AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

Lol, I forgot all about that. DeeJay’s j. jab > Honda :looney:

A while ago, tired of getting beasted by rog, I decided to learn gief to deal with the matchup. Then I discovered that gief has to fight way harder against pros than he does vs. scrubs (who can’t reverse or beat footsie jumps). Anyways, today I’ve decided to learn Deejay. I’ve got a couple questions xx upkick combos no problem. but I can’t get x2 to combo to upkicks for the life of me. Is it a ken super thing that requires a kara lk~hk at the end? I’d like to have the potential of a verifiable low hitting combo. does this combo even work?

s.short/c.jab s.strong xx super never combos for me. is this a realistic combo? I assume I’m not cancelling fast enough, but I super immediately after double tapping the strong and it doesn’t combo.

I’ve been trying to find block string mixups for my crossup game. Initially I was using c.lp c.lp verify into either upkicks or max out or throw or xup again. but since Deejay has so many potential ones including ones that end in s.strong xx dread kicks that instead of trying to find them all out I thought I’d ask what other Deejay players use and why they use them. i.e. is it a default safe combo? do you have a hit confirm tree? do you have a loose one to bait the opponent? what are you baiting?

EDIT: one last question. Does anybody have any good setups for close s.MK? dirty dizzy and frame advantage. I’m looking for a good one that will give me charge enough to do s.MK c.FP dread kick 4 hit combo

I would love to see other players option trees starting from the thanks for the replies!

I’m the only dj on psn that I see who uses mgu fb cancel ability:db::l::ub::hp::u::uf::r::hp:does marginally help in fb wars to not use it is only limiting yourself if only slightly.

BTW dj is still midtier:wonder:

this post is gonna be jumbled as shit

all kinds of things to do post crossup on block, stuff I like:

cr.lp or close lk tick throw (p. normal tick situation)

cr.lpx2,,maxout (note: this is a good go to string if you want to create a little bit of breathing room on a gief/hawk/honda at point blank because it’s a pretty tight string. In general is cancellable into specials so it’s good against shotos that may be happy against your slide pressure. Hit a blocked far into short sobat or cr.hp to crush the sweep)

close,, ( to keep them in blockstun, you can throw after that but it is easy to spot, is a good timing device between maxouts and crushes boxer rushes and also is pretty decent against guile’s cr.normals when you are inside. meaty will trade/stuff a claw

close,, walk forward HK ( HK tags late jumps and fireballs kinda like Hawk st.HK but I always feel this string is pretty loose and easy to ken lp dp out of sooooo)

in general though, your flowchart, if you are going to stick with it is going to come out of cr.lp or cr.lpx2, this leads to MGU, upkicksxsuper, TOD combo, and all that good shit

I like to slide to close gaps here and there while holding charge and to catch shit after blocked maxouts if at all possible but it’s usage varies in matchup specific cases. shotos can sweep it, guile can it, claw can hit it with

That combo into super isn’t realistic but I swear I read it was possible in ST, just hella hard. And I don’t think cr.lkx2 to upkicks works at all. cr.lps link in, links into itself and these are good headbutt punishes if you don’t want to risk the throw game and rog lands all up in your mouth

deejay is sooooo coollll

That combo isn’t really possible, unfortunately.

But, good news. Close standing mk links into any of Dee Jay’s normals, jump towards jab, and neutral j.short. I’m not positive you can link into close forward since whatever you tag them with beforehand will probably push you far enough away that you get a far standing forward. If you want to link into far standing forward, it has a few links into it: standing strong, low short, close short, close strong, close forward, meaty crouching fierce.

Okay, so upkicks isn’t usually the best option for a bread and butter combo. It requires the opponent to be standing for it to hit, and leaves you more vulnerable if for some reason you mess the combo up. I’d suggest sticking to dread kick and MGU combos, mostly, unless you land a dizzy or feel the need to juggle into super.

A few bread and butter combos:
cu.j.forward, / c.jab -> c.jab, s.strong xx roundhouse Dread Kicks
cu.j.forward, / c.jab -> c.short xx Machine Gun Upper
cu.j.forward, / c.jab -> c.short xx roundhouse Up Kicks, Super
j.roundhouse, / s.strong xx roundhouse Dread Kicks
c.jab-> c.jab -> c.short xx fierce Max out

The issue you’re having trying to do c.short -> c.short xx special is due to the fact that you can’t cancel into a special after the second hit of a rapid fire weak attack chain. Also, I don’t believe it is possible to slow down the shorts so that they link. One thing you can do is chain a c.short into a s.short and link or cancel off the standing short. So something like c.short -> c.short -> s.short xx fierce Max Out would work, though it’s not the most damaging combo in the world. Or c.short -> close s.short, s.strong xx Dread Kicks would work, but it’s a difficult link, and character specific.

About comboing directly from s.strong xx super, I have a pretty hard time of it. Canceling moves from the s.strong requires you to hit the button for the special/super very closely after the s.strong, and you can’t really get away with starting the super motion before the s.strong, because then you’ll get a Max Out. I’ve never been able to do it reliably, and have never seen it used in high level match videos. As with anything, there may be some trick to it, or it may just be possible to do reliably with enough practice, but for the most part, I’m going to say it’s a fairly unrealistic, or at least unreliable combo.

For cross up mixups, mine are pretty much variations on this:
cu.forward, /, c.jab
(Did the opponent get hit?) -> c.jab, s.strong xx roundhouse Dread Kicks
(Did the opponent block low?) -> Throw, or cross up again
(Did the opponent block high?) -> c.short xx MGU

I don’t believe close s.forward, c.fierce will let you cancel a special after the fierce. The thing about c.fierce is it’s only cancelable if it hits early in its animation. So it can’t be canceled against far away or crouching opponents.

Good luck learning DeeJay, he’s all kinds of fun. :wgrin:

With crossup forward, I usually follow it with cr. jabx2, and then:

  1. If it hits, go for standing strong, roundhouse sobat, and another crossup
  2. If it is blocked:
    a) If the opponent has proven to be good at reversing throws or is Zangief, Honda, or anyone else I probably shouldn’t have been trying to cross up in the first place, I do a third cr. jab followed by a fierce max-out.
    b) Otherwise, attempt a tick throw.

Does anyone use low short, close short, far short dread kicks (dread kicks don’t combo) to mix things up? Personally, I think it looks cool and it doesn’t require a pre-charge. I’m not totally sure it’s useful, though.

Edit: Beware. This string is punishable on block. Thanks FreshOJ.


Doesn’t that leave you open to reversal projectiles or rushing moves?

Yeah I do and it all does combo if you chain it fast. I usually use it vs people who just mash throw. As far as machine gun, use it to make them scared to throw, cross up mk, c.lp then throw or xx mgu is a decent mix up and even works after 2 jabs which I usually do. Also mgu puts them in a good position for you to cross up.

Damn, I still can’t get st.strong xx upkicks. Anyone have any tips?

thanks for all the feeback.

I’ve fallen in love with this combo: xup MK c.LK s.LK s.MP xx dread kick

is there any reason to not use c.LK s.LK over c.LP x2?

There are a few disadvantages I can think of, mostly stemming from the fact that both c.short and s.short are somewhat slower than c.jab. They are, of course, offset somewhat by the fact that this combo requires an immediate low block.

[]c.short comes out a couple frames slower than c.jab, which means you have to hit your cross up a bit lower for it to combo.
]Significantly less frame advantage on c.short than on c.jab means tick throw mixups are harder to pull off.
[]Less frame advantage on the s.short means it’s a trickier link to s.strong.
]The c.short -> s.short chain hits slower which means your opponent will be farther away by the end, and you’ll be more likely to miss with the s.strong or the second hit of dread kicks.

Yeah, I was testing cu.fwd, cr.short, st.short, st.strong xx dread kicks, and more often than not, the st.strong would whiff. Not very reliable.

And never mind me asking for tips on st.strong xx upkicks. I finally got it!

thanks for this. that is what I thought.

so nevermind the c.short s.short s.strong combo via the ken super trick you can do this instead: kara LK~u+HK and do c.lkx2 into upkicks.

similarly it also works with max out: kara LK~f+P gets you c.lkx2 into max out.

also works with MGU.

Good call. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. This is why I asked you guys! :bgrin: Anyway, as far as reversal projectiles go my feeling is no, because dread kicks seems to come out fast enough to stuff any reversal projectile. That’s all theory though, so if you have any personal experience that says otherwise that pretty much trumps anything I have to say. As far as rush moves go, it probably depends on the character. Again all theory, but Honda jabpedo probably beats it. In my experience this stops Blanka pretty well, but none of his attempts to escape were reversal. Dunno about anyone else. I imagine any uppercut will beat dread kicks clean or trade at best.

Anyway, I didn’t suggest this as an attempt to reveal anything ground breaking. I just thought it might be good to use every now and then as a block string.

Is there a trick to that one, or is it just a matter of practice?

i was wondering what you guys do if you knock someone down and your too far away to cross up? what are some good tick throws and combos if you cant cross up?

Usually either a jump in (jab/roundhouse) into a block string or tick throw, or jab max out followed immediately by fierce max out. The max out sequence will catch a lot of people trying to reversal fireball, jump out, etc.

Which one I use depends on the character and the flow of the match.

No no no…I meant after they block the kick. There’s enough recovery time even at max range for people to hit you and/or knock you down.