You said if you’re having trouble in beating Ryu players, then your Dee Jay is not good enough.
I’m saying it’s a bad fight for Dee Jay, and that the top players have a hard time (vs. other top players) in that matchup.
Say what you mean, mean what you say.
I appreciate people posting their thoughts, and I know you are a good player, but I don’t think it’s helpful to other players when you mistag difficulty in matchups.
Yaya and YuuVega have the top Dee Jays in Japan.
Afrolegends has one of the top (if not the top) Dee Jays in the United States.
Between them, you’d be hard pressed to find a better Dee Jay.
Top Japan players are from Japan, and they do enter tournaments.
They are considered top players both for their tournament performances as well as their execution with their characters.
Do you see major things to criticize in Yaya, YuuVega, and Afrolegends gameplay linked?
Then go for it, site the specific link, note the footage time, and comment away.
I think these guys are very skilled, but every player makes mistakes and bad choices.
Once you start citing the references for poor play then the discussion can begin.
Yaya’s main is Sagat.
YuuVega’s main is Dictator.
But they still are recognized to have the best Dee Jays in Japan.
I believe Afrolegends main is Dee Jay, though perhaps it’s Boxer.
Sure thing, glad you liked em.
I have some of these up here:
I have more links on the different Dee Jay matches if you need them.
The plan is to get them up at, but the html takes so long that I haven’t gotten around to it yet.