AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

Cr. mp and cr. fierce will beat his headbut/handslaps clean. So will spamming jab. Spamming jab/fireballs is your basic keep away strat for honda. Short upkick will beat his buttsplash even if it crosses up. Jump back jab will beat his super clean. If he gets you cornered and spams buttsplash standing strong will beat it.

Just play keep away and if he ever gets close always jump back jab, nothing he can do will punish it.

Just try to get close to sagat, short upkick over low tigers, if you predict a tiger jumping rh will hit sagats arms from full screen away. Once you get close always keep a charge and slide to move in. Short dread kick will beat his low tiger clean, if he jump short upkick and go for a crossup.

Dont be predictable with the fireballs. Short upkick will beat her jump in clean. Fireball/slide/fireball to get in. But dont be so hasty to throw out the second fireball watch to see if she jumps. You have to get her cornered, so if you land a kockdown go for a crossup into tick throw to throw her in the corner. Once you have her in the corner fireball on wakeup and walk foward and standing roundhouse to keep her there. Jump in jab will beat almost anything of hers, if it hits combo cr. jab, st. lk, xx fireball. If she blocks, throw after the cr. jab, but mix in the st. lk xx fireball even after a block so she cant reversal your throws. Also mix in fireball xx slide after a knockdown in the corner to knock her down again, alot of chuns will jump straight up on wake up, slideing allows you to keep your charge and upkick her is she does.

Claw is easy, cr. foward will beat his slide and roll clean. Spam max out and if he walldives jump back right away and jab will beat whatever he does. If your cornered and he walldives short upkick will beat it clean even if he crosses up. If you get claw cornered use the same chun strat of fireball/standing rh into jumping jab/tick throw/block string into fireball.

Ryu is by far DJ’s worse matchup. Followed by Rog and Sim.

Vega, and Blanka are good matchups for DJ. Sagat is even with maybe slight advatage DJ.

Cr. mp and fp and your friends. Slide will beat standing rh, so if sim think your going to jump slide instead to beat it and knock him down.

Always try to get in close, you want to score a knockdown/crossup. DJ’s bnb crossup combo is instant death for sim. A good way to get in close is to slow fireball and walk behind it, most sims will jump back or straight up and kick, standing mp will trade or beat it clean resetting him in the air allowing you to get closer. If sim trys wakeup yoga flame too close, short upkick will beat him clean. Also if he’s dumb enough to yoga flame you or even super you on wakeup while you have a super thats a free super for you.

This was possible in regular ST (yes even the RH dread kick) and would almost always dizzy. This combo was your best friend against ryu, if you could predict a fireball you needed to land this combo. A good way to land it is to jump over a fireball, and then immediately jump again, most ryu’s will walk back and fireball again, leaving them open to said combo.

I got this combo down pretty well. Cross-up j.forward, c.jabx2, s.strong, RH sobat. Problem is how do I do the up kicks? I can do sobat fine, but how can I get the charge for up kicks?

My question is: why does anyone want to do any combo OTHER than:

Cross-up MK / C.LP -> C.LP XX Machine Gun Upper

That combo is so spectacularly fantastic in so many ways. One, it’s totally safe on hit or block. Two, it deals very good Block Damage. Three, it works on EVERYONE and requires much less timing than C.LP, S.MP (I know that link isn’t hard, but this other combo is ridiculously easy). Four, the recovery on the MGU is so good now that you are never in a bad position afterwards. Five, if you do MGU at Up/Back, you are still charged for a Fireball right away afterwards. Six, if it connects, it’s really amazing damage.

There is simply no downside to this Combo outside of the fact that it’s harder on a pad than on a joystick (you need to mash all three punches to do it consistently). Other combos may do more damage, but I just feel like the number of benefits and convenience and ease of this Combo just makes it not worth it to mess with random Sobat Combos that might get you uppercut in between hits and all this other jazz.

  • James

One word, Dizzy. Also you can’t get dp’d between dread kick hits anymore.

So MGU combo isn’t the main dizzy combo anymore? I know in Vanilla ST it was xup forward, cr jab, cr short, MGU=insta dizzy. If you got 3 hits of the MGU that is. Or was it 4? Hmm.

Also, are you finding that much of your core gameplan is the same BruceLB? Have the match ups changed enough to throw you off significantly? From observation, (I don’t have the game) Ryu seems like he is even more of a pain in the ass now. How is vs Akuma? Is the MGU upgrade helpful vs Ryu?

Lots of questions =]

Folks, be thankful that BruceLB is dropping some DeeJay knowledge. Dude is solid.

Akuma is a pain in the butt, much more than any of the shotos, atleast with Sagat once you are close you a bigger threat to him than he is to you. Akuma’s air fireball really messes up my gameplan, I cannot turtle if he jumps in with a late airfireball at the same time you have to stand block otherwise you will eat fierce then he will just rape you with his juggles. Akuma has a great keep away game aswell, my offensive game isn’t strong enough, can defend enough, and countering is just a huge risk …seriously I’m out of ideas on this match up :confused:

EDIT: Guy I was playing seemed to intentional whiff or miss the airfireball just to form a barrier of fireballs

^Can you short upkick at the last second through airfireball and hit him?

I had tried to but I either got hit or he landed safefly, other times I was just corner trapped as he just jumped straight up to do airfireballs. Only time I got out was when I built up enough to super my way out.

Really wish there was a record function in training mode, even better would be to record online games then use these recorded inputs for the bot in training mode.

The match up against Akuma is just insane. You can throw a max out have it under Akuma and he can air fire ball and stop it. But I haven seen that when you are the aggressor in that match up things are a little bitter. Just don’t ever jump in on Akuma.

Good games last night Bruce, when I saw I was playing your DeeJay agaisnt my Vega (I’m trying to go for the “Win with all characters” achievements : P) I was impressed with your play.

Also, I always tend to do the Cross up mk, c.jab, c.jab, s.strong, RH Dread Kicks. or c.jab, c.jab, upkicks. If I don’t confirm the jabs, I do the Dread Kicks. If I confirm the jabs, I do upkicks. It’s safe, as far as I can tell, even if the Dread Kicks end up just doing chip damage. I’ve been messing around with the MGU combo, but I’m pretty sure it ends up doing slightly less damage, and theres the issue of not knocking down if you don’t mash properly.

I was working out the c.jab c.fierce link yesterday, and I really like it, but it seems inconsistent across characters on what works or not. I kinda liked that I could set it up so that a mis-time on the fierce can end up being a throw option select. I was also messing with c.jab,, MGU. Not sure if the does more or less damage than the jab.

I know this will end up being a silly question, but what links into super? I’ve seen some vids with what I think is or into super, but neither has worked for me so far.

Lastly, I got a funny 2 hit combo yesterday. Did the projectile, Blanka jumped over it, projectile went off screen. I walked forward, did S.RH, knocked blanka backwards into the projectile that was off screen, for a silly 2 hit combo. Made me grin.

MGU was changed so that’s its easier to mash, and so it’s way easier to get all four hits. To balance that out, MGU stun (and maybe damage) was reduced. So MGU is no longer a insta stun. It still does a lot. I stunned someone beginning of the round with just wiff punish short up kick, j. mk., cr. lp, cr.lp., MGU.

I know lk upkick is pretty much invincible on the way up, so that might be possible. You might not beat it out clean, but you might trade. And the trade will probably be in your favor.

Yeah MGU dizzy and damage were reduced significantly. As for any changes in my gameply, no, not really. DJ is pretty much the same, and the changes to the other chars hasn’t really affected him. I haven’t really found much use in nullify projectiles with MGU. Especially in the corner, it doesn?t come out fast enough. Ryu, is still as tough a matchup as ever.

One thing I want to mess around and I think will help with ryu, is pressuring with DJ’s new dread kicks. Now they both hits actually hit, they are safe on block, the added lower invincibility to both strong and rh versions seems like his biggest buff.

As far as Akuma, you can upkick though his air fireball on wakeup. If he didn’t time his air fb correctly he will get smacked outa the air as you go through the air fb. But if the opponent times his air fb correctly he will land before your reversal.

The only saving grace about that match up is how much damage akuma takes. You really need to try and predict his fireball and smack him with jumping RH for lots of damage. Scoring a knockdown is vital just like against. Getting him in the corner is your best bet. Then you can stay close and pressure with cr. mp that will beat his fireball clean, and fireballs. Walk up after one like your going for a tick throw to bait his dp and smack him with st. rh for lots of damage.

I haven’t played too many good akuma’s, but right now the matchup doesn?t seem as bad as ryu. Simply because of how much damage akuma takes. One crossup combo is pretty much death for him.

GG’s and thanks.

Always go for the dread kick combo instead of the upkicks. It does more stun and damage. If they block it, cr. jab into throw, or cr. jab x2 into throw is a basic mixup. You can also cr. foward right after a crossup to sweep if they were blocking high. Once they start blocking low, whiffing st. jab to throw is ridiculously hard to counter. Doing the dread kick combo for block damage is ok, but cr. jabx2 xx st. lk xx fire ball gives you chip damage and keeps them within sweep range.

As far as what normals link into super. They all do because you have to kara cancel. I never combo into super though, because a) it’s hard, b) even if you time it perfectly it will sometimes randomly not connect, and c) by the time you get super the much easier cr. jabx2 xx upkicks xx super will probably be enough to kill them anyways.

Thanks BruceLB :tup:

How the hell do I beat Cammy now? I’ve had infinitely more trouble with this match than I have any other in this game, where she seems to now be completely unthreatened by my fireballs, outprioritizing her doesn’t work, and the only answer I have to cannon drill traps is to try and dread kick out over low forward (which loses cleanly to everything else if you happen to guess wrong).

Cr. forward beats cannon drills. But yeah you have to zone her, keep her back with fireballs and bait her spin knuckle and punish with double upkick juggle. Then crossup combo/throw mixup and jump back and zone her again.

Thanks for the help with the dread kicks combo. That thing’s working for me all the time now.

I’ve also been using the MGU more now, but is it just me or is the damage worse then upkicks? And sometimes I’ve noticed it doesn’t knock down.

Jumping straight up and sticking out lk (possibly mk?) beats drills, but then again you’re leaving yourself open to cannon spikes. But in one of Keits videos, I saw cammy do her Super to DeeJay in the corner, and on reaction DeeJay jumped straight up and hit LK, and the super went behind him and into the corner, allowing him to beat it out.

Also, thanks for the tips. Didn’t realize you couldnt link super and had to Kara Cancel it

that combo gives us noobs a good chance to deal some crazy damage. I also use this if the initial cross up is blocked because you can charge a fb or dread kick after the MGU.

if you mash like crazy it always knocks down. I don’t know about the damage compared to upkicks though.