AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

I dunno man, for me xup mk, cr.jab x2, st.strong xx rh dreadkick leaves me without a knockdown more than half of the times most characters. At least with the MGU you always get the knockdown and can pressure with a crossup again.

Both combos are hella easy though, MGU is straight mashing now and cr.jab gives you ages to link st.strong.

xup mk, cr.jab x2, cr.fierce xx short dreadkick is a manly combo I like for some reason.

Safe jump with j. jab all day! So that should give enough opportunities, right? Though I’ve never tried that followup specifically; I usually do cr. jab, cr. short xx dreads/maxout.

Sho nuff! I like that follow up you mentioned, the cr short probably catches folks standing quite often, I like it a lot :wgrin:

Fulaani: Well, I can see the logic in that. I must admit though that the Dread Kick combo dizzys a good bit, and does a funkton of damage, so I prefer that over the knock down. In some situations however, I could see the need for a guarenteed knock down.

True about dizzy. I don’t know Deejay well enough when to expect a dizzy tbh so I need to look into that. With Blanka I know him well enough to do ball combos vs characters that can punish it cause I know they will dizzy in certain situations. - cr.lp - cr.lp - cr.fp xx MGU is manly…

thanx alot i really appreciate this i got that above combo from event hubs…how would you say the rythm for his combos should be?

Looks like I get to quote it again…

Your problem is you don’t have any rhythm, mon! :slight_smile:

But, seriously, as far as the rhythm of combos are concerned, it’s definitely something that I would recommend training mode for. Whether you’re chaining light attacks or linking two normal attacks together, the timing is something you have to learn. It definitely can’t be described via text.

If you want to see it in action, try looking up a combo video on YouTube. If you want a detailed explanation, you should read my HDR Cross-up, Link, and Combo FAQ on I think my FAQ would help you get some of the basics of comboing down…plus give you some stuff to try out with Dee Jay. I will be the first to admit, though, that 3pwood pretty much laid out the combos you want to learn first before you’d want to try the stuff on my FAQ. I’m still trying to revise that thing so that the more practical combos are labeled. Time is a very slippery thing, though.

Here’s a basic tidbit to start off with, though…

When chaining jabs and shorts, the key is to time your button presses so that you are interrupting the very first frame of recovery after hitting with the attack. So, one frame after the game pauses when your attack makes contact, you should be pressing the button for your next attack and having your character immediately go into that next jab or short.

When linking from one normal attack to another one, the key is making sure that you’re pressing the button for the next attack exactly when the first attack has finished recovering. Some attacks will give you more time to link an attack afterward than others, but the key is to keep all of the moves in your combo close together so that you make sure that the combo fully connects.

This info is pretty much in my FAQ, but it goes into more detail. Again, I would advise checking it out.

There’s a video on youtube that has some nice combos. Most of them aren’t going to be super useful in a normal match, but it’s a good demonstration of what is possible.

Here are links to some of the more practical combos in the video:
(0:42) [media=youtube]tqM2hbRcKjc#t=0m42s"[/media] (c.fierce is only cancelable if it hits early, which means your opponent must be standing)

(0:45) [media=youtube]tqM2hbRcKjc#t=0m45s"[/media]

(1:15) [media=youtube]tqM2hbRcKjc#t=1m15s"[/media]

(1:19) [media=youtube]tqM2hbRcKjc#t=1m19s"[/media]

(2:09) [media=youtube]tqM2hbRcKjc#t=2m09s"[/media] (Misses crouching opponents, so this is best used after a dizzy)

Hope those help with your timing.

Okay, I’ve looked through this whole thread and haven’t quite got the answers to these questions:

  1. what do I do against the following throw traps?
    a) Ken’s j.forward, knee grab, j.forward, knee grab, etc.
    b) Blanka’s equivalent j.forward, bite, etc.
    c) Rog’s headbutt grab, walk behind you, low jab, headbutt grab, walk behind you, low jab, headbutt grab, etc.

  2. Is there a strategy that works consistently on Claw wall jumps? Sometimes upkicks work, but not 100% of the time (even if I correctly anticipate it), and I especially don’t seem to have an answer for when Vega jumps off the wall behind me.

HDR is a lot about controlling space. SFII has very little in terms of defensive mechanics (Parry, JD, FA, etc.) so there’s a lot of emphasis on using moves to reliably control the screen. So if you can control the space around DJ with Max Outs, Up Kicks, and normals, you can keep your opponent from ever getting in. That said, if you get caught in a throw trap, the only way out is reversal upkicks. You might actually have to eat part of a throw loop to save enough charge to up kick out of the next cycle.

As for Claw Wall jumps, j. jab or neutral j. short are good so long as Vega isn’t going for the off the wall flying claw attack thing (d, u, punch).

Any tips for the Rog matchup. High and low rush punches just seem to beat all my max outs and dread kicks.He just locks me down in the corner puttig throw shenanigans in the mix aswell.

Also can anyone tell me when to use each Jab and strong Max outs? I’m currently only using fierce ones.

Many throw traps and tick throw attempts can be escaped by counter-throwing. DeeJay has the benefit of having 4 throw buttons, which you can drum your fingers on to get many rapid throw inputs, similar to doing a piano reversal. One thing to watch, though, is throw ranges (can be viewed on this page: It is possible for some characters to simply out-range you…throw you from farther away than you can throw them. Fortunately, this isn’t really the case for Ken or Balrog, so you can counter-throw them fairly reliably. And since reversal throws get priority, so you’ll usually win the exchange.

Blanka, on the other hand, can fairly easily outrange DeeJay’s throw, which makes him more of a challenge. Basically, you can’t let him jump in on you…ever…or he will bite your face. This means trying to maintain a down charge pretty much the whole game, and being on-edge, ready to upkick any jump ins. And if you get caught without a charge, and he jumps, try to anti-air him however you can (s.strong, probably), because even if it trades in his favor, you’re saving yourself a throw’s worth of damage. Also, if you do get caught in a bite, shake out of it by mashing the buttons and moving the stick back and forth from down-forward to down-back, so you maintain your down charge, and can be ready to upkick again as soon as you escape.

Also, as 1hitparry said, reversal upkicks can be another great way of escaping. The short version has a lot of invulnerability and recovers quickly, but the stronger versions hit faster (for anti-safe-jump) and travel farther, so any strength can be a useful escape tool.

For Claw wall-jumps, there are a few things that work reasonably well. If they take a pretty basic trajectory, or even go a bit behind you, s.strong, or late short upkicks work most of the time, and put you in a position to apply some pressure. If you can guess when and where they will be, j.roundhouse is probably the most damage you can get out of it, but will sometimes trade if they extend their claws early in the dive. For a catch-all, jump back j.short seems to work pretty much all the time, but doesn’t give you a lot of damage.

For Rog, use a lot of c.forward. It beats all rush punches clean, and gives you a knockdown to work with (But practice crossing up Boxer after a knockdown in training mode, first. He gets up kinda slow, and has some…unique hitboxes.). Slide will beat most of his normals, so feel free to use that fairly liberally. Throw a maxout if he’s sitting there trying to counterpoke you with c.forward or something. When he gets tired of getting knocked down for trying to attack you, try to get some range by either jumping back with j.jab, or getting him to block a maxout or two. From full screen, you can keep him mostly at bay with maxouts. Use fierce maxouts when you want to just throw maxout after maxout, the idea being that even if he jumps or headbutts through it, it’ll be off the screen by the time you’re charged for the next one (if you didn’t know, you can only have one projectile on screen at a time). Or use jab ones, to make it harder for him to vertical jump or headbut through them. If he seems to like headbutting through your maxouts, throw a jab one, then follow it in, and hit him with a slide in his headbutt recovery, then cross him up on wakeup. If he makes it back to jump-in-range, go back to counter poking while maintaining a down charge against possible jump ins. Repeat as necessary.

As far as general maxout strength usage, use jab maxouts when you want a slow projectile and fierce maxouts when you want a fast one. I haven’t really found much use for strong maxouts. Some benefits of slow projectiles are that they threaten longer, give you a chance to walk behind them to apply pressure, are easier to time as meatys, are harder to avoid with vertical jumps, headbutts, lariats and such, and give you time to build another charge before they hit. Fast projectiles, on the other hand, are harder to react to, get off the screen faster if they’re avoided, and just generally hit sooner, which can be necessary for combos or punishing moves.

So in general, use jab maxouts when you want them to be harder to get around, or want your oponent to stand up into them. Also, make use of the series: jab Maxout, c.roundhouse, fierce Maxout. timed correctly, there will be very little time between when they come out of blockstun from the first maxout, and when the second maxout hits. I’ve caught many a Dictator trying to stomp on my head, and many a Guile trying to sonic boom, with that sequence.

@Blanka: You don’t need to stop mashing out of the throw to have down charge afterwards. Blanka can’t jump in on Deejay after a bite anymore (as long as you time your st.strong correctly).

@Vega: There’s a breakdown of the “walldive and DJs counters” a few pages back.

@Balrog: Personally I think cr.forward is not that useful. I often get hit out of it. cr.fierce and strong work better for me. Strong is very fast and beats RPs and on top of that you can punish a blocked headbutt with cr.strong - cr.strong 2 hit combo. Fierce is best but slow and easily punishable with headbutt, don’t overuse it.

btw; I didn’t know that you can counterthrow Rog and Ken, that changes alot!

Who are deejay’s worse match ups?

Balrog and Ryu they’re both discussed in the tier thread -and- a couple pages back

I remember my j.fierce beating it clean.

Who’s better DJ or guile?


some say DJ, some say Guile
i think more would believe DJ though

Deejay =] I posted up some reasons why in the General Remix thread, but I think it boils down to Deejay controls space almost as good as Guile, his normals are as good or better than Guiles, and Deejays cross up pressure, combos, and general ability to deal damage are better than what Guile has. He also has fewer bad match ups and more good match ups IMHO, which is really all that matters.

On Boxer: Ah, my personal worst match up. Well, good Boxer players anyway, scrubby boxers die easy like. I get punched in the face wayyy to much in this match up, but that is due to me always trying to reversal short upkick throw loops or psychic short upkick high rush punches hehe. What has been said on this page is all good info, and there is some good stuff from both myself and the mighty BruceLB floating around in this thread somewhere on vs Boxer.