AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!


This is exactly why I’m still working on that FAQ of mine to test out stuff like how many jabs you can land on every character before linking to st.:mp: and continuing that combo.

I guess it would be easier to try with a turbo controller that could simulate 60 presses per second, but I’ll have to use my D.J. skills (if you’ll pardon the pun, but I don’t care if you don’t) to press that jab button every 4/60ths of a second to cancel that first hitting frame into another jab.

It’s actually pretty easy OJ. A few minutes in training mode and you’ll be able to do it…

It’ll probably be quicker than that, actually, because I was busting out 8 hit re-dizzy combos with Dee Jay in my heyday on SNES SSF2. :slight_smile: 4 cr.:lp:s before the st.:mp:. I’m sure Zangief was my practice dummy, though.

Actually…it’s 4 frames plus 13 or so frames for the hit stun pause according to what NKI told me. When I get it, I’ll let y’all know fo’ sho’!

I found this [media=youtube]kOtr08u9qK8&feature=related"[/media] as a great guide for boxer strats. Check out :22. I love how he reversal throws and just keeps barraging boxer with shorts, forwards, and fbs.

On a side note after about two months of playing IV I have finally came to the realization that I cannot play that game since I can’t let go of a lot of STs laws lol. So I’m back to devote my time and effort into the game lol.

Wow this match is cool. I like how he dread kicks over the low rush punch.

Can you give me some advice on how to do a crossup on Rog? As soon as i could hit him with the crossup Rog starts to lean back because of his standing block animation and thus dodging my forward kick.

I dont even bother crossing him up because of his block animation. I usually just poke him to death or Ill sometimes do jump rh cr fierce xx short dread kicks. Dont forget to spam fb. Throw a number of fbs at different speeds and slide. Dont get to close to him. Try to be in range of a standing rh so when he tries to headbutt the fb hit him with the st. RH.

Boxer has headbutt which easily gets him out of cross ups. So I usually don’t even bother unless I want my opponent feel threatened by a cross up (thus putting more on his mind). As for general tips, if Boxer is close (and not trying to throw you), I usually crouch block and wait for a headbutt to come out. As soon as I see one I use upkicks.

Thanks for the advice but I already know the Boxer matchup pretty good. I just wondered how the guy in the video did that.

You have to get the spacing right and remember that rog gets up from a knockdown slower than most.

Just keep practicing it, boxer is a character you’re most definitely going to want to be able to cross up, it’s a valuable tool in that matchup.

I had one of my friends at my house yesterday John Rambo a very skilled sim player. I noticed that one of the best tools for mixup that deejay has is short dread kicks. Match would start and I would pop a few fbs followed by a mix of cr. strong cr. forward and maybe a slide or two. Once I would get into range or get corner trapped the short dread kicks would hit him like 80% of the time. I also hit a short upkick here and there when he would stick his limbs out. Only thing that scared me would be when I tried to cross him up I would get thrown like 60% of the time.

Another thing I noticed that was super weird and we even talked about it is sims super. I managed to slide when he did it and hit him. Twas really weird since in Vanilla ST if I would get hit by his super it would be totally ownage.

Can you tell whether or not those throws were reversal throws? I wish there were some kind of indicator to be able to tell other than taping yourself and looking at the tape frame-by-frame, but it is what it is.

Anyway, only a reversal throw should be grabbing you when you land. Dee Jay’s cross-up jumping :mk: hitbox allows you to hit him kinda deep, so if he blocks it, you should be able to land before the 16 frames of block stun ends. He actually has a better chance of throwing you if he gets hit because hit stun from any jumping attack on a standing opponent is 11 frames.

It seems to me that Dhalsim doesn’t have a reversal special move that gets him out of traps and stuff anymore. He doesn’t have a safe wake-up, it seems. He can’t Yoga Teleport because it’s slow and, even if he does teleport behind his opponent like he’s supposed to (provided it doesn’t glitch and have him re-appear in the same place), it’s still close enough for a good deal of characters to punish with a knockdown…but at least he’s out of the corner. And now…his super just isn’t as super as it used to be. Yoga Inferno should be totally invincible for the first few frames, IMHO, much like every other character’s super. I could be missing something, I’m sure.

I dunno…I guess these things had to be done to balance 'Sim out. It’s not like he has problems keeping people out, so if you let them in, it’s your fault.

It’s an odd question, but are any of you 360 guys down for some matches when my 360 comes back from M$? I need to get better with my DeeJay.

Send me an FR

I find the most effective thing for my Deejay to do is keep people trapped in the corner. Various combinations of jump in MK, low MK, max-out and rolling sobat keep the opponent pinned. It’s almost possible to keep them in continuous block mode.

Another thing I do is if my super misses or is blocked I always throw out a max out at the end immediately. It works almost every time. They try to punish the super and walk right into the max out.

Also, one more thing.
I’m extremely depressed that DeeJay isn’t in SF IV… that’s all I’ve been playing lately and I miss my favorite Jamaican. Surely he would have been a better fit for the game than Rose or Gen.

Yo Tetsuosan, I added you. I’ll probably be on in a week or two.

Humpski: Yeah, cornering works well. Although, I just go for c. roundhouse, maxout, and repeat. And how about throwing in a j. jab tick throw to your corner trap?

I don’t remember if there’s already much Boxer matchup stuff in here but I’d like to point out some things that I found out playing against my buddys pretty good Boxer:

  • slide + cr.forward beat his rush punches clean. Be sure you don’t do them to late since you will get hit or trade
  • almost always use jab MOs, they give you time to charge another MO so that he can’t rush punch you between them and apart of that you should try to bait him into headbutt through your MO and then punish with slide
  • upkicks are bad in this matchup, I use them randomly and hardly get good results
  • you have to prevent him to push you in the corner or it’s pretty much game over
  • learn to cross him up, like Bruce already mentioned => it’s a very valuable tool here
  • if you are able to do short Upkick reversals consistently, that would help alot too
  • quick charging your MOs helps you keep him out big time - many Boxers will rush punch into a quick charged MO if used correctly

Hey guys. I just picked up DeeJay this week so I can compete with a friend of mine a little cause Chun Li wasn’t working. DeeJay is pretty good. Against Blanka I just low jab all day. They jump, I upkick. All they seem to be able to do is space a crouching round house. And it seems random whether it works or not. Sometimes my jab beats it, sometimes they beat me and sometimes it trades. Anyway, when they start doing that, I just start throwing MO’s. It’s pretty gay but, it works. Against Vega, I try to get myself in the corner and just charge db all day while hitting low forward to beat slides. If they jump in, upkicks. This is hard cause you gotta react to his fast jump, but it’s possible. Stand strong beats wall dives in the corner. I just got a few questions though.

If Vega does Wall spike instead of wall dive, what best to punish that on block with? stand roundhouse didn’t seem consistent. Maybe a Max Out?

Whats best to hit Vega out of wall dive with if I am NOT in the corner? Again, nothing is consistent. Jump back strong, jump back jab and stand strong I’ve all been hit out of and even thrown out of when I am not on the wall.

I think we should be talking about the DeeJay vs. Ryu match up more in here. I read most of the thread and there are some tips, but not enough. I believe that Ryu is DeeJay’s biggest mismatch and I try to be a one character player. Yes, I know…, dumb in this game, but the other character I use (Chun Li) has just as bad of a mismatch against Ryu so…

on the note of boxer, you really dont want to sit on the cr. strong. it is hard to time and yea you beat it out but boxer is in close. the jab beats it out and its easier to time. you can also spam it once you hit him and throw it a couple more times and push him out a bit. overall, you really want to throw MO to keep him out. ino ppl said that, i just want to make it clear that you dont want to sit on the cr. strong

@echo92: Did you mean cr.forward? The downside of cr.jab is that it looses to rush punches as soon as you’re farther away than maybe slide distance. cr.forward works at any distance and if you practice a bit - you won’t have problems with using it effectively

@Ryu matchup: I think the reason why there’s not much stuff on here is that there’s just not much to say about this matchup. Most of the time you will be trying to get around his fb traps so you’ll have to win some mindgames and use your j.rh and MOs wisely. Once you’re in you can start your usual pressure pattern and try to bait him into DPs or fbs. There is not a lot of “your X beats his Y” and there’s not much of “always try to do X and prevent him to do Y” since thats pretty obvious.

Just like against Boxer you really have to enforce mindgames and to outguess your opponent rather than to rely on some dominant moves and setups (since the other player can do that).

S. short beats rush punches too, btw. And since I don’t exactly play against Boxer much, can Boxer reversal throw a deep cross-up forward?