AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

No…I understood perfectly. Read the first sentence of my post again. It responds perfectly to that very situation. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

I have a question concerning upkicks as anti-air. Till now I almost always use the short version. I know that the forward version has juggle potential and does a good bit more damage if you juggle with another forward upkick. My problem is that I don’t know which air-attacks outpriorize the forward version and which don’t (maybe it’s a matter of timing too?). If I watch experts playing DJ I see them using the forward version a lot more than me so could someone explain to me when to use short and when forward?

Just wait until the last possible second to execute the upkicks. Your invincible frames (the frames that you want to make contact with the opponent with) are at the very beginning of the upkicks. It is hard to do online sometimes, but in a real match waiting untill the very last second is much easier.

You almost always want to use forward. Personally, I only use short on characters with funky jump attacks that I do not want anywhere near me. Really, I only use short against Chun, Gief, Blanka and sometimes Ryu depending on the connection. It all just depends really.

And all the specials that get countered by short get countered by rh too right (Psycho crusher, torpedo, ball)?

btw: thanks for the advice

I think so, but I use short 90% percent of the time to counter stuff like that. All I know for sure is that short has the most invincibility frames, so I use that one. Now, offline, when your timing can be exact, I say go for forward upkicks in situations where it is obvious to do so, but remeber to time it late as possible to make sure you are hitting them with your invincible frames.

Oh lol, I was the one who misunderstood. XD

Thanks by the way. I also saw your Combos FAQ on GameFAQs earlier. Looks nice so far.


Heh…would you believe I’m still working on it? :slight_smile: After I submitted it, I realized that I needed to be more detailed regarding who certain combos work on and, more importantly, who certain crossups work on. 4 characters down…13 to go. :stuck_out_tongue: I forgot how much work this is!!! :slight_smile:

Yeah, some characters don’t have many combos (wasn’t it T. Hawk with 10?)

I’m working on my small DeeJay character guide right now. Still needs a lot of work.

I have another question; I once pulled off something that looked like slide into super (exactly like slide into upkick or sobat). I really wondered if it were just my pills or what the correct inputs are. Can somebody help out?


Somebody talked about kara cancelling the slide to increase range a few weeks ago.

Yeah I can actually pull that off but wondered if it would work with the super too.

btw - yesterday I messed around with the - link and got to the point where I could do - - xx rh Dread Kick but only with one hit connecting. As I compared to cr.lp x2 I found that the combo above would do more dizzy and damage if you’d be able to make the second hit of the Dread Kick connect. Can one of the combo maniacs check that out?

If you can kara cancel a move, you can cancel it into anything you desire. You can check the SF Data link over at to be sure, but I’m pretty sure that the frame window for kara cancelling into special moves and super moves is the same.

I specifically remember it being said that kara cancelling the slide increases your range on every move Dee Jay has. Search the thread for kara cancelling and you should find the discussion.

Well…to be certain, a medium attack does more stun than two light attacks (but it does the same as three of them…I think). That being said, you’d be extremely hard pressed to actually get three medium attacks to land and then combo into any fully connected Dread Kick or even the Double Dread Kick SC. The only move that looks like it would work in that situation is the Max Out. I’m sure if it connected, it would dizzy. The Dread Kick would probably dizzy if you crossed up with jumping forward.

By the way…who did you do that combo on? Zangief? T. Hawk? Boxer? Three medium attacks creates a decent amount of push back, so I doubt it would connect on folks like Chun Li or RyuKenAkuma.

I’m going to have to give that combo a shot myself. :slight_smile: It probably won’t make me abandon my usual cr.:lp:(x3-6), st:mp: XX Dread Kick combo, though.

I was wondering if anyone knew how to punish a hurricane kick agaisnt a shoto if you dont have your charge?


Your first option is to use the move that works with most characters…cr.:hp:. In Dee Jay’s case, you’ll want to be sure that the Hurricane Kick is slightly in front of you when you try his cr.:hp:.

After that, the next option is his semi-quasi-anti-air cr.:hk:. You’ll have to mess around with that to get the proper spacing, but I imagine the best time to use it would be if they flew over your head and you want to hit them when they land.

Sorry I don’t understand the term “to be extremely hard pressed to” :sweat:

I just tried - - xx rh Dread Kicks on Ryu and it worked (again only with one hit of the Dread Kicks connecting). The xx fierce MO didn’t work.

“Hard pressed” means “under a lot of pressure”. I’m saying that it would be very difficult to link three medium attacks and then combo into the Dread Kick (or the Double Dread Kick, for that matter).

Anyway…all I have to say about that combo is…

…it better dizzy because if it doesn’t, you’re going to get hit back. Whiffing the second hit of the Dread Kick is not a good thing.

How about trying cl.:mk:, cr.:lk:(x2), st.:mp: XX :hk: Dread Kick? Is the opponent still close enough after those normal moves that the Dread Kick connect both hits then?

Yes he is - it’s the standard DJ combo. I just thought by myself that it would be nice to know if one could execute the mp - mp combo so that the full Dread Kick hits because that would be super awesome.

(Onaje resists the urge…just barely…to send his palm through his forehead.)

I’ve been totally misunderstanding the combo you’re trying this whole time. You’re using ‘cu’ as in ‘cross-up’, not ‘close up’. DUH!!! :looney:

Now that my brain is working correctly, I can truly say that if you can’t fully connect cr.:mp:, st.:mp: XX :hk: Dread Kick from point-blank range, it won’t work after crossing up with j.:mk: or j.:hk:. (I imagine that if it did work, it would work on people like Zangief, T.Hawk, and Boxer.)

You’ll be better off trying to do two medium attacks worth of stun and/or damage by connecting at least three cr.:lp:s before linking to the st.:mp:. You can get three on most characters, but your rhythm has to be excellent, mon. :slight_smile: Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Chun Li would be the people that you probably can only get two jabs on, no matter how excellent your rhythm is.

Actually, there are a lot of people with that combo where you can only get one jab, I think. It could be that I just suck that bad, but I’m pretty sure that, for example, you can only tack on one jab against Vega.

A lot? I can only think of Chun and Vega, everyone else should be at least 2, with the obvious fat characters being 3.