Ah, I saw the video of DSP explaining that tactic for SF4. I’m new to charge characters and I think my worst enemy is the d-pad. I need every tactic I can think of, so I’ll be sure to master this. Thanks.
anyone have any idea on how to stop vega if he walldives and you dont have an upkick charged?
OJ, charge buffering only allows you to decrease the time between two maxouts, not an indefinate amount. You shouldn’t charge buffer everytime. Here’s why:
So you charge buffer you first maxout like this: :l: :r: :l: :p:
Cool. You’re already charging for the next one before you throw it, so lets just say (I’m making this number up) you’ve got -3 frames for how long it takes to throw your next maxout.
You wait the appropriate amount of time then do the same thing: :l: :r: :l: :p:
But guess what; as soon as you went from left to right, you were able to throw a maxout. But instead, you waited to bring you stick back to the left, wasting just as many frames as you gained by doing it the first time (3). Net gain of zero.
Had you thrown that second maxout the normal way, you would have succesfully chopped off 3 frames from your charge time.
From Sonic Hurricane:
People just felt they could charge faster pre-charging because doing it this way allows you to start charging immediately after you recover from the fireball.
But, as Python pointed out, this ends up costing you the few frames it takes to move the stick back to charging before throwing the fireball, so it’s just better to immediately move the stick back to charging as soon as you press the button. Like this:
:l: :r: + :p: :l:
This way you get the bonus of charging as soon as possible, without costing you the few frames it takes to move the stick back to charging.
@FreshOJ: I already messed around with that too (I though the exact same way as you “if Rog can do it, DJ should be able to do that too”) but couldn’t get any good results. I stopped thinking that MOs and Dread Kicks just have too much recovery to let the second motion fit into the super input window. I’d be glad to hear from you if you get better results.
@BruceLB: That’s the reason why I think it’s important that experts like OJ and you keep reading so that you can correct people if the’re telling the wrong things. As long as you keep everybody honest there’s no bad thing in posting the same advices 5 times in a given time - maybe one day somebody pops up and shows us how to do a MO and a slide at the same time and that somebody would be exactly as all the newer players around just sharing his experiences.
The Vega match is a problem for me, but I’d say:
jumping short, jumping jab
That’s exactly what it is. Rog only has 10 frames of recovery after his dash straight and only 6(!!) after his dash upper, plenty of time to fit in with his super window.
DJ on the other hand has 26 frames of recovery after a short dead kick, and 33 frames after a fireball. I’m not sure how many frames DJ’s super window is, but there’s no way it’s near 26.
Yeah, I get what you’re saying, I’m just lazy, and don’t post as often.
I don’t think it’s too much to ask that people search this thread before asking questions that have already been answered, but I guess repeating tips over and over isn’t harmful.
Sim is such a problem for me. I played John Rambo yesterday and he owned me bad. So I went back and watched the video of DSP playing him on live and caught some really good strats that dsp was using.
How is a Chun-Li a good match for 'Jay? I just had HELL from a really good Chun. What should I be doing? I also had issues with Akuma and his stupid air fireball. Otherwise, I was able to destroy a Blanka, a really good Zangief, Dhalsim, and others tonight.
EDIT: Tetsuosan - I was kind of doing what DSP did there against the 'Sim I faced. I constantly spammed cr. MP and managed to MO whenever he was recovering from an attack. One thing to beware of with 'Sim is eating a slide right when the match starts. Don’t throw an MO as your opener.
@Bruce: You’re right too, just tell them to search the thread before and repeat the good stuff over and over so that everybody can improve.
Good Vids man, I love DSPs videos because of him talking in the background “Crispy DeeJay”
sigh Sometimes I wish I paid closer attention to the stuff I suggest. My bad on the charge partitioning stuff, y’all.
Need Chun-Li strategies ASAP…good Chuns give me trouble.
EDIT: Is it just me or does anyone else get jump-kicked out of the Up Kicks often? I tried using the Up Kicks as AA against Akuma yesterday, and it seems he could just throw a jumping roundhouse and he’d snuff me out of it.
Which up kicks do you use? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think lk upkicks has the most invincibility. I almost always use that one unless I’m looking for big damage. Chances are, though, that if Akuma is jumping in on you, he might fireball, so you’ll trade. : (
Thanks for the help, all. I’m gonna practice MGU’ing Akuma’s air fireballs. If I can make that less of an issue I’ll be able to rape Akuma. Will also practice the Chun strat.
I rarely get hit out of Upkicks with DeeJay. I was so surprised because I would constantly get hit out of Chun Li’s Upkicks. But with DeeJay, I’ve upkicked everything from Chun Li’s jump in short to Zangief, T. Hawks and Honda’s splashes.
Fuck fuck fuck, I’m just about ready to give up on Dee Jay. Not only did I get kicked out of short Up Kicks numerous times, but FOR FUCKS SAKE I HATE THE 360 D-PAD. FUCK! Stupid piece of shit, I whiffed on the Up Kicks at least 5 times, and my MO wasn’t coming out consistently. Motherfucking d-pad is SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. Ugh.
What’s the secret behind using the Up Kicks? At this moment I’m convinced its the worst AA move in the game. Someone please tell me I’m wrong.
Not are only are you wrong, you’re straight up speaking crazy talk.
Short upkicks are completely invincible the entire time they hit. There is no way you got hit out of short upkicks, the only time you’re vulnerable during short upkicks is after they hit and you are floating in the air on the way back down.
Also, get a stick.
Hold on…short Up Kicks are the second-strongest, right? You hit ‘B’ on the 360 pad to do them?
I find that analog sticks are too sensitive for me, and when I charge using the stick I’ll often jump backward, forward, and so forth. It would probably make matters worse.
No, short is the weakest one.
Jab Strong Fierce
:lp: :mp: :hp:
Short Forward Roundhouse
:lk: :mk: :hk:
Also, I said get a stick. As in, a joystick, not to use the analogue stick, though if I was forced to use the 360 pad I would prefer that over it’s shit dpad.