Aha! So you hang around the rest of the DeeJay fangirls eh Bruce!?
Ha. More, like I try to drop some knowledge on the one character I know inside and out.
I was actually not that big a fan of DJ character wise, Guile has always been my favorite. I only started to use him because for some reason, I’m really good with him. I think it’s because he’s my perfect play style of really good rushdown and mixups, but with the ability to turtle like a bitch if need be.
But over time he’s grown on me, plus he’s just really fun to use. Also I think he’s almost perfectly balanced, like Ryu.
He’s top tier material in my opinion. Those normals are so amazingly good. Sure he has trouble sometimes with ticks, but Balrog still does fine with those.
I’m having serious trouble when people start running away especially with Chun Li and Dhalsim. It’s tough to close the gap against Chun Li especially. She just jumps around and shit and DeeJay just can not catch up to her. At least I can’t…
I know we talked about Chun Li already, but I don’t think we talked about her in regards to countering run away / keep out tactics.
Eh, I think top tier belongs solely to Rog/Sim/Claw/Chun, with Dic/Ryu/DJ just below them.
It doesn’t help that most of characters ranked above him are popular tourny characters and bad matchups. Only Claw I would give the advantage to DJ, with Chun being slight disadvantage and Dic being about even.
Of course what really hurts is that his absolute worst matchup is Ryu, your guaranteed to face at least one good Ryu in any respectable tourny.
Bruce what does ryu have the makes him deejay’s worst matchup? I still think sim is his worst match up.
You should check out the tournament video that megamanpb posted in the Video thread not too long ago regarding that. There was one decent Ryu that fought two Dee Jays in there and you’ll get at least a hint of what works and what doesn’t.
I’ll leave the official answer to the person you asked. coughHADOUKENcough
Dhalsim is far from his worst. Based on my own play I’d say (no order):
Ryu, Chun-Li, Vega, Balrog, Sagat
- Hadouken > MO
- cr. medium kick beats slide and other attacks
- Shoryuken beats Dread Kicks
- Fake Hadouken can be a real pain in the ass, esp. if it eliminates your charge
I can see DeeJay beating Dhalsim before he beats Ryu. DeeJay’s ground game beat Sim’s even at range. I was playing today and crouching fierce, crouching forward, crouching strong all are good against Sim. If you don’t beat out his long range attacks altogether, you will trade in your favor at least especially with crouching fierce. Today I actually beat Sim’s standing roundhouse with a jump in forward. I remember attacking somewhat early in my jump, but I beat it out cleanly. No trade.
The reason Sim isn’t as bad as Ryu is because many of DJ’s normals will beat cleanly or at least trade with Sim, which makes it easier to stay in once you get in, than it is against Ryu.
Also one combo is almost guaranteed to dizzy Sim which = you win the round.
Against Ryu you have to work your ass off to get in, and then once you’re in you have to be perfect because you don’t have the leeway to make mistakes as you do against Sim.
Ryu and Rog yes, but Sim is a tougher match than Chun. Really Chun is only a slight disadvantage for DJ, it’s definitely a winnable match.
Vega and Sagat are good matches for DJ. He’s got the advantage in both.
I find that against Ryu, fireball wars aren’t such a bad thing.
You can’t throw max outs quite as fast as he can hadoken, but you only have to block or jump every few fireballs. On the other hand, if you jump forward randomly from nearly full screen, you can roundhouse his hands if he fireballs, or if he doesn’t fireball, simply not attack to remain safe from shoryukens. Then jump back and repeat.
This turns a fireball war into a guessing game that’s almost purely in your favor. The trick is waiting long enough before jumping in that it can’t be predicted easily.
^ Ryu’s Super shuts DeeJay’s fireball game (as well as his footsie game) very brutally.
My first issue with Ryu (and this happens against Chun Li also), is at full screen, jumping in is not an option. This is probably common knowledge to most people, but to a beginner like me it’s stuff I just learned the hard way. I believe that is the first step to even begin to have any hope against Ryu. There is nothing you can do when jumping forward at full screen. You’ll get kicked out of your jump or what happens a lot is they wait till I jump in, then time their jump in over me so I have no charge or anything to AA them and I can’t standing strong or fierce them in time without getting hit. So I’ve been trying to find ways to be able to get a little closer before I jump and sliding once or twice while charging helps a lot. But when you are backed up by fireballs and there isn’t enough space to throw a MO, slide and throw another MO before the next fireball gets to you, it’s tough. So I guess I’ve been looking for techniques on how to interrupt their fireball timing so I can throw an MO, slide, throw another MO just to be close enough to where I can jump in and actually hit Ryu instead of just landing in front of him. </gibberish> lol
Hope that all make some sense.
Ryu = worst matchup for DJ. Rushing gets many a DP in your face, and turtling = losing a fireball war.
So yeah, the best idea probably is to toss Max Outs, and then get a j. RH when you’re in range. Fake fireball warning though.
Actually, what about using DJ’s super to get through fireballs? Get about 1/2 screen or so and let er rip. Either chip or a lot of damage.
If the Ryu Player is aware of you trying to super through his fbs (aka he knows what he’s doing) then you will have a hard time landing that.
I was facing fellow SRK’er TheloTheGreat’s Honda last night. I managed to beat him 1 round a couple of times, but I could never seal the deal. Then he switched his strat and just started jumping at me. What do I do? The Up Kicks are never a sure-thing for me since the 360 d-pad blows, and I can’t charge it when I’m moving back.
Use the stick, it works very well for me. st.strong st.rh and st.fierce are your AA normals. You can meet him in the air with j.jab too
Priority 1 should be keeping Honda away. If he gets near you, it’s pretty much a done deal. Much easier said then done, but thats pretty much it. Upkicks beats sit on the way down. My AA for Honda is MO most of the time. I try to make him land on them, then I slide forward and do another MO to push him back some more. You can bait Honda into jumping in or doing a jab headbutt by throwing random jabs. I also use standing fierce as a fake to bait them because it has the same exact animation as MO. It’s hard for Honda to react to this especially trying to headbutt through it because he has to headbutt pretty to beat the fireball. This is when you can attack him. You want to hit him while he is recovering from his headbutt. He can not block at that point. If you do get trapped though…, good luck. If you are the corner, short upkicks will beat his sit. It is the only version of upkicks that will hit him in that situation because the short version seems to be the only one that it’s hit box is above DeeJay’s head and it’s invulnerable on the way up (?). Jump back jab also works, but if they time a headbutt correctly, you will get hit out of it. Fireballs are no longer an option at that point either. Just work on keeping him out and work from there.
I think I am actually getting better at this game. I’m always amazed when I learn anything that is not Tekken… Is there frame data on this game that I can study? Also, is there a list or chart of character throw ranges? That would really help a lot.
Tetsuosan - I’m in New Haven. Do you play any other games like Tekken? I am the best player in the state.
Thanks for the help, except I’m convinced Thelo has the best Honda…ever? He NEVER has a pause between moves. He’ll perform the headbutt and then go into the ass move immediately without pausing. He’s insane lol. The rounds (not matches) I won I relied on normals, with very few MO’s. I could not react fast enough to use the Up Kicks, and I stayed away from the Dread Kick and MU. It was quite a workout. He would use jab headbutt to counter the MO, and then the ass move would counter it as well. I spent most of the match jabbing and medium punching to beat his moves, and the only time an MO was useful was when he was far away. But even then, he charges so well that one mistake and its over. Scary matchup, gonna try to play him again. I’ve also been practising 360 motions with Gief, and I pretty much got it down. I’m gonna try to main him…IMO, he’s the deadliest fighter in good hands. Should be higher tier.