AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

@megaman: If that would work, I’d do it. But I have to let go of the Y button to mash A and X (which are jab and strong in my configuration). The real problem is that you I can’t keep the button pressed down while executing the MGU and I was wondering how people handle this on a stick (do you hold down short with your index finger and start to mash with the other two?)

@BoxerCU: It’s acutally very easy to cross him up with forward as long as you keep in mind that you have to hit early and can’t do it from too close.

You only have to hold the button down for as long as it takes you to cancel into MGU. The moment the MGU starts coming out you can let go of the LK.

Typically I use my thumb on LK so my three fingers are free to mash the buttons. It’s actually very easy to do on a stick. You should really consider using one.

Ah that makes sense, thanks!

FreshOJ, deejay’s j.jab crosses up too.

Oh wow! Really? Thanks. :slight_smile:

Nice instructive DeeJay play from Ito for any new players who may be having trouble with these match ups. Shows the solid, basic strats for beating Ryu, Blanka, and Claw. He eventually loses to the Claw player (he makes some mistakes) but it’s enough to give you a foundation to build from if you are having trouble. Not perfect play by any means, but it had a certain “soliditiy” to it I think.


Just thought I’d comment on something I saw in that video that I think will help me improve my own play.

I noticed that when fighting Ryu at range (a guessing game of jump-ins and fireball avoidance) the range Ito kept himself at was just shy of full screen. The thing I’ve been doing wrong up until now, is being content to fight at full screen, which requires that I take a tiny step forward before jumping a fireball in order to connect with the j.roundhouse. This step can, and probably has, act as a tell if the Ryu player is watching for it, and turn the guessing game which was in DeeJay’s favor into a reactive anti-air situation in Ryu’s favor. I’ll have to try to eliminate that flaw from my game.

How about go for the fake maxout aka standing :hp: during a fireball spamming competition and then use jumping :hk: the range on that move is crazy as hell. Also makes Ryu fear doing the fireball spamming game each and everytime. Tough match imo but winnable. Most of DeeJays matches are even and some in his favor. Few matches that he has are unfavorable for him(to tell the truth id say none are unfavorable). Well id DeeJays matches are heavily dependent on what occurs during the match.

I.E DeeJay kicks Zangiefs ass for the most part, unless Zangief happens to get a knockdown. Then you are screwed because your upkick reversal sucks unless you are using it as an antiair, then a good Zangief wins. Therefore its an even matchup, it seems like if your opponent has something that cripples them then DeeJay has something equally as bad.

Once you get in close enough for a crossup and get a knockdown Ryu is pretty much screwed like any other character unless hes psychic like a professional player… then you cry and give up before you start playing lol.

Good no ones posted here again yet
EDIT:** Has anyone tried sliding under a jump in, it seems like it would allow you to crossup your opponent and gives you a throw opportunity or a chance to land machine gun uppers.

Since s.fierce only recovers about 15 frames faster than actually throwing a maxout, and requires you to lose your vertical charge, I’ve found the only real advantage to using s.fierce as a maxout fake is that it allows you to maintain your back charge. This means it usually isn’t useful in fireball wars or against characters like Ryu, but can be useful against a character who is trying to advance on you, and needs to react to your projectiles. So against say, a Honda, Hawk or Zangief, it can be used to bait an anti-fireball move or a jump, which you can then hit with an actual maxout in its recovery. Overall, though, I haven’t really gotten that much mileage out of s.fierce as a maxout fake.

Fighting Ryu at range, DeeJay has two important advantages. Firstly, if DeeJay anticipates a fireball, he can score a j.roundhouse, but if Ryu anticipates a maxout, he doesn’t really have much he can do to capitalize. Second, a firece maxout travels faster than a fireball…so fast in fact, that if Ryu tries a fireball fake, or to wait for maxouts, and counter-fireball or vertical jump on reaction, he’s likely to be hit in the face by that maxout. Together, these two things lock Ryu into a guessing game where he needs to keep throwing fireballs if DeeJay doesn’t jump, and stop throwing fireballs when DeeJay does jump. For the cost of a bit of patience, and some chip damage, DeeJay can set the odds of this guessing game such that Ryu needs to be throwing fireballs 80-90% of the time. This means that those infrequent jump ins by DeeJay usually connect, whereas when Ryu pauses to try for an anti-air, he usually just receives a maxout for his trouble.

Sliding under a jump in to throw does work well from time to time. Trying to start a combo after a slide-under is much more risky, and you may well end up being thrown, yourself.

Question on crossing up a dictator player.

I was just playing as dictator against fulaani, who’s got a really good deejay, and i was crossed up twice by j.MK on wakeup. I SWEAR i was blocking the right way, but the crossup hit both times and i ate 40% damage combos each time and lost the round.

Is there some ambiguous crossup shenanigan that deejay’s got against bison, or have i got a broken controller or something?, because i am 100% percent i know how to block a standard cross up.

There was a small amount of lag, nothing too much, but i can’t figure out why i diodn’t block both times, and i was wondering if you guys had any pointers.


Apart from that it’s hard to tell if an attack with j.jab, knee or j.rh crosses up, I think he hasn’t(?)

Yes…it’s ambiguous. :slight_smile: There’s a reason why this is one of the best crossups in the game, IMHO. The hit box reaches pretty far behind Dee Jay, so he gets quite a bit of flexibility in varying when he starts the attack.

Oh…and Dictator is pretty easy to cross-up with just about anybody, too. :slight_smile: Sorry. :slight_smile:

I’m not aware of any crossup options that are specific to dictator, but it’s always possible to simply aim your jump for the center line of your opponent and force them to do the guesswork as to which side you’ll come down on.

lol, i was wondering if 3pwood was on srk.

got a damn good dj, sir!

I’m pretty sure that when Tschesae read this he was like NAAAAAAAH MAN in a thick german accent.

I just recently picked him up, my dj is not that great but thanks :woot:

Thank you. I remember we had some good fights. :chat:

yeah gggpo

Man every time I see DJ get picked against me I’m like “annoy me to death please” lol.


when i dont look, a shit load of dj discussion goes on
anyways j. fierce is a pretty cool move


Alot of setups to cross up boxer in these matches, too bad I’m on the receiving end.