Hey all, new here. I played a guy named DarbyJones or something like that, and he was using Blanka. He was about as good of a blanka as I’ve played; lots of jumping in combos, alternated with ground slides. I could not reverse his little combo of standing m.punch, face bite–i think i lost 2 or 3 games because of that damn face bite! He seemed to have a turbo button, cuz he was biting awfully fast. Any tips would be appreciated, or I guess after work i can run thru this thread again to see what was already posted
spam fbs and when you see him doing a jumping forward or jumping rh just do forward upkick or short upkick. You could also try to do st. strong to keep him at bay from jumping. If he tries to do vertical ball try to time a jab fb to hit him and if he does horizontal ball hit him with juggle upkicks. The bite you have to try to reversal at the right frame when he hits you with mp.
Really? Honda is one of the 5 characters that cross-up forward, low jab x 2, st.strong xx dread kicks isn’t supposed to work on. Honda, Guile, Chun, Vega, and Bison. Does this work on Honda if you don’t do the jump in first?
Something else vs. Akuma, MGU can trade with Akuma’s jumping RH. That makes two of Akuma’s air options you can take out with MGU.
On Blanka: A few little tips, not really a whole strategy or anything. Some of this may be wrong, but I know this worked in ST. I haven’t played enough Blankas in HDRemix to know if these things have changed, so if they have, I apologize in advance.
Careful, controlled, smart use of maxouts is important, as in any matchup.
Cr jab beats: Slide, ball, maybe more.
Cr strong beats: Damn near everything he has.
Cr fierce beats: ball, slide, cr RH, maybe more. It really stuffs a lot of his junk or trades favorably.
Jumping jab beats: Ball, maybe more. If you ever need to jump backwards to establish some space/zone, do jump back jab.
After a blocked super: St RH will hit him everytime, free.
Short or Medium Upkicks as AA, done as late as possible. His normal AA’s are good too, at their correct distances.
Reversal st strong, Bite, with short upkicks, that just takes practice. We all still get bit =]
Careful crossing him up, he can upball you and trade, I think in his favor (might be wrong). Sometimes if they are near death and I have a good little chunk left, I will bait the upball on crossup.
Just basic stuff, but at least it will give you a starting point.
As previous posters have said, with air FB it depends. If he’s using jump-in air fb and you’re standing you have a couple options: 1) MGU to hit him or 2) slide under and punish (riskier but better payoff) or 3) jumping rh to smack him. Note that 2 doesn’t always work because one of the air fb has a more narrrow range if I remember right.
As for the other two options of air fb (jump straight up, jump back), it’s a lot harder. For both, the only option that works is jumping roundhouse (if you want to hit him) and it’s really hard to tag jump back air fireball. Basically, if Akuma wants to play runaway with air fb, at this point I can see nothing that DJ can do to stop him.
On wakeup, DJ gets to block and guess. Upkicks always lose to air fb on wakeup and never trade :sad:
I’ll be honest, I’ve never had upkicks lose to claw’s j. rh.
Good stuff, Homer. Last night I played a decent Blanka several times in Friendly. I can certainly agree with the sparing Max outs, as he can anticipate and jump in and kick ass! The cross up was challenging; as soon as he saw me airborne, me mashed for electricity. I was able to defend the bite pretty well. Low middle kick is a great tool.
Then again, i played a T Hawk last nite 4 times. I must’ve been perfected at LEAST 3 rounds. Once you get knocked down, he had this splash-type cross over, that i couldn’t figure out how to defend. I kept alternating the standing block, crouched block, but couldn’t get out of it. Upkicks didn’t help either…
honestly i dont think trying to cross up akuma is such a good idea, wake up dragon punch is too much… for real. also wake up supers aint no fun either.
FZJ80 - blcok the splash cross over and i think you can throw him when he lands. that shit happens to me when i use t hawk (i use t hawk too by the way) cuz usually i cross over then low jab and try the 360 throw but sometimes i get tossed out of the low jab, so you can try that.
You should be more worried about Akuma’s bullshit option select fireball/red-fireball vs. crossups, IMO.
Tips on T-Hawk, and again, I stress, this is not a total strategy kind of post, just some tips/notes that will help you form your own game plan. And, once again, this is ST stuff, but the basics should carry over to HDRemix. If they don’t or if anything is wrong, I apologize in advance.
Personally, I like to turtle in this match.
St strong beats Hawk Dive, so does st fierce, upkicks done as late as possible, and cr fierce.
St RH is a good poke from the correct distances
Zone him with maxouts, try to get him to do foolish Hawk Dives so you can punish with the above, but make sure you are careful, because it will be Christmas again before DeeJay recovers from the maxout.
When close, counter hit his cr normals with cr forward or cr RH. Cr strong is also nice, as is cr fierce, but I prefer the ones that knock down in this matchup, so I can push them back again with a maxout on top of them on wakeup.
Your basic AA’s all work in this match up, I think. Hawks jumping jab is mighty, so I dunno it might beat out some of your normal AA’s, but I know upkicks work.
When he crosses you up, block the crossup, and either try to throw him after the jab, or reversal short upkick if you think a 360 is coming. Be careful, because people can bait you with this. Crossup, cr jab, (nothing), you whiff short upkick, pain follows.
To me, this is another one of those matchups where you are playing keep away and they are playing get in and toss you. (I suck at these heh). You keep him out, you win. He gets in, he wins.
Where is the down charge coming from here? This situation has always seemed too fast to even bother charging for short up kick. I just go for reversal throw. I’d test it rather than ask in a post, but my 360 red-ringed last night.
Hmm, well, now that you mention, I dunno heh. I can’t test it right now, but I will later. I am almost positive you can do this, but maybe I am thinking of two jabs, then reversal. Either way, thank you for pointing this out. I think you are correct sir.
I would go for upkicks against the crossup. If you block you’re in a bad spot, and reversal upkicks is actually pretty damn easy with piano fingers.
You might trade, but you’ll probably get knocked up into the air, which is nice. You will *probably *whiff, but you travel away from him, and your average T.Hawk player won’t be able to capitalize on this well I don’t think. …and you might just hit him anyhow!
Just blocking doesn’t give you much to play with, is what I’m trying to get at.
Do dread kicks (short one anyway) avoid 360? Is DeeJay considered airborne?
No and no.
block the cross up and throw him when he lands thats all you can do cuz 360 throws goes through moves trust, ive spd’d a blanka player out of a super, their throws have crazy hit boxes
I am thinking Dr.Deelite is correct, attempted reversal throw is probably your safest option in this situation.
Another note on vs T-Hawk, I think jumping RH hits him out of Hawk Dive as well. Not a 100% on this, haven’t played against T-Hawk in awhile. I vaguely remember being able to jump back RH on reaction (or a lucky guess) to a Hawk Dive, and it hits him clean. Again, maybe not I am still not able to test/play any SF at the moment.
But that’s the thing. If hawk plays it right, you won’t be able to counter throw. It’s like Guile. If you stand up against the jump-in, you have no way out of the 360.
For example: Crossup, stand forward, DP if hits or 360 if blocked. Deejay is fucked. If you’re not going to try reversal upkick against the jump-in, your best option is to try and jump out of the 360, because you can’t throw Hawk (if he spaces it correctly).
EDIT: Although… You may just want to crouch and take the crossup hit, because (interesting tidbit) Hawk cannot combo a normal into DP after a crossup if DeeJay is crouching! Hawk cannot combo into DP now, and you’ll have a charge to stop that 360.
You sure about that ? I think hawk could do crossup whatever cr.jab st.jab x jab dp
Try it!
low short, s.jab, whatever, into DP after a crossup. DeeJay blocks the DP if he is crouching.
DeeJay is the only character with this particular anti-Hawk feature. jab x2 into DP also doesn’t work if he is crouching.
Sorry for going back to Akuma but he’s gotta get banned. He’s very buggy when fighting him. In one instance this guy that I played against did Teleport and landed directly in front of me I saw the frame when he stopped teleporting and had his leg going down to stand. I hit him with crouching forward and he would either DP me or throw me. He’s really pissing me off!!!
Actually, against Akuma, short upkick can go through the air fireball with good timing, and it will always at least trade for nice damage. Tight timing as a reversal, but sometimes you have to go for it.