AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

lol I’m not a noob, not by any means. Please don’t talk to me like one.

If it were any of those issues, I wouldn’t have asked. Also, saying that you don’t get much use out of combos that end in dread kicks is pretty hilarious. I guess you haven’t seen the 85-95% damage on crossup forward, low fierce xx upkicks, juggle with super (2 hits).

If you want me to show you how useful upkicks combos are, please, add me on Xbox Live or play me on GGPO.

Edit: I apologize, I’m tired and irritable. I spent 3 hours in training mode doing all of these things and came away feeling like I made no real progress. I’ve tried everything.

Don’t worry about it. I understand it can sometimes be a little too easy to misread someone’s tone on a message board, especially considering that acting like a jerk is, unfortunately all too common. I’m sure being otherwise irritable doesn’t make that any easier.

And I’m sorry if my post came across as condescending, or otherwise talking down to you. Lately there are quite a few people who do need help with the more basic elements of the game, so I figured it was probably best to start at the ground level, and see if that would get you any results.

To be more specific on my comment about only using combos that end in upkicks in exceptional circumstances, what I mean is that it tends to be more situational. There are definitely some fantastic combos that make use of it, but Upkicks have a tendency to whiff against crouching opponents when used at the tail-end of a combo. As for your specific example of cancelling Cr. fierce into Upkicks, I’m pretty sure the reason that it fails to cancel on crouching opponents is because the cr. fierce hits too late in its animation. Notice when you use it on a standing opponent, Dee Jay connects the hit in his full-standing position, whereas on a crouching opponent, he’s lower to the ground, in the later part of the animation. If you do it quickly enough, you can still see it cancel the cr. fierce before it hits, but that doesn’t do you a whole lot of good.

Yeah, I figured that out. I really need to figure out why I can’t get dread kicks to come out after j.rh -> st.strong. I INSTANTLY hold back as soon as I jump, time the rh really late, etc., and still, nothing.

Just do j.rh - cr.fp xx light DK as your jump in combo. I think it has more range because of cr.fp having more range than st.strong (might be wrong here) and it does about the same damage and dizzy. Apart of that it’s actually pretty easy - just be sure that you input the DK late enough (since that’s the reason I fuck it up most of the time).

I do it for timing so that I don’t max out too early and ruin my charge. Someone mentioned it, but cr. jab and cr. strong are really good moves. During both moves, DJ’s attacking arm is completely red without any blue, making them good for counter poking and stoping blanka balls and honda headbutts.

I find that the cancel window on DJ’s strong comes later than I would expect. Maybe try that?

Yeah, this is a tricky combo, but like anything, it just takes practice. Combos with standing normals into down-up charge moves always feel gratifying to land. Though, instead of doing back on the stick for buffering the upkick, I suggest just letting go of the stick (let it go neutral for that split second of s. strong) then finish with up+K.
A favorite combo of mine to practice this kind of thing is Guile’s j. fierce, s. fierce xx flash kick. I swear, landing that combo makes you feel like a man.

As for Dee Jay’s jump-in dizzy combos, I was having some trouble landing the dread kicks on those as well. But just keep at it, the timing for it definitely seems weird at first. When you start to land it, just keep trying to get a feel for it. Tschesae is right about the dread kick input being somewhat late. It’s kind of like you have to wait for s. strong to completely connect. Hard to describe.

I’ve heard alot of people b*tch about DJ’s new MGU, saying its now useless, but from a few of the matches I’ve played with DJ, I think it definatly has a use. Whenever a fireball battle ensues, the MGU can be used instead of a maxout to cancel your opponents projectile and quickly throw a maxout after it recovers. These can be used in some matchups to gain a small advantage in the fireball war, or against opponents like Ryu, it can at least allow DJ to hand on longer before he is forced to jump or block a projectile. In the end, I think the MGU is a half-way step between jumping in and throwing a maxout; you may risk a little more if they don’t throw a projectile, but you gain a little more too. What do you guys think?

I don’t have a problem with the new MGU, but I don’t get any real use out of it either. If I’m in a “fireball fight” as Dee Jay, and it’s not with one of the other charge characters, then getting out of that situation is priority #1 already, not finding ways to prolong it. Against the other charge characters, I can see maybe using it to gain a slight advantage, but even there, I’d probably opt for something else.

I find it does work well when fighting the random online crowd though, just because they usually are not patient enough to stick with a tactic that is only very slowly having an effect, so even though they’re clearly at an advantage, most Ryu players online will try to close the gap once they see that they’re only doing a little bit of chip damage every third fireball at most.

I wouldn’t think of it as prolonging the fireball battle, but simly giving you more oppurtunities to jump in before your forced to block or jump an incoming hadoken. Against Guile and Chun, it probably can help you get an edge, as long as you don’t get too predictable or use it on reaction to a projectile. I was Guile the other day and a DJ kept MGUing my sonic booms on reaction, so I through one and swept him out of the MGU :nono:

Can you use the MGU to beat a Guile that threw a SB and jumped right after it to destroy his SB and hit him out of the air at the same time? It’s the easiest way to close the gap for Guile if you got the life lead.

I think you can, but why not upkick?

I can’t imagine complaining about MGU unless I could mash it out in ST properly.

Yeah, I figured out the problem I was having with the jumpin combo. I was doing it from too close, not letting the dread kick get enough charge. After playing around with Dictator in training mode for a couple hours, my Dee Jay was jumping from pretty far away (I was practicing Dic’s ToD, and you know his jump range is INSANE), and I landed it first try.

I’ve also been experimenting with cr.fierce in combos… I can get cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:, cr.:hp: xx MGU about 70% of the time, but sometimes the fierce cancels too late and the opponent is pushed back too far for the MGU to connect. I wish this still dizzied like it did in ST. It also feels a lot easier to do in ST.

cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:, cr.:hp: xx :hk: dread kicks is good damage and dizzy, but the opponent (as in all cr.:hp: combos, I think) has to be standing, so this is best used against an already dizzied opponent. Does more damage than most BnB combos (cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:x2, st.:mp: xx :hk: dread kicks, cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:x2 xx MGU, etc.) and is relatively easy to execute (slightly harder than the two aforementioned combos). The timing of canceling cr.:hp: is kind of tricky.

Also, someone explain to me why cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:x2, cr.:lk: xx :hp: max out seems to do more dizzy than cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:x2 xx MGU.

If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because MGU had its dizzy reduced by a ton, since it’s so easy to do now.

David Sirlin is such an intelligent man.

Does the second dread kick always hit or is it situational? I know for a fact deejay’s BnB combo (Jp. RH cr. Fierce xx Dread Kicks) on shotos in the corner has to be done with short Dread Kicks because the RH doesn’t hit on the last hit.

It depends. There are a couple of characters (Guile is one of them) that the 2nd kick will not connect on, no matter how hard you try. On most of the cast though, the 2nd hit of the dread kick will connect if your links are tight enough. The quicker you do them, the less pushback, the sooner the second kick can hit your opponent.

So does anyone have a list of normal moves that beat Blanka, Honda, and Dictator’s torpedo moves? I know s. jab, c. jab, and far s. fierce beat them, but that’s about it.

jumpin’ jab beats all that shit and honda ass slam, jumping jab is p.good

well time lk upkick, and lk jackknife are all good things to use against vega