AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

I noticed today that cross up mk, c.jab, c.jab, s.strong, Round House turn kicks seems to always combo against Balrog, and dizzied him each time I landed it. Pretty slick, though most characters seem to be able to block the last hit of the round house kicks.

Never played a lot of Turbo, but I’m really feeling it now with Remix. Liking Deejay a lot.

What are his best options on wakeup, and his best options in the corner? I find myself doing well until I get stuck in the corner.

Also - is there a reason why crossup MK, cr. jabs into jab MGU doesn’t always knock down? It sucks landing a 6-hit combo and then getting swept.

Have not heard anyone mention the Akuma matchup and I watched a few vids where people were having trouble there. Have not seen anyone in these vids try MGU against air firball attempts. Anyone have any input on that idea

short upkicks on wakeup.

MGU snuffs fireballs now; charge db, ub + P to activate while keeping your charge.

use cu.MK, c.LP, c.FP xx MGU (DAMAGE!) …that FP is the damage! it’s like 70%! who cares about knockdown when you could pretty much end the round with just this cross-up combo?!

or just cu.MK c.LP *2, s.MP xx FK Dread Kicks to guarantee a knockdown :slight_smile:

RE: Troc/Casino: if you aren’t going to the Xmas party with the TvC debut on day 1, or the Garou tourney, then sure, new year we’ll go to the arcade. Walk with me, brothaaaaa!!!

shakes maracas


MGU airfirball will stop him jumping in at the same time. I havent managed to MGU a red fireball yet I get taken out everytime, KING have you had any luck with that???

yeh new year dude.

Thats what I was hoping for, MGU to ignore airfireball and knock him out of the air.

As for the red Fireball. Other say he can eat two fireballs off the same MGU (earlier in this thread) yet he does not seem to be able to stop more than one hit of a multi-hit fireball for some reason. I saw him eat a Shinkuu Hadouken the same way. Seems kinda strange. I think each Fist has its own anti-fireball properties but the extra hits just hit his fist after the first is snuffed. Or they already have passed his fist by the time the next MGU hit comes out. One of the two.

Anyways, point I was getting at. If Dee Jay can stop Akuma jump in fireball tricks with MGU and if Akuma becomes high tier as people are expecting, then Dee Jay should have a place near the top as well as a meta-game choice. MGU plus a combo which basically kills Akuma in one hit is solid.

…can you clarify your question? :confused:

Yeah, so I’m dying to the down jab jab SPD stuff zangief and t. hawk seem to be all about now. :confused:

How the hell do you get out of it? I always figured just jabbing would poke him out, but it’s like a combo now or something. :open_mouth: They always seem to get it.

Have you managed to destroy Akuma’s red fireball with the MGU, I can destroy Ryu’s but with Akuma’s I fail everytime.

SPD > jab :rofl:

it’s a bad guessing game, but try reversal short upkicks to get out. the thing is, there’s several options he can do; i’ll list a couple (not all of them):

c.jab xx SPD
c.jab *2 xx SPD
c.jab, s.short xx SPD
c.jab, s.short xx Siberian Suplex (to stay in range of the corner)

i haven’t fully explored Gief’s new hop, but Vodka Stuart’s Gief’ Tricks vid with the new hop shows a lot of possibilities… :sad:

basically, he’s going to make you guess in his favor.

if you’re letting him in, then Gief’ deserves to SPD you!

oh, i haven’t tested that out…i’ll test with a friend later today…

if so, i’d imagine you’d have to continue mashing to nullify all of it? either way, i’ll let you know later today, if you haven’t found out already.

Do you guys have any tips for executing the cu.MK cr.Jab cr.Fierce xx MGU combo? The normals are easy but the MGU does not connect =(

you can piano MP ~ LP after the c.FP…the negative edge from the c.FP helps too. just mash also after c.FP…lol.

thanks - I’ll try that

btw: haven’t found an explanation of neagtive edge in the wiki (only that it helps connecting)

Majestros summed it up pretty well on his site (

**negative edge -

use of button release in place of button press within a command sequence; most Capcom fighting games allow special and super moves to be performed by this method **

basically, hold down the button, then doing a motion, THEN letting go. it aids in a lot of advanced techniques and option-selects…a good example was ST T.Hawk’s Storm Hammer…you can negative edge it to increase chances of it landing, and also to help in not having unwanted normal moves to come out.

another would be Honda’s stored Ochio.

I had a feeling it was upkicks. :frowning: I’m bad at them on wakeup for some reason. But I will definetly try the piano thing.

And yeah, I know I shouldn’t let Gief in. I just always feel a little guilty fireball spamming him to death to keep him away. But I guess that’s really how to do it.

there’s no guilt in keeping him at bay…unless you WANT him to SPD you! :amazed:

besides, Gief’ 3 options to come get you:

jump forward = you AA him

lariats = inches him forward…although be wary of the KKK lariat, or less you slide right into his SPD!

Banishing Flat = make sure not to let him get used to your Max Outs, or else he’ll BF xx SPD you from 1/2-2/3 screen distance away.

be aware of his options, and your opponent’s tendencies.

Yeah, all of his options tend to have simple counters to stop him from coming in. But it just takes one misplaced or poorly inputed maxout or upkick and its spd city. :rofl:

Wish I didn’t have an art project to do. :frowning: Want to fight giefs now.

lol, we can spar later if you’d like. :slight_smile:

i’ll play as Gief’. :woot: