AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

I was reading thru the thread and seeing how everyone says its easier to get all four machine guns hits, you know you can actually get five lol.

I’ve read through this thread and didn’t see this discussed yet so I thought I would bring it up now.

For those who don’t know, DJ can kara cancel his cr. RH (his slide) into Maxout, Dread Kicks, and Upkicks. This will move him forward slightly, and then the move comes out, similar to SF3 kara throws. The timing is similar to Kara Throws from SF3 also. You will hear the slide sound if you do it correctly and DJ will look like he is ‘skipping’ forward before doing his move, (the slide is displayed so briefly that the human eye can have a hard time even seeing the slide animation).

Anyways, I’ve tried incorporating this into my game with varied success. The best situations to use this that I’ve found are:

1.) Fireball wars where I am trying to close the distance…Kara cancel cr. RH into Maxout and you are slightly closer that you would be without the Kara. Kara canceling adds 7-9 frames to the start-up of Max-out (I would have to look it up in YBH to be sure), so don’t try it if the opponent has a fireball that is close to hitting you.

2.) Opponent jumps at you thinking he is just out of range of Upkicks…Kara Cancel cr. RH into upkicks will add a little extra horizontal range.

3.) Adding a small amount of extra range on dread kicks…I’m not sure this is really useful or effective, definitely the least usable.

So anyone else use this? Is it worth it? Any high level DJ players use this? Any other uses for it?


Yeah really, come back BruceLB :wonder:

For those asking questions on specific vs char strats/tips, chars already covered (sometimes more than once) are:


More than enough info on these characters to get you started.

On Karaing: Well, hmmm.

Nice vid RSX =]

I think that any combo that ends with a hard attack into a special move is a wonderful thing. :slight_smile: It should hurt more, stun more, and connect more easily.

That’s a good find considering how short ranged the cr.:hp: interruptable frame is! Use those turbo buttons and see what else you can do! :slight_smile:

I think it’s more about the timing on your jabs. Try fighting against CPS1 (WW, CE, or HF) CPU Ryu and let him hit you with those rapid fire cr.:lk:s. The only reason why he can hit you with so many is because the CPU’s rapid-fire is…well…perfect. :slight_smile: Remember that rapid-fire chains work the way they do because you cancel the recovery of the move with your button press, so if you can consistently cancel the very first frame after your attack hits, you completely limit the pushback from the attack you did previously and keep the emeny in range for a longer period of time. (Edit: Of course, that last statement is a lot easier said than done.)

So, this may be something you can check out in practice mode. Practice chaining your jabs immediately after they hit. Learn the timing. (I was just messing around with rapid fire turned on in CCC2 ST and that actually helps you see the timing on chains and links.) Once you do, you’ll find that the timing is the same for everyone because the hit stop pause is the same for everyone. The key is timing your button press to happen immediately after the hit stop pause.

Yeah, ST isnt like the newer games, you actually get more lps/lks in by timed pressed compared to mashing it. I always get at least 4 c.lks with shotos, Cammy, etc.

After seeing that I had to run and try it out. The kara-upkicks just instantly became my favorite thing to do.

Didnt see anything about the MGU though, so I went into practice and gave it a shot, and it works. So you can get a bit of a jump forward into a MGU, for what its worth. Might be something point-blank, dig a MGU deep, and get all the hits for a knockdown. I’ll give it a swing once I get more than just a few matches practice at the kara.

Yeah you can cancel dj’s slide into anything because it has a huge window before it actually hits, this is why i don’t punish moves with it, so many times people recover fast enough to hit you or throw you out of the slide.

I think the most useful thing i use it for is the start of the round. Slide beats a lot of opening moves and slides under fireballs, and if they jump you can cancel into upkicks and punish.

In theory i think the best use is to punish with a character just outa range of your super. Against Ryu, if he’s outside max sweep range and your try to super through his fireball usually only the first hit will connect, so sliding beofre should give you the range needed to have all hits of the super combo.

The problem is it you have to predict the fireball, so many times i’ve gotten smacked with a fireball before i can cancel into super. So just like the mgu, if you have to guess a fireball is coming, it’s not really useful. If you can cancel slide into super on a fireball on reaction, then that’s a pretty powerful tool, I’ve never been able to do it in a match though.

Ha, yeah my joystick broke, so I haven’t played SFHD for like a month :looney:.

I guess that’s no excuse for not posting in this thread, but if im not playing it im not that excited to talk about it i guess.

Good news is that my lazy ass has finally shipped my joystick to get it fixed, just in time for sf4.

How would you kara cancel into the upkicks? Would you just do the cr.rh then immediately go up and another kick? Also, would you be able to get the rh upkicks out by going up on the stick then negative edging the rh button?

Bummer man, that sucks. I wouldn’t even want to look at SRK if my stick broke :sweat:

I wonder if you can kara a throw? Kind of like 3S I guess, but let’s say DeeJay does cr RH really close to the opponent, then cancels that animation with a throw. Of course, shotos can just cr short your cr RH, but might be a cool shenangian. Or do only special moves work? Im gonna check it out when I get home from work.

Edit: On jump in combos my favorite is jump in RH, st strong, RH dread kicks. Easy to do, works on everyone, (as far as I know) and does good damage. I don’t like to throw the cr jab in there, too much room for error, especially when lag is an issue.

I only messed around with it a little, but you can do it by double tapping RH and hitting up between the taps

Is anyone able to do the mk - jab - FP xx MGU combo with 5 hit MGU? I imagine this to deal massive damage?

What Ive been practicing with the karaing is slide into short upkick. Sometimes it comes out bt most of the time it just cancels into rh upkicks which I dont like because of the opening it leaves.

If you’re accidentally getting Roundhouse upkicks when trying for short, you’re likely getting the negative edge off of the slide input. To prevent this, hold the roundhouse button down until after you press up and short. That way you won’t get any pesky negative edge fumbling with your inputs.

I was messing with MGU the other day and I found out that you can “walk” the punch buttons to get the most hits out of your MGU with ease.

What I mean by walk is pressing the HP/MP buttons alternatively as fast as you can. Like your walking, or playing paintball (if you play). I find this much easier, esp. on a pad.

Granted this is prolly old.

That’s pretty much how you kara cancel anything, so if you can get that, you have attained kara cancel master level!

That’s what worked well in Super. It’s a good reminder, though.

I like how sobat kicks works with this kara slide deal. It gives you so much range that it’s not even funny. Gotta love how the community finds simple exploits in the game and uses them to their full potential!!!

Agreed. Not really an exploit per se but awesome none the less. Now to see if I can do it with Claw’s slide muahaha.

Anyways I think Cr.MK is the best move ever. Knocks down the opponent on hit and allows me to cross up or fake the cross up or throw or mix it up in general.

I like whiffing upkick and getting a free throw gets them all the time lol

I noticed in that vid raging that you were using jumping jab for a tick. I’m really liking that. I like that a lot better than jumping forward.