AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

So, I’m considering making a “STHD DeeJay video,” showcasing general strats, move list, bread and butter combos, flashy combos, maybe matchup advice.

Seem like a fun idea? Of course it would come down to most of the people in this thread who know what they’re doing throwing in their advice as what belongs in the video, I can handle the capture and editing and such.

short upkick and jump jab

Hey, what’s up DeeJay players? What do you guys do about Blanka? Blanka ball is safe now, so the best i can do is sonic boom afterward to trade chip for chip (that’s assuming I blocked in the first place and have charge). I normally get big damage out of cross ups, but I’ve found that even the most novice of players can mash electricity like a moron (clearly this frustrates me). So I constantly get zoned out without a clue to what I can to get in. And when I do get in, I eat random electricity.

c.jap eats him on every thing blanka does!

Is there a normal that beats Rogs Rush Punches AND TAPs? c.jab wont work if the TAP is spaced correctly.

hey guys…

since i’ve been getting my shit wrecked by deejay repeatedly, and iam yet to understand wtf to do, i might as well ask here how to beat this guy

i use either ken or vega(vega as in yeeeeeoooo vega)

no no no… not gonna tell you how to beat Dee Jay here :rofl:
You need to go to the Ken and Vega thread!

While your cross up game pretty much goes out the window against blanka, I still think Dee Jay is very solid here. If you cross up early enough and just block electricity, you can punish it. You can still toss out fireballs when you’re expecting a ball, or if he’s far enough away (or you’re feeling risky) you can do upkicks. The added damage for hitting him out of the ball works wonders here. Fallback is of course Jab. Jab even beats his C.FP slide.

If you can ever get him second guessing electricity on Wakeup by punishing it a few times, then you can get back into some of the crossup game.

At least thats my Blanka Experience

At least in GGPO, random low shorts will stop boxer sometimes. The only problem is it isn’t guaranteed, so I would still eat a rush for every few I stopped. And with boxer’s damage the way it is, continuing that tactic seemed like a losing battle. I’ve also tried wiffing low forward in front of boxer. I would trade sometimes, or sometimes I would beat out whatever he tried clean. The way I think about it (I’m not great Dee Jay player, though) I really need that knock down to build offensive momentum.

Repeated jumping attacks ruin Dee Jay’s down charge, so he won’t be able to AA with up kicks. I don’t really know what to do with Ken, but with Vega, I have hard time dealing with his corner pressure. So I guess work Dee Jay into a corner and low strong to death, maybe roll back in.

Thanks man. I’ll try that out. I just hope he doesn’t throw me if I go for empty jump. Also what do I punish with (dumb question, I know, but I go for slide out of habit)? Low forward?

thanks for ur advice ill try it out

Cammy’s harder now but not too bad. As stated before, low forward beats drill if you hit it early, and low strong will trade with Cammy’s low forward or better (if I’m remembering right). The thing is that you have to treat Cammy like a grappler now; never let her in. Throw max outs at her for days and take a few steps forward every so often when you do - if she tries to spin knuckle slap her with st. Roundhouse or j. roundhouse. As always, short upkicks beat everything so don’t worry about her jump-ins. If you knock her down and want to attack make sure to go for deep mk cross-ups or you’ll eat canon spike.

crouching strong literally beats everything blanka has on the ground; it even beats slide if you do it early. Keep blanka out with max outs and if you see him approach slap him with upkicks; if he’s far enough away that only the tip of his foot would hit you, you can use forward upkicks and get the three-hit. Don’t try to cross him up, however, or you’re just going to eat v. ball unless you’re safe-jumping. DJ has no need to go to Blanka, just give him enough rope to hang himself

Is there anything that beats Claw’s Wall Dives everytime, other than jumping Forward or Roundhouse? Up Kicks work sometimes but aren’t reliable, and jumping Forward or Roundhouse don’t work in the corner. Good Claws have been giving my Dee Jay a hard time in the corner with non stop Wall Dives and nothing seems to work. I’ve tried crouching Fierce, but that also only works sometimes. What about jumping Jab or MGU?

j.jab and j.short work best for me. I never tried MGU because of it’s bad AA properties - maybe it works though.

edit: but I have problems beating the off the walls too, they’re just so incredibly fast

Short upkick or standing strong are the most reliable. I actually think being in the corner is the safest place to be, that way he cant cross up on the wall dive!

Ah ok, will try those tactics. Thanks Tschesae and Furious.

For claws wall dives, if your anywhere that’s not the corner, just jump back jab, it will beat everything.

If you’re in the near the corner, short upkick will beat a walldive even if it crosses you up.

Never try to get in on Blanka, also, never try to cross him up. You have to play keep away against Blanka like you would against Gief or Honda. Spam cr. jab at the start of the round, it will beat his slide and blanka balls, if he jumps you can short upkick him, jump back and fireball on wakeup. Once your full screen, pressure with fireballs, but don’t get predictable, it’s ok to just sit there and bait the jumpin, and if gets to close start spamming cr. mp or cr. fp to beat his slide, they will also beat his blanka balls, and next time he tries to just walk up to you smack him with a fierce fireball.

If he does get in, the second you get the opportunity, jump back and jab, it the safest way to get distance (this is also what you do in case Honda gets in on you.)

Now, the absolute worse thing that can happen in this matchup is if Blanka lands his bite throw, he’s got so many mixups after and DJ has the disadvantage of having to charge his reversal. What I like to do in this case is as soon as your thrown, mash as fast has you can for about a second then immediately stop and start charging, you should only take a couple more bites after and it should just give you enough time to charge your upkick.

I was playing Vanilla ST last nite against a Cammy player, and cr jab beat out cannon drill, clean. Was this legit, or random? I haven’t played a lot of vs Cammy, but I thought this was worth mentioning. That, and I have no way to test this on HDRemix, but every little piece of matchup knowledge matters I suppose.

I finally got the timing down for his crossup -> cr.jab x2 -> st.strong xx rh dread kicks :woot:

If anyone else is having trouble, the following suggestions may apply:
[]Don’t mash jab. There is a rhythm to all of Dee Jay’s combos; finding this rhythm makes them much easier to pull off and much more satisfying.
]Practice troublesome parts. I practiced cr.jab x2 -> st.strong for almost an hour before I realized there was a rhythm to it. I can’t stress enough how much practice matters.
[*]Special timing is not rhythmic. If the combo ends with a special (as Dee Jay’s tend to do), you generally need to perform the input for the special immediately after the last hit of the combo. For example, in -> cr.jab x2 -> st.strong xx rh dread kicks, the timing is something like this:…cr.jab…cr.jab…st.strong.rh dread kicks. You have to immediately perform the dread kicks after you hit :mp:, no matter if you see it connect or not. You don’t have time to hit confirm it.

Man, I feel like a scrub for not realizing these fundamentals about combos sooner. Mashing was working for me, but now I feel so much better about my game.

haha, how appropriate for deejay! but yeah i find that for dj you have more time to get stuff to link than you think

i can get the combo about…50% of the time i think. for some reason i cant get it to work on guile (the st. strong gets blocked for some weird reason) but i can do it on ken, ryu and a bunch of other people. i wish crossup mk c.jab c.jab RH upkicks worked on crouching opponents cuz it looks cool and is sooooooo easy to do.

quick question, sorry if it has been answered before. is it better to do c.jab, c.jab, st.strong, RH dread kicks or c.jab, c.jab, mash MGU after a crossup mk? both seem to do around the same amount of damage i think.

I think MGU might do more dizzy, and if you land all of the hits (should be a 7 hit combo, I think?), it definitely does more damage.