Reversal throwing any jumping attack, cross-up or not, simply has to do with how deeply it lands. In this case, cross-up forward would do either 11 frames of hit-stun on a standing opponent (as all jumping attacks do on standing opponents) or 16 frames of stun on an opponent that is either blocking or crouching, as the length of hit-stun and block-stun is the same in either case.
So…basically…if your opponent gets hit standing (blocking the wrong way), you need to hit him again before that 11th frame of hit stun or you’ll get reversal thrown if your in their throw range. If your opponent blocks it standing or gets hit while crouching, then your next attack needs to hit before the 16th frame of stun or, again, if you’re in their throw range, you’ll get thrown.
I’ve recently started using Dee Jay after fiddling between Ken and Cammy, and I think my biggest problem with using him is the 360 d-pad. IT SUCKS. I have a good idea of how to use him and what to do, but I’m not confident at all that a move will always come out. Any tips I can use for charging faster or “better”??? A few notes I have for Dee Jay:
Try not to jump in because you will eat a dp in the face. Try to keep things low to the ground and pop fbs when he uses his fb or just neutral jump. Watch his super bar. I’ve had times where I’m rushing him down in the corner and ate a mean super bad.
Try to psychic his fb; meaning he throws an fb and time a roundhouse so he pretty much gets hit clean. After the roundhouse you can either do cr. fierce xx short dread kicks or you can do back strong into rh dread kicks.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think cr. strong beats his cr. forward pokes.
Cool. Thx Tetsuosan. I just picked up this game and have a lot to learn. I am a Tekken player.
One thing I don’t like about this game is the practice mode. There is not record feature. So everytime I run into a problem, I cant figure it out myself. I have to come here and beg for help lol. How I keep Zangief out? Besides MO’s, what tools should I be using? What are the best ways to punish baited spinning clotheslines and green hands? I went 1-6 against Zangief players last night.
Your most important tools besides MOs are: cr.forward, cr.rh, upkicks, dread kicks
You can MO the recovery of Green Hand if he does it from too far away, if he’s close you can upkick or cr.forward it. If you bait him into using his lariat you can punish with cr.rh. Be sure not to do it too late since he can do the short lariat and SPD you out of your slide if he recovers first. I handle lariats the same way I handle Boxers Buffalo Headbutt through MOs. If you know he’s gonna lariat (or Headbutt) walk after your MO (which has to be a jab one) and smack him with the slide.
If he gets cr.rh happy then try to punish with rh dread kicks.
You can super his lariat if he’s close enough and again if you time it early enough. If you mess up he can sometimes jab SPD you out of the super which usually wins him the round so be careful with that.
Vary your MO timing and punish his attempts to get in properly and you win. Mess up a single time and you probably loose. Gief is an extremely exhausting matchup i find.
I beat an AMAZING Zangief last night in ranked. Here’s my strategy:
Change speeds on the Max Out constantly. I found the jab (slowest) to be most effective in stopping 'Gief’s jumping, combined with the fierce Max Out
The 'Gief I faced would always Green Hand at the beginning, and it equalled a free throw for me
Slide through his Lariat’s
If he manages to get in and start pressuring with jumps and low kicks, use quick jabs and short kicks to counter. DO NOT slide, as you’ll have zero priority
Have your Up Kicks ready to be charged at all times
Use the Dread Kick but with space. What I mean is space yourself so that the tip of your kick will hit 'Gief, that way he cannot SPD you. If you do it too close he’ll just reverse
I would also throw fierce kicks after every Max Out to bait his F+fierce jump in, and it generally worked well
#7 also worked against an excellent Honda. Space yourself so that you can connect with a fierce kick every time Honda headbutts through your Max Out
I didn’t list it because against Gief it’s extremely dangerous to stick it out as short range poke since it gets beat by Giefs low rh which means he lands it once and then he’s in. If you use cr.forward there are chances that you trade and both get knocked down.
Faced an awesome Guile last night. He whooped me first round because I rushed everything. Then I actually tried to play his game, and I’m pretty confident that Dee Jay is an annoying match for Guile.
Change MO speeds
If he Sonic Booms close to you, super move through it
STAY CROUCHED. If he jumps, Up Kick. If he does a Sonic Boom followed by the upside-down kick, slide into it
If he uses his crouching fierce kick, slide or MO
If he knee rushes forward after a boom, throw out a fierce kick
I beat him good after that, and I’m ready to take this strategy against other Guiles. They were usually a pain in the ass for me, and I’ll admit this match had me throwing LOTS of MOs. Be ready for a real charge war.
In my experiences, Guile vs. Deejay ends up being a turtle fest and a test of patience. I can see that match being 50/50 or maybe 55/45 Deejay giving him a slight advantage because of his ground game, but not much more then that. Be prepared to throw lots of MO’s and to be very patient.
Any tips vs Chun Li? Can anything Deejay has beat her jump in short air to air? What about on the ground? Can standing strong or fierce beat it?
^ Yeah man, the match WAS a turtle fest. I was pounding jab and shooting MO’s like nuts. I’d also agree that the ground game gives 'Jay an edge. One other tip: usually when I knock a Guile down I’ll walk right next to him and then low-block to bait a wake-up Flash Kick. Free throw, and if he saves the throw you slide upon his falling to ground.
Chun-Li is a bitch for Dee Jay. Ugh. Some tips:
Don’t slide in a ground war, zero priority
Make sure you’re VERY unpredictable in throwing MOs, keep hitting jab and short to fake it
Only throw MOs if you’re a full screen away, otherwise eat a jumping short
Only use short Up Kicks, as her jumping short will pretty much run you over
When she jumps in with short, no doubt she’ll follow with the Lightning Kick. Have a MO charged and fire away when she is about to stop (TRICKY)
I’m not too sure but I think a good Chun-Li is my worst fear, and probably Vega.
Lot’s of Gief’s will cr.rh outside of it’s range because they know that if the opponent sticks anything out odds are that if it doesn’t beat it cleanly it will at least trade and knock them down, which is good for Gief.
Plus it has real good recovery so it’s pretty safe to spam. DJ just happens to also have a good normal with fast startup and recovery in which he can punish whiffed cr. rh with.
Didn’t know about cr.strong beating it at maxrange - thanks for that.
I think you can’t expect a strategy thread about a game that was played for as long as ST not to repeat itself. If you want to collect information, then someone has to do that by himself. If everybody goes on posting what he found out, chances are that people reading this constantly learn something new and that’s exactly what this threads about. Or am I wrong?
Unfortunately you have people giving advice on matchups that they themselves haven’t figured out. Leading to bad advice or misinformation.
Which is why I strongly encourage people to always search the thread, because a lot of what is asked is covered already, and if your going to give some tips, make sure it wasn’t posted already, but most importantly, make sure it actually works.
I think this is answered somewhere in the Guile thread, but…use this motion when throwing Max Outs…
Charge :l:, :r:, :l: + :p:
Provided you do the :r:, :l: + :p: part fast enough, this gives you a few more frames of charge than you would have if you did the standard charge :l:, :r: + :p: motion.
(As a parenthetical hint, I’ve found that if you do the charge :l:, :r:, :l: + :p:/:k: motion a little bit slower…just slow enough that you get a normal move to come out, if that normal move is interruptable, you can interrupt it into the Double Dread Kick SC by then pressing :r: + :k:. If it works for Boxer, it’s got to work for Dee Jay. Sorry if that’s noobish, but it’s one thing I’m still playing around with.)
Also, as if it hasn’t been said enough, always charge when jumping, being knocked down, and while doing any other move. This allows you to be charged when you need to be.