I’ll play it but I suck lol. The only thing I’ve been playing for a while is ST/HDR. I’ve given up on IV since it’s not my cup of tea. If you’re into IV I have weekly gatherings if you want to stop by pm me if you’re interested.
You have to try to invest in either a stick or the Madcatz 360 pad. My opener move for honda match is jumping back jab. If he tries to do headbutt it almost always stuffs it. Always do cr. back to charge max outs and upkicks. If he does jab headbutt after a M.O walk up st. rh almost always gets him. Try not to jump in or he will headbutt. Crossing up is key in this match. Another thing to watch for is if you get knocked down he will try to do jumping short into handslaps you can try to reversal upkick.
on the honda matchup, you can st. rh him after he headbuts every time. same with balrog’s headbut. if you think hes going to headbut, just follow up a MO and rh him right when hes done with the move. if he butslams when you follow up a MO, just st. strong. you need good timing but it will trade every time
I know this may sound crazy, but I’ve never played SF4 before. I just picked up HDRemix and never played ST before. I’ve been playing Tekken all this time lol. Is it easy to get into SF4? I know I won’t win anytime soon, but just to get into the game, is it hard like Marvel? I’m cool with Justin Wong and LI Joe so I can learn from them too if I decide to take the game seriously. But to be honest I am very wary of getting into a game that people have been playing for years and here I come just picking it up. Add to that that I have no patience. I don’t even know how I was able to get the beatdowns I took in Tekken to get as good as I am in that. How do I ever make up for the disadvantage of experience that I will almost always be at?
The closest thing you’ll have to actual HDR frame data is the ST frame data that T.Akiba did. It’s on NKI’s site…along with a bunch of useful info/videos.
Not to worry. He and I used to play each other regularly back when ST first came out. I could get the occasional game off of him in everything else except ST. I definitely didn’t have enough experience or knowledge back then. Now, however, I’m sure I could get him in at least a couple of games before he got to 10. He’ll be the first to tell you he’s beatable…but he won’t just up and let you, either.
Kuroppi is definitely the best Honda I’ve played, but he has to play Gief against my DJ. Like I said before I don’t care if it’s the best Honda in the world, I’m going in expecting at least 7-3.
Only Fei might have a case for easier match for DJ than Honda.
Lol, I was playing random player matches on live this weekend as Honda. Some dude picks DeeJay, and I’m like “o shit”. Turns out he didn’t know the power of j. jab. The next guy picks him, too. No j. jab, either. Hmm. Does j. jab really affect DJ-Honda that much?
Also, I was trying to practice cross-up j. forward, c. jab x3 xx fk upkicks, fk upkicks, super, and then I accidently found out that you can link c. jab x3 into a s. forward. Pretty sure you DJ guys knew that though.
What uses does s. forward have anyway? It seems to have a decent sized hitbox, but I never use it, as it seems…kinda crappy. Do you guys ever use it?
I see no use in this move since st.rh is probably better in every situation.
j.jab allows you to advance and retreat very easily which is of great use in the Honda matchup. It’s hard for him to meet you in the air too. Honestly I don’t know if this move affects this matchup that much since I never played a good Honda but I imagine it to be a little harder since you have to worry about being torpedo’d out of the air.
Standing forward…as in the far standing forward kick that hits twice? I can’t say that I have ever used it…especially when standing roundhouse is so nice and fast.
Anyway, I don’t it being interruptable either, so that also diminishes its value.
But…yeah…if it’s a link, I probably found it back when I did the SNES SSF2 Link FAQ…which is now the HDR Combo FAQ, of course.
Close forward, however, has just about the same recovery time as standing strong, so you can put together some interesting normal moves strings with it…or even use it to set up tick throws…but…you probably won’t ever have to.
Oh yeah, GGs Bruce Askew. Your DJ, well, raped mine. I was surprised I beat your Cammy though. And I figured out that starting a match with fierce max out against DJ = no no.
Any tips on ken matchup? I just played damdai and I almost couldn’t do anything to counter his rushdown. The only thing I was able to do to his ken was “anticipate” FBs with jumping RH. It seems as if all of ken’s pokes beat deejay’s normals. Ken’s mixup is just plain uber in this game!
I’m sure someone else can give you a more in-depth analysis, but generally speaking, both are capable defenders, and both can zone the other very well, but Dee Jay has more options for higher damage once he scores that crucial knockdown.
If Guile’s cr. fierce trades with every jump in, I’m not aware of it, but I don’t think that would be the determining factor. I rarely jump on Guile unless he’s knocked down, since that’s pretty much what Guile wants. If I do get ballsy and jump at him while he’s on his feet (obviously he doesn’t have a down-charge), I usually use jumping jab from further away, which has some surprising priority. I haven’t played against too many good Guiles in HRD, and as I said, I don’t jump on Guile often except for crossups anyway, so I don’t honestly know if he trades with it or not.
Again, I don’t think that alone would be the determining factor in the matchup. Both characters can zone the other fairly well, but Dee Jay has better options once he gets a knockdown, which seems to make the difference for me in ST, and holds true with my limited experience in HDR.
The cr. fierce is always a losing trade for Guile, but its better than blocking…
A few pages back (page 16 I think) theres a long post about Guile vs DJ. However, there’s no mention to the spacing game that I think might exist. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Guile want to maintain a distance at the very edge of DJ’s jumping rh range? That way, if DJ jumps, Guile can just take a step back and sweep him when he lands. Consequently, DJ wants to get closer by sliding. By sliding, however, DJ exposes himself to Guile’s cr. forward if Guile follows up his projectile after neutralizing booms. If Guile gueses incorrectly and follws up a boom and DJ doesn’t slide, DJ’s in close enough to play footsies and slide under Guile’s sonic boom. I’ve essentially asked the same thing in the Guile thread, havn’t gotten any responses yet.