the fireball goes away) to knock him down. If the fireball hits you and you’re blocking, try a low forward again or just block. If you can sense a throw, throw him back. You can probably predict when he jumps too so hit him with a jumping roundhouse (an early roundhouse as you go up). Use Dee Jay’s long jumping roundhouse kick to your advantage.
You can also sometimes slide under the air fireball with the cr.roundhouse and hit him. It all depends when the fireball is thrown and which button was used. Other times, a upkick will work. If you see the Raging Demon coming, you can use an upkick to escape it.
Another good use for the cr.roundhouse is to get you in the right spot for a MGU to eat an air fireball and Akuma’s jump.
Try not to get too MGU happy because the 3 hit red fireball cannot be consumed by the MGUs. Also, only hit the button once for the MGU because you need to recover quickly and make your next decision.
Since it is easy to drain Akuma’s health, I don’t mind trading hits with him using Dee Jay. I find that ending the match quickly is best (before the Raging Demon super meter is full). Don’t be afraid to trade hits all day with him.
Well, actually, I DID get lucky against your Rog. You got into your super motion when I had no more health, I jumped a bit before to just get away and hit forward right as you came under me. It surprised me as well. And yes, I thought the same thing - lucky!
I apologize for my bad joke in this thread. If you want a Dee Jay sparring match, let me know and I’ll show you what I know so far.
I played this guy that kept spamming ground fb and air fb and I couldn’t do anything with him controlling that much space. Back strong traded with the air fb.
Edit: I will try the slide trick to see if it will work and the other tips you gave
Actually - I missed typed that. I meant that you should hit cr.foward before he lands so he can’t block it. It’s a small window. You can also trade the air fireball for the knockdown cr.foward. It’s worth it sometimes just to set up the crossup combos.
can someone tell me what’s a good anti-air against vega’s j.rh when he’s right above you? (or really close)
lk upkicks weren’t doing shit
Standing strong.
leonowski: Good Akuma stuff, I’m gonna X-Copy some of that.
General question, for anyone and everyone: How do you like the new MGU upper? I have been using it more and more, and I must say…I think I like it. Not love it, but it is nice to have the option there.
I do seem to have a little bit of trouble holding my charge through it, or, I should say, throwing a max out or dreadkick after it for some strange reason. I think I am just messing up my timing.
As far as dispelling fbs or using it as a cross up? To counter FBs I just pop my own fb. For the cross up I’m loving it.
Quick question is there a specific timing on short upkicks to go through fbs? I did it a few times and it worked but when I tried again I would constantly get hit. I’ll tell you one thing the short upkicks are great for Sagat cr. tiger shots. I get closer and closer to him lol.