AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!


when was spliff playing dj?

i just knew him as some cocky ass gief player with a gigantic ego

splif32000 is a jackass who I beat later in that playlist

splif320000 is an untouchable korean deejay

so basically

gief spliff is crappy
korean spliff is godly

Played Deejay tonight and he is pretty damn fun, yet annoying to fight against. More so than guile imo (fun and annoyance). He is a mindgame master with the turtle and some deep dizzy combos. I wasn’t quite happy with how I was getting knocked out of his upkicks, but that is my fault for not knowing the priority. His sidekicks are useful in certain situations and his slide is godly. Upkick into super seems to be one of the best set ups in the game and it is pretty easy to do.

I think they made a good counterpart, in terms of gameplay, to Guile with this char.

he’s sorta ‘aggressive guile’, even when turtling. upkicks are certainly no flashkick/dp, but the super juggle makes them damn good besides. the biggest difference i’ve seen is that you’ll probably be jumping alot more with DJ than guile because maxout -> j.jab will basically stop anything and he can threaten with massive crossup combos

it’s really easy for your gameplan to fall apart at the hands of a relentless DJ, he’s much better than people give him credit for

Yeah! My style is not turtle, so an “agressive Guile” is more in line with my philosopy lol. Is he on the lower end of the life spectrum? Seems like he really can’t take a hit thou lol

I never noticed a disadvantage. I’m pretty sure he has the same stamina as Ryu.

All versions of upkicks have full invulnerability through their first hit, but the short version hits a bit later, and for longer, which means it has noticeably more invulnerability frames than the other two versions.

And in case anyone hasn’t come across it yet, the scans of the Yoga Book Hyper are definately worth taking a look at. Not too hard to decipher, even without knowing japanese.

Ahh nice one mate

love that dj swag its all about rhythm when you play with him

Dee Jay’s instant overhead?

Something that I’ve been trying to figure out for a long time is [media=youtube]DUCrJIbyGXc#t=0m26s"[/media] at 0:26. Dee Jay performs a fadeaway j. jab on Ryu’s wake-up.
This is an instant overhead, right?

If so, is it more of a situational trick or is it available for reliable use? And what exactly is the timing for it? I’ve tried to do it myself numerous times, but haven’t been able to do it successfully.

If not, then what the hell happened there? Botched shoryuken input?

Yeah, it was either a botched Shoryuken or he was blocking low. That’s O.Ryu who has completely invincible Shoryukens, and a reversal Shoryuken would have stuffed the jump away Jab. If it was N.Ryu or R.Ryu, the Jab would have stuffed or traded with the Shoryuken. Most likely he was blocking low, so yeah, it is a reliable tool.

I’m not aware of any instant overhead. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, I’ve just never used it or seen it used.

Hard to tell from the video, but if you pause on the correct frame you can see that the hit made contact at about head level. This means Ryu was standing at the time for some reason. I’m gonna guess he was trying for a reversal throw, but that’s just a guess.

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. Good analysis, I didn’t think about a wake-up throw.

I guess it’s not really an instant overhead, but I got excited at the idea of Dee Jay having yet another mixup.
I was just hoping for a different mixup that’d be especially good for finishing people instead of always doing a point-blank hyperfist.

I have seen it used. And that’s obviously what s-kill was hoping to do. It’s not as high priority as Chun Li’s instant Stomp, but it is a viable strategy. It’s easier to do on bigger chars like Zangief, Hawk and Honda, but I’ve seen it work on smaller chars.

Jump back jab on your opponent’s wakeup is an interesting tool, but not one to be abused. Useful for catching people off guard, especially N and R Ryu.

can anyone give me a few tips with execution and play style with deejay… i am new with him and i have problems consistently land cross up to cr.lpx2 xx mgu…specifically the cr.lpx2 and also how should i play deejay comming from a bison mainer?

DeeJay can be played either offensively or defensively, depending on who your opponent is, and whether or not you’re in a position to apply pressure. Most matchups will be mostly offensive or mostly defensive, but don’t be afraid to switch tactics mid-match to keep your opponent off balance. Try to make good use of his cross-up and slide to apply pressure, and his crouching medium attacks as counter-pokes.

I’m actually going to avoid helping with that j.forward, c.jab x2 XX MGU combo you’re having trouble with because there’s never a good reason to use it. Most of the time you want to do a dread kick combo, and when you’re comboing weak attacks into MGU, you want to use c.jab -> c.short. Here are some bread and butter combos:
cross-up j.forward, c.jab -> c.jab, s.strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kicks (Best general cross-up combo.)
cross-up j.forward, c.jab -> c.short XX MGU (Use this, instead of the combo above, on Chun and Claw. Also use this against anyone to discourage counter-throw attempts, block string reversals, and jumping away.)
Forward or Roundhouse Upkicks, Super (You can also do a 2 hit forward upkicks, then another forward upkicks hitting only with the second hit, then super, but that’s harder.)
j.roundhouse, s.strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kicks or j.roundhouse, c.fierce XX Short Dread Kicks (when you can’t land a cross-up)
c.jab -> c.jab -> c.short XX Fierce MaxOut (poking combo)

Go ahead and post if you’re having issues with any specific combos or matchups. There are plenty of helpful people around.

(Sorry if I screwed up anywhere. Typing this in a hurry.)

I’m a big fan of:

j. forward cross > c. jab x2 > MGU

Its the only one I can do consistently, and it damages like crazy.

This combo is good, but is sub optimal in most situations. For reasons 3pwood just stated in the post above you, you really want to learn that combo as c. jab, c. short ->MGU. It is better in almost every single way, and is about as easy as c. jabx2. Except for Chun and Claw, you really want to try and master the Dread Kick combo. No reason not to IMHO, other than laziness or no opposable thumbs.

I still think jumping jab, s. strong, RH Dread Kick should be in every Deejay players toolbox. Not that the oppurtunity to land it comes very often, but when it does…:wasted: