I’ve always thought it was best to describe the timing of canceling normals into specials as thinking about the two moves as a singular input. You’re not inputting cr. jab and then upkicks. You’re inputting cr. jab upkicks. No pause. That seems to click the most with new players as far as I’ve seen.
That’s probably a better way to describe it. I mean, it is a 2-in-1, so it might as well be described as one input.
Dreadkick combo does more dizzy and damage, no real reason to use MGU combo now that it’s stun and damage have been nerfed.
Ah, I must still be in vanilla ST mode.
Yeah but if you can get c.up mk, cr. fierce, mgu it does significantly more damage, it’s just a lot more situational than the dred kick combo. It is, however, a great dizzy combo
I figured that whiffed short upkick - throw works really nice, don’t know if my opponents were just noob though.
still have a hard time countering off-the-wall throws and Vegas super.
I prefer the 7-hit mgu combo because it always knocks down, and sets up for another cross up (and is hella easy now). Also, there’s great guessing games after a blocked mgu since you can overlap your change into a max out/dread kick/super. If your opponent tries to hit you after a blocked mgu (and they ALL do at first), you can often times knock them down again.
The 2nd hit of the dread kick still gets blocked often times for me. They improved it, but it’s still doesn’t connect everytime. I’ll admit it does do nice damage and dizzy fo’ sho’-
Which Sobat Kick are using most often? I find the Forward Sobat doesn’t combo the 2nd hit as much as the Roundhouse. And that the Roundhouse Sobat doesn’t combo at max range.
I almost always use RoundHouse, unless I’m fishing a c.lk, then I use short.
Any tips on fighting Ryu? The new MGU doesn’t really help in the fireball wars much, and I find myself having a hard time getting in.
Would you please?
A few tid bits, I am not an expert or anything, but I have fought a lot of good Ryus. This is all vanilla ST, I stil have not played HDR =[ Im sure the core of this match up is still the same though.
Like you said, the problem with Ryu, is getting in. Even if you do get in, he just pushes you out with Fireballs =[
Most important part of fighting Ryu is to learn to predict their fireball pattern, and get a jump in combo or at least a safe jump in RH. Learn to jump straight up over fireballs instead of blocking all of them, because you will be taking a lot of chip damage from that fool, as well as letting them establish their zone. Your cr strong beats his cr short, cr forward, and I think the beginning of his cr RH. Your cr RH is good at certain distances, but don’t be predictable and don’t do it to where they see it coming because they can counter hit you pretty easily with cr RH or DP. Your cr forward is a great way to counter hit Ryu, it knocks him down and sets him up for cross up option select madness. Your cr Fierce is also a powerful tool against Ryu, go to training mode and look at the hit box on that thing :looney:
Try to throw them towards or in the corner, that is where you want him. Try to bait out DP’s, and cr RH , st RH, or Max Out those. Dread kicks go over lows, so use them in situtations where the two of you are establishing footsie space. You really have to knock him down, and land a crossup. Ryu has too many tools in this fight.
Try to not let him get you in the zone where you can’t really do anything except block a fireball or jump straight over one. Eventually, you will end up in the corner, which is probably where you will stay lol. You always want to be about half that distance, or another place I like to be vs Ryu is the the distance your cr RH travels, that way you can counter hit Ryu empty footsies with Dread Kicks, cr RH, etc.
Oh, and don’t jump unless you 100% know they are gonnah throw a fireball, because you will get DP’ed forever. Oh, and standing RH is a good poke, just be careful with it.
Careful, smart use of Max Outs is huge in this matchup.
Hopefully some other peeps will add to this, this is all just basic stuff.
^^^All good tips. IMO good Ryus will not be mindlessly spamming Hadokens, but will actually mix it up with long range cross up Tatsus that Upkicks can miss, walk up footsies, throws, point blank Red Hadokens and random overheads.
For dealing with the Hadoken spammers though, I like to block the first Hadoken, answer quickly with Fierce Max Out, slide, another MO to answer the 2nd Hadoken, jump straight up for the 3rd Hadoken unless it’s slow, then another MO, slide, and by this point, I’m within slide range of Ryu so I can do super to get through the 4th Hadoken or Sobat or whatever.
So not only do I respond to the Hadokens to avoid chip damage, but I also keep my Upkicks charge everytime I slide while at the same time advancing little by little. And even if I don’t advance much, it’s upsetting to the Ryu player to see you enter his zone, and might make a mistake. heheh
Good Ryu is smart, patient and knows their spacing 100%. They know that we have to bring the fight to them. We must be more patient and smart =]
Another tip is to always block (at least in Vanilla ST) their crossup tatsu attempts. Sometimes, if they angle right, if you try to upkick, they will hit you in the back of your head with their foot, knock you down and make you block a fireball on wakeup. Now, you are back to square one. Except now, he has the life lead, a position that sucks if you are DeeJay in this match up.
Walking towards him is also good. I know it sounds basic, but you have to do this to keep pressure.
Good stuff though, lets keep the Ryu/DeeJay stuff going. This is one of his hardest match ups IMO.
How do I deal with Guile when I am trapped in the corner? People j.sonic boom then behind that j.mk > c. mp > sb > c.mk > sb… repeat. I cannot seem to get out.
I have tried sliding under the sonic boom, lk up kick and I always lose or at best trade and end up back in the corner.
From the scenario you are describing, it sounds like you have enough time to meet him air to air when he jumps at you with a jumping jab or a jumping RH. Am I understanding you correctly? He throws a jab sonic, you wait to block the jab sonic, and when you’re in block stun he is landing a jumping forward on you?
Yeah but I feel like the SB and lumping forward hit at nearly the same time so I don’t have time after blocking the SB to do anything.
Ah ok. Well, like I was saying, jump over the sonic and meet him in the air. Use a jumping jab or jumping early RH. I think this should solve your problem. (If I am understanding you right)
Cool, thanks. I will try it next time. Lots of Guile players out there it seems so I am sure I will get an opportunity immediately
This is one of Guiles man tactics in ST, try using short hook kick reversal it may go over his sweep or trade with it. What happens if you just jump straight up over the sonic boom?
Im guessing you land on a low forward or sobat kick. Strictly a guess.