Not seeing a lot of love for Dee Jay lately. A few days ago I played a bunch of matches with Le0n0wski. You can view them in my random matches playlist.
Nice man thanks =]
Yeah - these are great examples of how NOT to play against Dhalsim! He destroys my Dee Jay!
EA Megaman has also posted vids of our matches - search for “le0n0wski” on youtube for a list. I primarily play as Dee Jay so they should mostly be Dee Jay videos.
I’ve been trying to get my stuff recorded too, but I’m having a hard time. My 360 uses HDMI and I play on my projector so finding a good solution has been tough. I hope to have stuff up here soon.
His crouching fierce, a strange hitbox but a satisfying elbow.
How are you guys utilizing this move? Probably one of the only moves I don’t use but just know that there’s a use for it.
The first hitting animation for that move is interruptable. Very good to use if you connect a fairly deep jump in as comboing into the Dread Kick from that will usually dizzy people. Especially good at point-blank range because a Machine Gun Upper will fully combo from it as well…and that combo there is no joke when it comes to damage.
I’m thinking that it could be used for anti-air, too, but Dee Jay has a ton of other moves that are more reliable.
Seems to beat out virtually all of Claw’s moves on the ground…slide, roll, c.strong (just not c.strong at the start of the match…it’s too fast). But I’m sure there must be more it can be used for.
You can use crouching fierce to replace a c. jab x2 or x3 on his crossups for a little more damage.
Example: cross up forward, c. fierce xx rh upkicks
It does more damage and is easier to do than cross up forward, c. jab x3 xx rh upkicks IMO.
Cr.fp has amazing priority and beats or will at least trade with tons of moves. Don’t be afraid to just throw one out there. Off the top of my head cr. fp is essential against Dic as it beats both his psycho crusher and scissor kick, and sim where it beats his cr. mp and cr. fp and will trade with his drills.
Also obviously vital against Blanka’s slide.
I’ve found that it’s not so good to throw out against hurricane kicks. Sometimes it’ll stuff 'em clean, but if you don’t perform it just so, your suddenly exposed body takes the attack. is your best friend against shotos. From the right range it will snuff out fireballs, beat cr. mk/hk, and if they hurricane kick it recovers fast enough so you can punish with an upkick.
That’s really the main problem with cr. fp, cr. mp does everything it does and is safer, but I still like to mix it in because there is a lot of stuff that it will at least trade with and most of the time in your favor, so it’s good to use when you have the life lead.
Well peoples, what is the verdict on the projectile cancel property of the MGU? I still very rarely ever use it, it seems to put me at a bigger disadvantage than blocking/jumping straight up/throwing my own would. There are some situations against certain characters like Ken and Sim, but other than those rare times I just don’t see the point in using it.
Anybody have any thoughts/new opinions? I know I keep bringing this up but sense this is about the only major change he got besides the extra lower invincibility frames on his Sobat (he could have used a few more IMHO) I am most curious to see what other players are doing with it.
I don’t generally use it, myself. Canceling the fireball out allows them to throw another one immediately, and the MGU finishes too slowly to leave me with a real advantage.
I’ll occasionally do it against Akuma to cancel out a jump in air fireball, and smack him. Doing so is risky, however, because if he decides to kick you instead of do an air fireball, the kick will win out, and he can land and combo you.
I agree 100% with your analysis of the move. It’s just too damn slow. I’d rather just fb or neutral jump than anything, but on the other hand now that I think about it do you think that MGU would be a viable move for getting out of FB traps in the corner?
I’ve been getting owned by vega as of late. If you don’t stay on top of him and put pressure offensively he just destroys you with his wall jumps.
Looked through some of the thread, but couldn’t find much on dj vs guile. Some people say DJ has a slight advantage in this matchup, but I really don’t see how that is. Can anyone give me a rundown and objectives of the matchup from DJ’s perspective? I just don’t see how dj can get in. All I can think of is to get within have screen and slide under his boom… might be kind of tough to anticipate the boom/ get close enough…
I was trying that last night but couldn’t time the slide to actualy go under the s.boom (does it actually work?) I am also confused by this matchup especially against players whose execution of sonic boom is better than mine with max out leading to a disadavntage in the fireball war.
I try to jump in over his boom but he usually has plenty of recovery time to block and punishes with a somersault kick or throw. Any other time I try to get in I eat a flashkick to the face. Could use some help haha.
The slide does work, but you have to be a little within half screen of Guile when he throws it. By using your slide and letting Guile try to stop you from advancing with your slide, you should be able to get close enough.
From both me and BruceLB on Guile. All of this is somewhere floating around in the thread.
cr strong beats his cr forward, also beats his cr short. Loses to his sobat though, I think =/
Cr fierce beats his cr forward and his sobat kick.
Also like you said, slide goes under boom, but remember not to get predictable with it, that is the key.
Standing short is good against Guile, especially when you have him cornered. Use it to tick throw, or cr jab, standing short, maxout, st RH, etc.
Cr forward is huge vs Guile. Learn the distance of it and try to counter hit his pokes with this instead of cr strong when you are a little bit farther away than where cr strong would be optimal. Try to hit them with DeeJays big toe.
Of course if they are being sloppy with their booms, jump in and combo them.
Cr fierce is a good AA, as is st strong in certain situations. Of course upkicks are optimal.
Try to get a life lead, then run away from that fool. Trade booms/jump straight up over them, make Guile come to you. He is more likely to make a mistake/get sloppy. The clock is your friend.
I already mentioned cr forward, but to me in my limited experience, it is really important for knocking Guile down, as is a well timed slide under a boom.
If they are wanting to jump in on you, let them. That plays into your favor, especially if you can throw them into the corner.
Also, for some reason, from about the tip of your cr strong distance, Guile players seem to fall for the famous “walk up throw” more than any other players. Don’t go crazy with this lol, but just something to have in mind if it is a close match.
Against turtle Guiles, work your way in with maxout, slide, maxout, (wait) slide, etc. Just be patient and work your way in, being mindful to keep an eye out for jump ins, etc.
get in and mix it up, if you get pushed out and don’t have the life lead be patient and get back in. If you do have the life lead and get pushed out, turtle so that guile has to come to you which is really bad for guile.
I just want to really stress the point that cr. mp beats guiles cr. forward. It’s the reason DJ wins this match. Not only does it pretty much nullify one of guiles most important spacing tool, but it also helps with sliding under booms. The only thing guile can do to punish slides under booms is cr. forward, mixing in cr. mp with your slides forces guile into a bad guessing game whenever you are close. If he wins all he gets is cr. forward/boom/chip damage and your still around sweep range. If he loses he either gets knocked down, or hit with cr. mp. and you’re up close.
Another thing about cr. forward is that it will completely stuff a boom within range, so will cr. mp but cr. forward has the added benefit of knocking down.
After a knockdown i suggest going for a crossup throw setup, either tick or standing jab whiff into throw, to get guile into the corner. As is usually the case for DJ’s opponent, corner means death. Just do the usual corner mixups of pressuring with cr. mp/cr. forward/fireball when in his face. When you get pushed back slide to get back in or cr. mp if you think a cr. forward is coming. You can also fireball and walk up throw or just walk up and bait something. Mix in the occasional straight up walk in throw. Also mix in j. jab if you see him block a move standing so you know he doesn’t have a charge for the flash kick to get back in his face in the corner.
One trick i like to do is walk up and crouch real quick so it looks like im going to throw out a low normal and instead just walk in throw. This works especially on guile because he will be so leery of your cr. mp and so used to you walking up and spamming it.
Overall guile is a good match for DJ.
Great tips! Thanks pimp. Quick question… I’ve seen several videos where players use mk.upkicks to juggle and then a lk.upkick for the third hit. What is the benefit of that juggle as opposed to using hk.upkicks as AA? More damage or just for leet skillz showoff?
Hey Bruce, stop hurting my poor Blanka with your antics! I hate your DeeJay so much that I’m gonna learn to play him as my backup. GGs man.