Haha, I know. Anyone that mains Honda is going to hate my Dee Jay. Except for Thelo, who doesn’t think it’s that bad a match for Honda and holds no contempt for Dee Jay.
I gotta get to work fixing that. :lol:
Haha, I know. Anyone that mains Honda is going to hate my Dee Jay. Except for Thelo, who doesn’t think it’s that bad a match for Honda and holds no contempt for Dee Jay.
I gotta get to work fixing that. :lol:
Valle knows his shit well.
I’m curious, what do DeeJay players think of the chun li matchup?
I’m not a fan of it, but I think the best players say 5-5. I suck at getting through st. strong shenanigans. :arazz:
Yeah it’s a pretty even match, maybe a slight advantage Chun just because she can run away whenever the hell she wants. But wherever she takes the fight neither one has a real advantage over the other, unless someone’s cornered.
In which case I say it’s more dangerous for Chun to be cornered than Dee Jay. So in the end it all kinda balances out, so I say at the very worse its 5.5 Chun.
When I was maining Dee-Jay a few months ago I had major issues with Chun. It was mostly her j. lk that gave me grief, and I had problems countering it with the upkicks. Based on my limited experience, I’d have to say advantage: Chun-Li. I don’t know by how much, but she definitely gets the nod.
Were you using :lk: Jackknife Maximum? That version has the most invincibility. I could see you having a problem if Chun Li was trying to cross-up with it…but even st.:mp: will stuff it if her jumping attack isn’t meaty. Uppercut-type normals generally hit her out of her jumping :lk: and :mk: attacks. Gotta do it early, though.
J. jab beats her j. short, I believe. Maybe st. strong.
I personally don’t like the matchup because of Chun’s stupidly high jump, st. strong shenanigans, and you can’t do the full 6 hit BnB on her (have to shorten it to 5 hits).
Hey True_Old_School, are you still reading this thread? I know you said you don’t like arguing over a videogame over the internet but intelligent debate is a good thing that propagates information.
I admit, at first I assumed you were just some random dude talking over his head, but your obviously an OG tournament player who’s input would be extremely valuable to this thread.
I noticed that you do agree that Ryu is a bad match for Dee Jay, just that it is not his worse match up.
So my question is, Which match up(s) in your opinion do you think are worse for Dee Jay than Ryu? (besides Claw.)
Guys, hope you don’t mind critiquing a video of mine. It’s from the grand finals of HDr at a tourney in Indy this past weekend. I have big problems with Vega, I understand the aspects of how the matchup is supposed to go, but I can’t seem to bring it together.
You see me switch to Honda/Dictator in the series as an attempt to counter, but DeeJay is my main, so I should really just stick with him as I’m no where near as proficient with any other character.
Keep in mind that Immortal is no slouch, and being a fellow Midwester, I run into him a lot at tournies.
Any feedback would be great, I know one flaw of mine that I still haven’t kicked, is being horribly impatient.
Well, I struggle with claw no matter who I use, but one thing I know as Dee Jay is :d::hp: is a must. Anytime he’s trying to get in your face to poke, roll and slide, :d::hp:. It beats most of his up-close crap.
If Vega jumps at you (not the wall jump, but just a regular jump), nail him with upkicks. If you don’t have a charge, a standing strong punch should work. I saw that you had opportunities to nail him after jumping at you, but you just blocked.
If he wall jumps at you and does the dive, you can do a standing strong if he’s in front of you or an upkick if you’re sure you can hit him with it. If he does the thrust/drill move, block it and then throw a max out at him. The challenge here is that Vega can mix up his aerial attacks and you have to choose which one is best. Other things you can do include a jump back with roundhouse to nail him or a jump forward with jab.
I like to hit crouching forward kick a lot in the matchup to stop his slide. While I’m crouching, it lets me charge up for a max out or upkicks. If you want to keep your back charge while moving forward, you can do the roundhouse slide, upkicks, or the dread kicks. If you can bait him into jumping into you, you should be able to win.
You actually did pretty good considering it was immortal. That dude is the best claw I’ve played and it was the countless matches I’ve played against him that taught me this match up.
Some tips:
Don’t random super.
There was a couple times where you were mid screen and immortal would wall dive, in this situation, no mater what you are doing always jump back jab. The only time you don’t is if you are recovering form something and don’t have the time, in which case stand your ground and st.mp, worse case scenario you trade with him. Best case, you beat him clean resetting him in the air allowing you to try for a crossup or walk up and cr. jab him as he lands and go for a tick throw.
Because you didn’t utilize jump back jab and st. mp enough is why he caught you with his super so much.
Only try to upkick his wall dive when you’re cornered or waking up.
Whore that cr. mk. I always open the round with a cr.mk, it will beat anything vega does and if he jumps you recover fast enough to upkick.
You can punish his stab walldive with a fierce fireball.
One thing I notice is that when you would get vega to block a jab fireball on wakeup, you would walk forward or jump in on him. This is a mistake. Always follow the jab fireball with a slide then fierce fireball. Most of the time vega will get nailed by the fierce fireball if he tries to jump or wall dive, in the cases that he doesn’t you recover fast enough and the slide puts you in perfect position to counter his wall dive with a st. mp.
Don’t move forward on vega, zone him with fireballs and cr.mk, so that he gets frustrated and walldives that you can counter with jump back jab and st.mp
The only time you move forward on vega is if you can see that he doesn’t have a charge, in which case you jump in on him with jumping jab, which you did, but you always went for the tick throw. You need to mix that up by sometimes immediately jumping again and going for the crossup, this gives your opponent another thing he has to look out for making your tick throw attempts that much stronger.
In the second round of your second game (playing as Dee Jay), you manage to knock his claw off. That’s great. You even pushed him all the way to the other side of the screen. That’s even better.
But then you chased him back into the same corner where he lost his claw. That’s bad.
Even though he didn’t use it to win the round, you still gave him an opportunity to retrieve it. As basic as it sounds, if you de-claw him and can keep him away from it, go for it. It’s definitely one of those moments where you just want to sit, especially if you’ve got the life lead.
The only other constructive criticism I can add is to keep in mind Dee Jay’s touch of death won’t fully connect on Claw (and Chun). You need to shorten it by one jab. So if that’s what you were hoping for if you landed the cross-up, it would be no good.
I don’t even try to do that combo on Claw these days, I just go for the c. jab, c. short xx hyperfist.
This is the best Dee Jay advice versus Claw I’ve read in a long time. I hope you do well at West Coast Warzone if you’re competing.
Dee Jay, eh. It’s about like Chun Li. A bitch, but not as bad as Ryu. I don’t mind it so much either.
Thanks for the advice guys. I’m going to stick with DeeJay the whole set next time.
Thanks. I totally wanted and was planning to go, but unfortunately I won’t be able to.
Great. Now that’s two Honda players I have to get to working on.
Quick correction.
:d::mk: does not beat everything Vega does.
st:hp: will beat Deejay’s :d::mk:
At the start of the round, cr. mk is 100% safe, st. fp will whiff against cr. mk.
Also st. fp only beats cr.mk from the absolute max range it hits, or if the cr. mk was done late. From any other range it trades in Dee Jays favor and cr. mk will even beat it clean from within sweep range or if the st. fp is done late.
I see so you were only referring to start of the round.
My mistake i read your post wrong.
In my experience st:hp: does not need to be done from absolute max range but rather simply towards the end of the claw.
I cannot remember ever being hit much less beaten by :d::mk: against st.:hp: from any fair amount of distance when playing Tschesae and we tend to play long sessions of claw vs Deejay.
On the other hand :d::hp: <-- I think this is the one the one with the downwards elbow blow will always trade with it.