AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

:rofl: GG’s yo. Yeah Blanka (and Honda/Fei) is a match up where I don’t care if it’s the best player in the world, I always go in thinking I’m going to win that match.

I think you’re DJ would be pretty buff Decoy, he seems like your type of char.

Also if anyone needed some tips against Sim I recently recorded a set against Eggo. You can check out the vids here on his playlist that was posted earlier.

I actually still have more to learn on that match up as I’ve gotten pretty lazy and have just been playing Cammy when I run into a good Sim, but I feel it’s definitely a winnable match up even though DJ has the disadvantage.

Some tips against Sim:

Of course your going to want to stay in close, one crossup combo is pretty much guaranteed dizzy which = you win the round.

If a Sim get’s predictable with fireballs watch for an opening to nail him with a j. rh, remember j.rh has crazy reach and will nail sim from almost full screen. Also try to connect a cr.fp after a j.rh as it will either dizzy sim or put him one hit away from dizzy, I should have done this more against Eggo’s sim.

Slide will beat his st. mk and st. hk, and will knockdown if you’re close enough, this is a really valuable tool. will beat his cr. mp and cr. fp.

Cr. fp will beat his slide and cr. fp.

St. mp and st. fp will beat any of sims air pokes, this is really good in walking in on a sim who jumps back a lot as you can just walk forward and st. mp to beat any limb he sticks out.

I watched part 2-10 and sometimes you were close enough and had super bud didn’t do it. Is it punishable from about cr.forward distance? Sim takes a lot of frames to actually get to float high enough that he doesn’t get hit from the super and can punish it with drill. I’m just wondering because you would have hit him several times with that (he stuck out a poke at exactly that moment).

I don’t think I’d have done nearly as good.

If you don’t do the super from almost point blank range than there are gaps in between the hits that you can be punished in. I don’t like just throwing out a super hoping my opponent had stick something out.

Also watch match 11! It’s my favorite match. If you like Double KO’s then it will be your favorite too.

Part 11 really helped. If Sim can punish a blocked super only with jab then it might be a good thing to throw out from that distance randomly. The MO - st.forward trade surprised me. I dont know exactly where to look it up so I just ask, does anybody know the exact numbers of frame advantage that the opponent has if you do the super from far away (but stil close enough to get all four hits)?

Sim can punish a blocked super with his own super, he can also throw you if you’re close enough and I’m pretty sure he can jump up and drill.

When I did the super in that match it was because I knew a fireball was coming but unfortunately I was too far away for it to connect, Eggo was probably caught off guard and didn’t realize it but he could have totally landing his super right there.

Also regarding how much frame recovery DJ’s super, if I’m reading this right (and I’m probably not) it looks like he has 16 frames of recovery after the last hit.

Indeed, that was hype :china:

Actually, that’s the biggest enigma regarding Eggo’s game right now. He doesn’t use Dhalsim’s super…like…ever. He’s even admitted himself that he just hasn’t put the time in to find uses for it. The rest of his game is awfully solid without it, though. I shudder to think what his videos will look like once he starts to use and get skillful with the Yoga Inferno.

It’s too bad all the really awesome setups for the Yoga Inferno are like near impossible to pull off anymore… I think he’s choosing wisely in not using it often. I’ve seen a number of Sims try to use it, miss it, and lose.

what is dj’s best options for anti airs when you dont have an up kick charged?

back strong, cr. fierce, jumping jab

are there any crossups that you dont have to cancel into a move?

Dee Jay is my man in this game. Tag.

This question isn’t clear. Are you asking, “Are there any crossup combos that don’t include cancelling into a special move?” If you’re asking that, Dee Jay has plenty of link combos to consider, but none of them will be as effective at dizzying peoplg as those multi-jab into st.:mp: XX Dread Kick combos that you’ve seen posted.

Is that what you meant? Please re-word your question. Thanks.

Hey guys. Is it safe to use short upkicks to build meter after a 3 hit roundhouse upkicks? I’ve been experimenting with it, and it seems to have been working a little so far. Also was wondering if you could do it with a forward upkicks juggle.

If you want to stay close to your opponent, sure, it’s safe, since you should land from the :lk: Jackknife Maximum before your opponent can get up.

Unless things have changed for HDR, the answer is no. The :lk: version will whiff if it is attempted as a juggle. The :mk: and :hk: versions still juggle just fine. I’m pretty sure this is one of those “juggle potential” situations. Since the :lk: version has no reason to juggle, it has zero juggle potential, while the :mk: and :hk: versions have to juggle because all of the subsequent hits are in the air.

hey fresh, you answered my question. thanks

i know dj switches roles between the aggressor (ryu and sagat) and a defensive character (non-projectile characters). i was wondering if you guys could give a list of the characters and list if they you should be the aggressor or turtler. and maybe a general strategy against that character

ryu-aggressor. time jump ins to punish him after hadoken


Here’s my brief take on it:

For virtually all characters, even the ones you’d normally be defending against, if you can get a knockdown, there’s no reason not to go for the crossup. You can create distance with a block string, if you have to.

Akuma - Agressor: Patiently work past the fireballs and stay close
Balrog (Boxer) - Defender: Keep him at long/mid range with max-outs and pokes to beat rushes
Blanka - Defender: Throw out a lot of c.strong to beat slides, balls and normals, up kick to beat jump-ins, and if he starts just sitting back, throw random max-outs
Cammy - Mixed: Keep her out with max-outs if convenient, but don’t be afraid to go on the offensive a bit.
Chun Li- Agressor: Her anti-air options kind of suck, so exploit that.
Dee Jay - Mixed: He’s you! Throw max-outs, and anti-air with slide and s.strong. Go for the knockdown as always.
Dhalsim - Agressor: It’s possible to sit back and out prioritize his pokes, but this is often harder than simply rushing him down.
E. Honda - Defender: harry him with max-outs, and try to punish his attempts to get around them.
Fei Long - Defender: Similar to fighting blanka. Throw out a lot of c.forward to beat rekkas and his ground normals. Upkick if he jumps or chicken-wings. If he starts just sitting back, max-out.
Guile - Mixed: If he’s coming at you, throw max-outs, beat jump ins with s.strong, and c.roundhouse. If he’s sonic booming, jump over, and pressure. In either case, beat his ground game with c.strong and c.forward.
Ken - Mixed: Most kens will be agressive…just be ready to anti-air. For the defensive ones, fight them like Ryu.
M. Bison (Dictator) - Agressor: Keep him out of the air with j.jab, get him in a corner and keep him there.
Ryu - Agressor: Meet his fireballs with max-outs, but randomly jump forward and hit him with j.roundhouse, then either pressure or repeat.
Sagat - Agressor: Similar to Ryu, but staying at mid range is more useful. From there you can beat a jump in with upkicks or a low tiger shot with short dread kicks.
T. Hawk - Defender: Throw max-outs, anti-air his dives and jump-ins. Dread kicks are real good here. If you have to block a dive, do it low.
Vega (Claw) - Mixed: If you can get in, do so, and pressure him. Otherwise, corner yourself, beat his ground game with c.forward, and his jump-ins and dives with s.strong and short upkicks.
Zangief - Defender: Make him work his way through your max-outs. Punish lariat with j.roundhouse and c.roundhouse (then get the hell back), and punish banishing fist with c.short xx upkicks.

If it was the juggle potential thing, I got it from the combo master himself, James Chen. He detailed that concept in his CvS2 Combo Systems FAQ…I think.

No, no, for the FK juggle, I was talking about “after the 3 hit juggle, is doing a short upkick to build meter safe?”

Sorry I made you misunderstand.