The hardest part is getting a charge, then the hardest part after that is maintaining it. What I do is this: :uf::mk:, :db:+:lp:, wait until THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND that strong can link from low jab, let the stick go to NEUTRAL, press :mp: and IMMEDIATELY press :u:/:ub:/:uf:+:hk:
I still don’t get it 100% of the time, but I’m up to like 70%. It’s tough.
What do you guys have to say for the Dee Jay mirror? The only decent video I’ve really seen for it seems to be [media=youtube]jTgT45wIidg[/media].
More or less a max-out marathon along the lines of “you jump, you lose”. The new hyperfist helps a little bit with breaking up the rhythm of the fight, but aside from that, I just feel like I’m awful at guessing jump-ins (whether I should jump in or if my opponent is going to jump in).
For advancing in a Dee Jay mirror match, if you jump in, be sure that your opponent doesn’t have a down charge, and isn’t at a range to anti-air you with a slide. Ideally, you want to be fairly close, jump a max out, and attack a bit late so you don’t get thrown when you land. Don’t expect to hit with the jump in, but you’ll be in a position to apply some pressure.
Also, keep in mind that c.forward will beat c.roundhouse cleanly, and will give you a knockdown to work with. Just be sure to time your meaty crossup well, so as not to get up-kicked.
In the mirror, I believe DeeJay can slide under fierce FBs. J. jab beats a lot (but you already knew that), and you can reverse a whiffed super (ie: one of the kicks not hitting) with your own super and probably short upkicks.
Oh yeah, I’m well aware there are plenty of options, I’m just saying those are what tend to work out best for me, and typically, if I’m going for a crossup, it’s going to lead into one of those more often than not.
I’ve been trying the j. forward crossup, cr. jab, cr.short xx mgu combo recently, and I’m able to get it some of the time, but my problem is getting all the hits to connect on the mgu. If I mash has hard as I can, I can get it, but I hear there’s a rythm that’ll also give you all 4 hits. Is there such a rythm?
I’m not totally sure but it might be that the cr. short might push your opponent back too far for you to get all the hits. The typical MGU combo is cu j. mk, cr. lp, cr. lp, MGU. But I tend to only get 3 hits on thinner characters like Vega so I’m thinking i might be the same thing.
No, I’ve done the combo I mentioned above on many occasions for all 7 hits. Its just that I don’t get it all the time and I have to mash like crazy when I do. You are right though, it does seem to be easier if I make the link between the jab and short tighter. Anyways, the jab - short is preferable to the jab -jab because it sets ups ticks (you opponent must block the short low, must reverse ticks by standing) and does mroe damage.
Edit: I have not problem getting this to work. I just mash like a moron to get out all the hits. I’m not sure about the rhythm. I know there was a proper technique to mashing out MGU, but Sirlin took that out for HDR.
There is a slight rhythm to getting the last hit to connect. What I do is piano the punches 3-4 times the entire duration of the MGU. Like, from start to finish, I time it so that I stop pressing the buttons when it stops hitting, so you have to spread out your inputs like that. Works for me, anyway.
Throwing the short in there is actually a pretty good idea. The danger of a low hit into MGU will make people think twice about standing up to try to counter/tech your tick throws.
Well I like to give my opponent’s a sporting chance. I think I’ll try that next time I play DJ, though. I am really curious to know why you couldn’t get all the hits, though. Weird.