AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

MGU vs. Akuma’s Red Fireballs…

OK, a friend and i tested the MGU vs. red fireballs:


MGU snuffs only jab fireballs, and NOT strong and fierce versions (the multi-hitting ones, basically). :sad:

so unless you can tell if it’s a slow/jab red hadoken coming at you, i wouldn’t bother trying to snuff them. if it’s super-fast, avoid it!

I was looking for Some Deejay combos. On the SRK wiki I couldn’t even even do any. ; ;

So, I guess you could always to J.Hk / C.Hp xx Short Dread Kicks, but now you can do it with Roundhouse Dread Kicks. It’s almost guaranteed 100% damage on average vitality characters, and even against the strongest of characters, you’d only need to land another punch to kill them. I don’t think this will be incredibly practical, but it’s neato.

They probably realized or discovered that if it could eat multi-hit fireballs, he could laugh off Ryu’s shinkuu. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, does it just flatly refuse to destroy any more than one hit, or is it an issue of the MGU not being fast enough or something?

Thanks for that!

…it refuses to destroy more than one hit. i tried different timings and different parts of the MGU to snuff it: no-go.

Gotcha. Good to know.

Im having trouble doing ccross up j.forward, c.jab x2, s.strong, super.

I used to be able to do it in ST but i cant seem to get it. Has anyone else tried this in Remix?

I’ve noticed I’ve had to change some of my timing in HDRemix, stuff like the machine gun uppercut cross up is completely different now I can cancel crouching jab into crouching crouching fierce into MGU, damn sexy if I do say so myself!

I have attempted that super combo nowhere near being able to pull it off on stick.

Well alright fellow Jamaicans, any major matchup changes? Is Ryu or O. Sagat any easier to deal with now with fancy MGU? How is the damage from xup forward, cr jab, cr short, MGU? Or, is the new combo, xup forward, cr jab, cr fierce, MGU?

Any changes in vs Blanka or vs Honda? How are the new dreadkicks? I wish I could play =[

Edit: What about vs Akuma? That seems interesting.

You dont need to cross up anymore and do machine gun uppercut because oppoenent doesnt fall out of it anymore :woot:

Slightly offtopic, I just beat akuma in arcade mode, I tried with DeeJay but just got an ass wooping, but did it with Guile, new flash kick is alot more useful than I thought!

Thanks to KING for the tips - now I’m able to do the combo

btw: I keep having problems against Bison/dictator, his scissor kicks are so hard to punish and apart from jumping attacks I am not able to counter his psycho crusher.

short upkicks > scissors kick

short upkicks > psycho crusher

  • when in doubt, short upkicks ftw. :woot:

you should always have a down-back charge ready to go.

it should be in your muscle memory if you train yourself to see those things from 1/2 - full screen away.

after the knockdown from the upkicks, start your cross-up shenanigans.

if you don’t have a charge, and you really have to do something, i would suggest doing:

scissors kick < block, then strong throw towards corner.
psycho crusher < block, then mash s.roundhouse to smack him…if he’s close to the corner, slide for the knockdown.

Vs Akuma, if he jumps in with an air fireball, MGU will absorb the fireball and punish Akuma for trying

Thank you. Crouching to standing is insane. Any advice on a stick?

Hah… I did the exact same thing and it was so much easier to punish with Guile.

I’m having trouble getting combos after crossing up a crouching opponent that isn’t huge like zangief or hawk. I typically use, c.jab x2 xx RH Upkicks juggle with super if I have it. But I’m noticing smart players simply crouching under the upkicks in the combo, and I eat a free dp or whatever.

I know it’s possible to combo into the sobat/dread kicks, but i can never seem to get it from the jabs. I’ve seen it done by using c.jab, s.strong into dread kicks, but I can’t get this to work for me at all. Is the trick charging during the cross up and c.jabs then releasing the stick to neutral and then doing forward + kick? If so, I think I’m having an issue with my timing the forward + kick.

For the dread kicks, you have to precisely press jab twice and make sure they both connect. You can’t mash jab or it screws up, I think. I have trouble with it as well. The combo is crossup -> cr.jab x2 -> st.strong xx rh dread kicks. My problem is that during combos I tend to mash until I see the correct amount connect, and for this combo in particular, I think it actually matters how many times you hit jab due to renda canceling or some other factor I’m simply unaware of.

The way I do it is crossup, cr. jabx2, then move the stick from down/back to back before pressing strong (that way you’re standing for the strong rather than crouching, but still retaining charge for the sobat), and then toward + roundhouse to activate the sobat. I still struggle with the timing sometimes, but if you screw it up, it tends to be safer than the upkicks if they duck it. Same argument could be made for the MGU crossups though, but those have never quite stuck with me.

That is way harder then it needs to be. Just hold go from down/back to back when you hit standing strong xx dread kick. Against skinny chars like claw and chun just do one cr. jab instead of two or else the st. strong will whiff.

Also always go for that combo instead of the upkicks.