Cr. mp and cr. fierce will beat his headbut/handslaps clean. So will spamming jab. Spamming jab/fireballs is your basic keep away strat for honda. Short upkick will beat his buttsplash even if it crosses up. Jump back jab will beat his super clean. If he gets you cornered and spams buttsplash standing strong will beat it.
Just play keep away and if he ever gets close always jump back jab, nothing he can do will punish it.
Just try to get close to sagat, short upkick over low tigers, if you predict a tiger jumping rh will hit sagats arms from full screen away. Once you get close always keep a charge and slide to move in. Short dread kick will beat his low tiger clean, if he jump short upkick and go for a crossup.
Dont be predictable with the fireballs. Short upkick will beat her jump in clean. Fireball/slide/fireball to get in. But dont be so hasty to throw out the second fireball watch to see if she jumps. You have to get her cornered, so if you land a kockdown go for a crossup into tick throw to throw her in the corner. Once you have her in the corner fireball on wakeup and walk foward and standing roundhouse to keep her there. Jump in jab will beat almost anything of hers, if it hits combo cr. jab, st. lk, xx fireball. If she blocks, throw after the cr. jab, but mix in the st. lk xx fireball even after a block so she cant reversal your throws. Also mix in fireball xx slide after a knockdown in the corner to knock her down again, alot of chuns will jump straight up on wake up, slideing allows you to keep your charge and upkick her is she does.
Claw is easy, cr. foward will beat his slide and roll clean. Spam max out and if he walldives jump back right away and jab will beat whatever he does. If your cornered and he walldives short upkick will beat it clean even if he crosses up. If you get claw cornered use the same chun strat of fireball/standing rh into jumping jab/tick throw/block string into fireball.
Ryu is by far DJ’s worse matchup. Followed by Rog and Sim.
Vega, and Blanka are good matchups for DJ. Sagat is even with maybe slight advatage DJ.
Cr. mp and fp and your friends. Slide will beat standing rh, so if sim think your going to jump slide instead to beat it and knock him down.
Always try to get in close, you want to score a knockdown/crossup. DJ’s bnb crossup combo is instant death for sim. A good way to get in close is to slow fireball and walk behind it, most sims will jump back or straight up and kick, standing mp will trade or beat it clean resetting him in the air allowing you to get closer. If sim trys wakeup yoga flame too close, short upkick will beat him clean. Also if he’s dumb enough to yoga flame you or even super you on wakeup while you have a super thats a free super for you.
This was possible in regular ST (yes even the RH dread kick) and would almost always dizzy. This combo was your best friend against ryu, if you could predict a fireball you needed to land this combo. A good way to land it is to jump over a fireball, and then immediately jump again, most ryu’s will walk back and fireball again, leaving them open to said combo.