AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

Well I can/have gotten all the hits on a number of occasions, but I don’t always mash fast enough to get all of them. I was hoping there was a rythm, but I guess Ill just have to mash faster.

Edit: Pianoing the punches works much better!

Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some pressure strings/ tick options for the corner, particularly after a knock down. I know the standing short can lead to some more mixups, but I’d like to read what you guys have got. I also think a meaty (hopefully safejump) jumping jab into either throw or cr. short xx MGU is pretty good

edit: actually, wouldn’t a cr. jab be preferable to a jumping one? Its got only 1 frame of recovery, making it essentially a safe jump. If they reversal, you get the block

I mostly mix up slide, jab MOs, walk up throws/fakes and appropriate counterpokes if I got my opponent in the corner. st.rh is extremely helpful too if your out of range for your other pokes or want to keep your opponent from jumping away. It’s very easy to bait people into doing punishable moves in the corner, slide is my main tool there.

I find that combo you mentioned actually pretty hard to land, somehow I got problems cancelling into MGU after a jump in…

how do you guys handle blanka with dj, especially a blamka that smams the slide and the hop

Blanka is a very exhausting matchup. I spam low jab like there’s no tomorrow. Upkick or st.strong if they jump in, if they try to bait an upkick by jumping outside of your upkick range (and you see it coming) just do a quick slide and pwn them. cr.strong is spamable too but has bigger gaps between the hitting frames. If Blanka tries to slide or sweep you you can either low jab them out (somtimes you get hit though) or cr.strong (beats both clean) or rh DK (works extremely well since it’s safe on block if you do it from close enough). rh DK will also beat the hop most of the time, but it’s punishable with a jump in so watch out. MOs are very good too since you can threaten to slide-upkick or rh DK if they jump/slide. If Blanka’s in and starts to jump like crazy (and cross you up) then st.strong and reset your zoning.

The cr jabs and cr strong will beat out hops, rolls, slides, and pokes (with the exception of Blanka’s sweep). Throw in maxouts to keep your distance. Mix up whether to standing rh or slide on Blanka’s jumpins from a distance. It really is an easy match for DJ

Edit: I need some advice on stopping jumpins with your normals, particularly after you throw a MO. I know that from close you want to standing strong, and from further out you want to use the standing rh. The rh, however, seems like it can be very difficult to get out in time to beat out your opponents jump in (particularly shotos). If its going to be a close call, would it be best to mix up whether you do the standing rh or slide? If your opponent does their jumping rh early, trying to stuff your standing rh, you could slide and get the knockdown. If they expect the slide, I think you should be able to tag them with the standing rh before they get their attack out.

For Blanka, I mostly throw out irregular, but fairly constant c.strongs, using slides and jumping jabs for positioning, forward upkicks x2 as anti-air, and max-outs if they ever start looking too comfortable. c.strong will beat nearly anything blanka can do, including slide and roll, and upkicks will anti-air him solidly. So generally, you’ll tag him a couple times as he’s trying to get in on you, then have the life lead to turtle for the rest of the round. The main danger here is either being too slow with your upkicks, or sloppy with your max-outs. If you let a good Blanka jump in on you, expect to eat, at the very least, a block string to bite.

I was watching some Afrolegends videos a while ago, and noticed sometimes, he does meaty s. forward, c. forward. Is this a good strategy with him?

Also, GGs 3pwood, I should’ve used DJ over Ryu.

I don’t know how good your Dee Jay is, but given that it’s been discussed in this thread that Ryu is Dee Jay’s worst matchup, you may want to consider looking at how 3pwood beat you…besides the obvious fact that he’s good. :slight_smile:

I got an useful tip for the Blanka matchup. It seems obvious but after watching BruceLBs match against Antonio (BlueTallCans) I thought it may help some people to stress the use of st.strong as AA if you have no upkick charged.

Once Blanka jumps in on you successfully he wont stop jumping in and crossing you up since you lost your down charge by blocking high. At this moment you really want to hit that st.strong to prevent him from crossing you up/ticking into bite! It’s really hard to do that on reaction since a lot of players just aren’t used to st.strong as AA but once the Blanka player recognizes that pattern, he will thread to to low roundhouse, low forward into roll or slide and thus resetting the footsie situation you had before the jump in (which is favorable to DeeJay).

Edit: Oh one more thing. Sometimes Blanka catches me with a far low roundhouse or far slide getting a knockdown (which is really BAD). I reacted to that by throwing in some occasional rh DKs as soon as Blanka is close enough for them being safe. They are really useful and keep him guessing but can be countered by an early jump which brings you in a really bad situation so you have to be careful.

My Ryu is terrible. I just play around with random characters in ranked.

If you can be patient with his quick Fireballs, Ryu is not that bad of a match up for Dee Jay. Personally, I think Vega is Dee Jay’s worst fight.

Nah, DeeJay has tools against Claw. A “How to beat Claw” post is somewhere floating in this thread, but I beieve the general consensus is this match up is actually good for DeeJay. Wall dives have no home in Jamaica. Cr fierce trades favorably (I think, my area of expertise is ST) with Claws pokes. Cr forward beats slide, jump up short, jumping jab, jump back RH, all of these things are good against Claws air game. I think you can max out fake wall dives too, not sure as I don’t play this game anymore. Upkicks, st strong, st fierce while in the corner are all good against wall dives. Sloppy and unorganized, but those are some general points on the DeeJay/Claw match.

Deejay - Claw is at least 5 - 5 if not in Deejays favor. You can MO fake wall dives and cr.fierce and cr.forward give Vega a lot of trouble.

Just being patient against Ryu gets you nowhere, it’s a pain to fight good Ryus since you have so few tools of getting in and even there your options are pretty limited.

Guys, I’m just stating my personal experience. I’ve been playing Dee Jay along time and over the years Vega has given me the most trouble. On the ground, Vega has a lot of priority in his moves over the Jamaican. When playing DGV’s Ryu (yet to find a better one), I feel pretty confident if I can be patient with his fireball patterns. Again, just speaking from personal experience.

Ok I’m in the wrong here, sorry for that.

Can you give away some tips in the Ryu matchup? I know that’s hard but you could just tell us how you counter DGVs Ryu for example.

Hi guys, I’m working on a large guide to DeeJay, using tons of quotes from this thread hopefully as it’s proved invaluable reading this stuff over and over to try and improve my game. I probably won’t have it finished for over a month though (if ever!). If I ever get something worth posting up, I’ll do so.

My biggest problems are still Guile, Dic & sometimes Claw & Chun. I can lose vs anyone, but these tend to be the matches where I just couldn’t figure out how to beat them, or my execution on certain things is just not good enough (like vs Dic seems to require peak reactions and lockdown strings - neither of which I can usually do, but I’m working on them).

For Guile though, I still seem stuck strategically. This kind of match is what happens to me, even if I’m playing my very best (which isn’t often!) -
That’s against the same Guile (MrIrepressible) I’ve usually gotten to play.

When Guile turtles up like this and doesn’t use c.MK to poke much at all, DeeJay can’t use his ‘c.MP > Guile c.MK’ advantage in the match it becomes much harder. I can see the ways it can be won, but I just can’t see how it’s in DeeJay’s favour at all. DeeJay seems to have a much harder time ‘getting in’ vs Guile than Guile does vs DeeJay, which I believe due to the recovery times after projectiles. But once Guile gets any kind of life lead at any stage, it seems to all be in his favour, since DeeJay has to take anticipatory risks to win or even stage any kind of comeback. When it works, you get the sequence at 1:43 (guesses a boom and jumps over HK), 2:14 - guesses a boom and slides under, then meaty j.LP, c.LP into walk-up throw. When it doesn’t work you get stuff like 2:25 - looking like you’re dumb leaping into a Flash Kick, or sliding into one 0:22 (Sorry if the timestamps are out) or numerous sliding into booms etc.

This is quite probably all nonsense & I’m not understanding things… so please tell me where I’m going wrong.

I stopped playing DJ a while ago, but I noticed random slides can help. They’re good for pressure so long as you can keep your opponent from flash kicking out. Slides are amazing against sonic booms. You’ll either trade (but you get a knock down!) or you’ll beat the sonic boom completely. Also, if Guile isn’t counter poking, you can throw in 2-3 slides to slowly push Guile into the corner. Or you can slide like 3-4 times, then pause to try to bait out a flash kick and punish.

I don’t know if you’re planning on posting it on or not, but a DeeJay guide already exists.

You might want to get with Zenken6 and see if you have new info to give him.

Don’t forget about kara sliding, too! :slight_smile: