I get jump kicked in the air. Maybe Jump lp is the answer.
Is it me or is the fireball cancelling property of the mgu worthless? I’m sorry, but I think it recovers too slow to be very useful when battling Ryu in a fb war. I think they increased the time it takes to complete the entire move so another fireball is right on top of you before you can do anything. On the flip side of that statement on the mgu, man is it useful to get a 7-hit knock down combo everytime. I think they increased its horizontally hitting range as well. I can get cross up, low jabx2, 4-hit mgu every single time now and on every character. On big characters, it’s not even hard to do 3 jabs for an 8-hitter.
BTW, whenever I do the sobat kick combo, I always do it with roundhouse kick. It still only connects about 50% of the time. That’s why I opt for the mgu combo, less dizzy but it knocks down everytime so I can cross up again.
found it quite useful against Sagat
This was 1/2 luck but once I MGU’d a fireball in my face and immediately supered
Can MGU save you from chip damage on wake-up? I thought about this after being chipped on wakeup to death about 10x. Then I never got a chance to try it.
This is how I feel, too. I never wanna do any other combo, because this one is totally safe in EVERY situation possible. Even on Block, it’s great, because I still have my Fireball charged, and I practically have frame advantage afterwards becasue the MGU recovers so fast now (when coupled, obviously, with the fact that the opponent is in Block Stun… when it whiffs, yeah, it’s not so great at recovering). I don’t ever feel any need to do the Dread Kick Combo. I didn’t think it connected most of the time either, but others who play him more say they get it to connect more reliably now, so I can’t really argue with it since I barely use Dee Jay.
- James
I’ve found a bit of use for it in countering people who like to cover jump ins with fireballs…mostly Guile, Chun, and Akuma. It does feel really slow, though.
Hey! Maybe this is the answer to my earlier question!
I tried a few times using MGU to counter a fireball, but like most others it just doesn’t seem worth it (except for jump in fireball Akuma. I want to see if it can eat a sonic boom and beat guiles Fierce/Overhead attempts). If we could cancel from MGU to fireball on the same frames we’re absorbing fireballs, that’d be cool. That’d be my change for further HD Remix versions.
Against Ryu, I was getting the jumping up over fireballs ok, and then occasionally landing a knockdown, but the Ryu player always blocked my crossups correctly. I think I definitely need more work on making them ambiguous. I’ve noticed that on certain knockdowns, walking backwards a variable amount makes them a bit trickier, as well as mixing in RH instead of MK to make it even harder to tell. But since I never landed a crossup combo, it seemed hopeless. And then I’d be pushed out again, and it’d start all over.
Any tips on cross up setups? I’m pretty sure that after a MGU knockdown, you can walk backwards and still land a crossup, but if you walk further back (a few more pixels) its not a crossup any longer, which might work good.
You know what would make Dee Jay really scary? Is if the following combo turned out to be not too difficult:
Crossup J.Mk / C.Lp x2, S.Mp XX MGU.
I’m terrible, TERRIBLE at combos, and I was landing it one out of every two or three tries. This, combined with the easier Dread Kicks combo (The above combo, subbing with RH Dread Kicks, was possible in ST; however, it seems the difference now is that it can be done successfully against more characters, like Blanka for example), could make a really easy ToD.
Are you saying Dee Jay’s killer combos are too much for you…
I can’t seem to get cr. fierce to combo at all… O_o
Yeah, I think the problem is that I don’t have any rhythm
what do you guys do when your op jumps in order to take the hit when you crossup with MK??? in this situation you land before they do but they get priority on throw… dp beats MGU and upkicks i think. i usually just jump up straight then come down on them with RH, but thats counterable also…
so is taking the first hit of the crossup in the air in order to setup a reverse mixup situation valid??? if not why??
also what are some mixups when you see your crossup blocked? i always just cr.jab x whatever into throw but it makes my (crossup) game a little too obvious for my tastes, is there any good block strings i should be trying in order to setup for another crossup/throw or AA?
i’m knew to DJ and i’ve been handling the online scrubs with ease 'cause of his godlike crossup and easy combos, better players are able to simply block the crossup all day and then make me think about what i should be doing with my positional advantage (damn them!)
which exposes the linear nature of my play.
does DJ have any ok shenanigans?? he seems to be rather straightforward, only thing i can think of is lk upkick (wiffed) into throw or super which is ok as shenanigans. anything else?
any tips???
and thanks for this thread guys, DJ makes st REALLY fun.
I rarely use cr.Fierce in a combo. It can only be comboed at point blank range or close to it, which is why some ppl use it only as part of a cross up chain, cu.Forward>cr.Fierce>MGU. And correct me if I’m wrong, but cr.Fierce is un-comboable when the op is crouching.
It’s also great as a Max Out bait, I do it to fake my opponent when they’re thinking of jumping over my next MO. Or sometimes I kara cancel into MO to punish the counterattack to my cr.Fierce. But I prefer to use it as a backup anti-air.
Dee Jay’s Crouch Fierce is only Bufferable against standing opponents. You have to hit while Dee Jay is still “standing”, before he crouches down and hits lower.
- James
Got it, thanks!
So what the hell are you supposed to do against a Ken that gets in your face and spams jab shoryukens?
Punish a whiffed one with a well timed Slide (C.RH)
Though I personally have never been in a situation where I needed it really, I’ve been told short upkick will beat jab DP if timed properly.
Have any Dee Jay players been getting a TON of hate for the combo(Crossup J.Mk / C.Lp -> C.Lp, S.Mp XX RH Dread Kicks)? I played today for one hour and I got:
- 5 Rage quits (two from the same person)
- 1 message telling me ‘woooowwww you have no life’
- 1 person telling me “you play like a pussy, challenge me again” and then playing them to a first to ten (I won ten to zero, but to be fair, it looked like we desynced on two matches).
Seriously, this was all in the course of an hour. Most people rage quit as soon as they saw their character get dizzied. Dee Jay is like, the ultimate scrub killer, for serious.