great stuff in this thread guys, keep it up!.. I am a hawk player as my main but he doesn’t win enough matches so I’ve begun to spread out. Honda is probably my “winningest” character, but i’m trying to change that into Deejay. He has more rhythm
combos that I have gotten down pretty good and really help in matches (many already said)
standing opponents
cu.fwd, cr.jab, cr.fierce, MGU (about 70% on this one because of the cr.fierce)
j.fierce or j.roundhouse, st.strong, rh dread kicks (charge while in the air for this 50% 4 hit combo)
j.roundhouse, cr.fwd or cr.roundhouse (only 2 hits but knocks down and sets up other combos).
If anyone is interested I could probably put together some anti-hawk strats… but then again maybe I shouldn’t give that info away
If anyone wants to play my deejay or practice against hawk add me, KaPH33n on xbox.
I figured that you can combo a j.jab into low strong even if you do the j.jab very early. It does more damage than j.roundhouse so if you predict a fireball from close range - go for it.
According to the Yoga Hyper Book (and NKI, since he told me what the book said), all jumping attacks deal out the exact same length of hit stun…11 frames…equal to the hit or block stun of a grounded weak attack. That being said, the only practical reasons to use a weaker attack from the air are quicker startup, higher priority, longer duration of the move in the air, and the ability to crossup with some of those moves. Otherwise, whether you hit with a jumping jab or a jumping roundhouse, you’re going to end up in the exact same spacing from the opponent, so you’ll be able to follow with the crouching strong punch in either case.
So, if I had my choice, I’d say that j.:hk:, cr.:mp: would do more damage than j.:hk: by itself or j.:lp:, cr.:mp:.
Of course, after all that, my jump-in combos from the front will always start with j.:hk:, have a bunch of cr.:lp:s chained into each other, linked to a cl.:mp:, and then ending with either a :hp: Max-Out or a :mk: Dread Kick. Of course, if I feel like doing the Machine Gun Upper, I’ll use cr.:mp: to link into cr.:hp:. Why, you ask? Dee Jay does DAMAGE like that!
Jump in combos should always be about maximizing your damage when you hit with them. Don’t settle for weak or medium attacks from the air if you don’t have to. I used to constantly beat a guy who could do combos galore because he’d always jump in with weak attacks and I’d just scrubbily hit him with 2 hit combos from hard attacks. My damage output was better…and that was before I knew what a 2-in-1 was!
Hey BruceLB, any results from this experiment yet? I am finding that they work almost as good as his short dread kick from ST when used in the same situations vs Ryu, or in any other situations where short dread kick would have been a good option.
Dread Kick does more damage than Max Out and knocks down (provided the second hit actually connects and combos like it should). Why settle for one hit when you can get two? Just link from cr.:lp: to cl.:mp: and then cancel into the :mk: Dread Kick.
I have problems doing that on my pad so I’ll go for the MO. I can do - cr.j - cr.FP xx Dread Kick but I struggle with the crouching jab - standing strong link.
Just keep practicing. I can truly say from the experience I had when I was writing my SNES SSF2 Link FAQ that a pad won’t get in the way of doing standing to crouching links and, especially, crouching to standing links when you practice.
If you want to make it easier, try doing charge :db:+:lp:, :l:+:mp: XX :r:+:mk: Dread Kick. When doing crouching to standing links, it doesn’t matter if you let go of the pad and do neutral+:mp: or you hold :l: and press :mp:, when you cancel the :mp:, you’ll get the same result. However, mastering going from crouching to neutral is how you get to do those nifty standing move into charge :d:, :u:+button specials. Just remember above all else, though, that you’re looking for the exact time that Dee Jay recovers from the crouching move and then you’re doing either :l:+:mp: or neutral+:mp: right when the move ends. You have to time it.
This is one of Dee Jay’s easier links, so if you can get this one, you’ll be able to do a lot of other links for him and other characters, as well.
I’m having a lot of trouble playing against Claws. I know that Dee Jay has a lot of anti-air options, however, I’m not experiences enough to know which move to throw out exactly to beat Claw’s off the wall (and now fake off the wall) crap.
I find with Dee Jay, I often go for the crossup j. mk, cr. jabx2, MGU combo. I know he has better, and I practice those too, but if things are tight, that one is more reliable for me than the others. So yesterday I was fighting Zangief, and got a third cr. jab in there, for eight hits total instead of seven. I didn’t honestly know you could do that, so unless I’m just coincidentally missing its being mentioned, people don’t often suggest it. So is this something that only works on specific characters? Is it something that is so spacing/context sensitive that you can’t rely on it?
Yes I know the title is messed up it wont let me change it lol. As for machine gun combo, better off going for it during dizzy or if they block a cross up. Do c.lp -> throw or c.lp -> xx machine gun.
On dizzy go for cross up mk, c.fp xx machin gun or cross up mk, c.fp xx rh upkicks, super juggle.
Nice work, I just have to commend you for playing that last round with excellent Dee Jay rhythm. Particularly 4:11 where you do c. short x2 and it synchs up with the stage music Too good.
3 minutes in is also some smart play, although you couldn’t pull off the win.
Just sift through the thread and you’ll find what you’re looking for. Pay special attention to BruceLB’s posts, the man gives solid Dee Jay advice.
Ya I feel you on that. I have to be like super psychic and hope that he does a headbutt at the same time as I do upkick lol. The other thing too is if I whiff the cross up I always get hit with ochio… Like I’ve said before thanks for everyone’s tips on char match ups. It has helped me a lot with making decisions on how to counter moves.
I’m no expert, but here’s a tad bit of insight on fighting Honda…
-Deejay’s j.jab will beat anything he tries to counter you with 9/10 times.
-If he jab headbutts through a slow max-out from full screen, you can walk forward and hit him with a s.roundhouse before he recovers.
-He doesn’t seem to have a good way to deal with cross-ups besides possibly escaping with a sumo splash.
I usually end up alternating between keeping him out with max-outs while punishing attempts to gain ground, and closing using a max range j.jab followed by a crossup. Tends to work well. Biggest danger seems to be letting him get on offense and start tick-ochio-ing you.