this is the guile v. dj matchup info on previous pages
i know dj is supposed to do serious damage in close, but i was wondering what is the best way to lock people down when you are in close or in a corner? how do you do it? where does most of your damage come from? this is pertaining to the guile matchup
It’s all about the mixup game once you have them in the corner. Most of my damage comes from throws, but it’s not like you can get away with constantly throwing if the opponent knows what they’re doing, so you have to mix in some other stuff. I have quite a bit of luck with short sobat, since it clears attacks like Guile’s low forward. Technically, I guess you could use any of the Sobats now, but I have a bad habit of sticking with short since that was the only one with that property in ST. Pressure like crazy, bait reversal flashkicks, and when they’re not expecting it, tick into throws.
Does anybody know how you need to setup your upkick juggles if you want to do forward upkick (2 hits) - forward upkick (1 hit) - super juggle? I think I already pulled it off but it seems to me that you need to do the second upkick as early as possible or so.
Ie; I throw guile in the corner wait for him to wake up. What I’ll do is throw an fb and see if he blocks, if your in range he’ll try to do cr. forward. If you can anticipate it do cr. strong. Then I’ll anticipate him throwing an fb and do jp. Rh cr. Fierce xx short sobat, or I’ll do jp. rh back mp xx rh sobat. You could mix it up to however you want.
I posted this answer in the Ken thread.
When it comes to juggling in general, you need to hit your opponent in the air so that they end up pinned against the wall right when you attempt your next move. (Notice how there’s a slight pause when your opponent makes contact with the wall. That’s the moment that help you juggle to maximum potential.)
In Dee Jay’s case, the key is to get your opponent to end up hitting the wall at about the height of Dee Jay’s head. You get them to land there, the Double Dread Kick will juggle for two hits. I think the range for that is about 1/2 a screen away from the corner if you’re hitting a grounded opponent. Note that you can’t start right next to the wall because the opponent will immediately start heading for the ground when they make contact with the wall.
This information will be in my updated Cross-up, Link, and Combo FAQ when I get done updating it.
You can also juggle with Super outside of the corner. But it has to be with Roundhouse Upkick (3 hits), followed by a slightly delayed Super (2 hits). I’ve also tried Forward Upkick into Super and 2 Forward Upkicks into Super, but it doesn’t work for me consistently. Like OJ said, that only works in the corner when your opponent bounces off the wall.
Wrong. You can juggle any upkicks into super. From anywhere on the screen.
Partially wrong. You can juggle more than twice.
Juggling off of one Forward or one Roundhouse Maximum Jackknife (Upkicks) is easy. Juggling after having done two of them? Yeah…corner only…otherwise they end up at Dee Jay’s waist level…which is basically a split-second before they hit the ground…which is why the corner holding them up for a split-second is essential to that juggle.
I didn’t read your entire post because I’m lazy and most of the time people in this thread are wrong. Yes, juggling two upkicks into super requires being in the corner. And can probably only be done for two hits. But I dunno, I don’t really do that very often, it’s kind of pointless.
Honestly though, the HDR/SF4 forums are such a sad place. I seriously question if half of you even play this game.
Incorrect. Short Upkick cannot be juggled into Super. EVER.
If it’s such a sad place, then stop posting here. If you don’t have anything constructive to add, then get out. We’d prolly be better off if less trolls like you would stop cluttering up the threads.
Actually, you can juggle a forward upkick, forward upkick, into super without having to be in the corner. It can be done without the corner if the character attacking you jumps into you (not launching them from the ground). The second forward upkick needs to to hit with the second kick and not the first. Then, as the body is falling wait for it to near the ground before starting your super to get the second hit. This seems to work well for me against jump ins from Guile and Chun-Li. It also works for shotos - but it works better against guile/chun.
This move is pretty useful actually against chunli. In fact, after typing chun-li, I remembered that you can launch chun-li from her being in a crouch or stand close up with the forward upkick. So, you can make a combo against chun-li like this:
cross up forward > jab > forward upkick > forward upkick > super
Contrary to what you have found, these combos are very useful for me.
If you could do that only in the corner then it would be pointless (since you’d better go for a third super hit) but I actually think I’ve already pulled that off without corner.
I recently tried to juggle with the second hit of the second upkick but it didn’t work. Are you shure about that leonowski?
Here is a video of the combo:
It starts at around the 50 second mark and ends around the 60 second mark. As you can see, it takes about 50% energy from chun-li and is a great way to punish a jump in from her.
After that, I tried the chun-li forward upkick (launching her from a crouch position). I may have made a mistake about being able to forward upkick > forward upkick > super from that. It’s just too close to hit the second forward upkick (to get the second kick to hit). So, it’s just best to do the combo as:
crossup forward, crouching jab, forward upkick, super
or, if you don’t have a super, do another upkick with roundhouse to hit once more.
Yeah…I see all of what you said working perfectly without seeing the video. In testing out combos for Dee Jay, the one thing that I really hated was that a grounded Shoto would never get hit twice by the Forward Jackknife Maximum. So, in testing out that double Forward Jackknife Maximum combo, I can easily see a super connecting if the opponent jumps because, naturally, they’ll be higher in the air than they would be if they were hit while standing on the ground.
That info is FAQ-worthy for sure.
Edit: Just watched the video. By the way, you can actually do cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:, st.:mp: XX Forward Jackknife Maximum before you start the juggling madness. (Might miss a crouching Chun Li, but just about everyone else (save the Shotos of course) will eat that combo up.)
Hi Fresh OJ,
Yup - I know that combo too. it will only work on characters who didn’t block your crossup and are standing. If they are crouching, it will miss on all characters (at least, I think it does - maybe I should read your FAQ! )
After a crossup forward, I decide on which combo to depending on if they stand or crouch. With a crouch, I just do jabx2 and then MGU usually or jabx2(or x3), short, then projectile. If they stand, I like to juggle people with jabx2 and then roundhouse upkicks (jabx3 on bigger characters like sagat, thawk, and zangief). I guess I could throw in strongs or fierces in there but it just seems more reliable to stick with 2 jabs.
I feel you on all of that. I guess I’m used to always using the cr.:lp:, st.:mp: link in my Dee Jay combos, so I’m very confident that I can hit that link every time. But, you are correct, it will miss crouching opponents. I didn’t even think to note that. Silly me.
Oh yes, I also forgot - the combos will never launch a grounded Blanka because his hitbox is too low. So, I usually do MGU combos against blanka on the ground.
If Blanka attacks from the air, he is also another good candidate for punishing with 2 forward upkicks > super.
Actually this is incorrect. It does not whiff against crouching opponents. It’s just that, cr. jab x2,, whiffs against chun and vega, but if you do one jab it will always connect no matter who it is even if they’re crouching. I always do, cr. jab,, rh dread kick, after a crossup against Chun and Vega, if it does not dizzy them it puts them one hit away from dizzy