Crouching Light Punch 2x, Link into Standing Medium Punch, Cancel into Super ?
How do you cancel a MP to a super? I keep on getting a projectile after the MP if I try to cancel into super.
How do you cancel a MP to a super? I keep on getting a projectile after the MP if I try to cancel into super.
charge :db:+:lp: (x2), :r::l:, neutral+:mp:, :r:+:k:
If you do charge :l:, :r:, :l:+:p:, you’ll get a Max Out, so going to neutral after the second :l: input gives you just enough time to convince the game that you’re not throwing a Max Out.
Seems to depend on range, in my experience. If your fist hits her feet, you lose, and if it hits her thighs, you win.
If you’re getting a projectile after the MP, you’re probably unintentionally negative-edging it. Try holding MP down until after you hit kick for the super.
And, if you’re not already, you may also have to switch to the motion OJ described. The super has to be done really quickly after the MP, so it’s hard to just do them sequentially…need some fancy command mumbo jumbo.
DJ used to be my best character (I play Honda, Sagat as well) but now that SF4 is coming, it seems like a waste of time. how many of you are still going to play HD? Sucks that DJ didn’t carry over, as I like playing with him.
I still play ST and HDR in addition to SF4. Also, I’ve never really bothered to have my character choice carry over between games. Never view playing a certain character as a waste of time as long as you enjoy it.
Hey guys, after working on this thing for at least a month, I think I may finally have a finished FAQ. But, I need your help in checking my work.
Check out these combos. I know some of them may not be all that practical, but what I really need to know is whether or not they work. Use the following key as you read.
, = Link Combo
Basic Combos:
Intermediate Combos:
5. Jump roundhouse, close forward XX Fierce Max-Out
6. Jump roundhouse, crouch fierce XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper
7. Jump roundhouse, close strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick
8. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab XX Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum
9. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum
10. Jump roundhouse, crouch short XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Double Dread Kick SC
11. Meaty Jab Max-Out, crouch roundhouse (Corner only)
Advanced Combos:
12. Meaty Jab Max-Out, jump roundhouse, crouch jab, close strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick (Corner only)
13. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab, stand strong XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum, Double Dread Kick SC
14. Cross-up forward, close roundhouse XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper
15. Cross-up forward, crouch jab, crouch fierce XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper
16. Cross-up forward, crouch jab (x2-5), close strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick (ToD)
17. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch jab (x2-5), close strong XX Double Dread Kick SC, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum
I tried to do most of these combos vs Ryu. No luck on most of them. Of course just because I couldn’t do them in a few tries doesn’t mean they’re impossible, but they’re at least pretty tough.
I bracketed my “findings” after each combo.
Basic Combos:
Intermediate Combos:
5. Jump roundhouse, close forward XX Fierce Max-Out [Possible, but hard because Forward is not cancelable, so you have to link it]
6. Jump roundhouse, crouch fierce XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper [Works]
7. Jump roundhouse, close strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick [Works, but it’s just s.strong]
8. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab XX Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum [Works]
9. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum [No. Forward Jackknife Maximum only hits once (vs Ryu at least), so no juggle is possible]
10. Jump roundhouse, crouch short XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Double Dread Kick SC [No, forward Jackknife Maximum only hits once, so no juggle is possible. Works with Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum]
11. Meaty Jab Max-Out, crouch roundhouse (Corner only) [works]
Advanced Combos:
12. Meaty Jab Max-Out, jump roundhouse, crouch jab, close strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick (Corner only) [No. Can’t seem to set up a situation where I can get a meaty Max-out followed by a jump in]
13. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab, stand strong XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum, Double Dread Kick SC [No. Forward Jackknife Maximum only hits once. Works if you just do Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum to super.]
14. Cross-up forward, close roundhouse XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper [Works.]
15. Cross-up forward, crouch jab, crouch fierce XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper [Works.]
16. Cross-up forward, crouch jab (x2-5), close strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick (ToD) [Works. Not ToD, though. Strong is just s.strong]
17. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch jab (x2-5), close strong XX Double Dread Kick SC, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum [No. Roundhouse doesn’t cross up. Works with cross-up forward.]
If I were writing a Combo list for Dee Jay, I’d keep it pretty short. Something along the lines of…
c.jab -> c.jab -> c.jab, c.short xx fierce Max-Out
j.roundhouse / s.strong xx roundhouse Dread Kicks
cross-up j.forward / c.jab -> c.jab, s.strong xx roundhouse Dread Kicks
cross-up j.forward / c.jab -> c.jab, s.strong xx Super, roundhouse Up-Kicks
cross-up j.forward / c.fierce xx Machine Gun Upper
cross-up j.forward / c.jab, c.short xx Machine Gun Upper
cross-up j.forward / c.jab, c.short xx roundhouse Up-Kicks, Super
Thanks, I’ve been busting my thumb trying to get some of the less practical combos out. I think I’ll stick to the ones that are more likely to work.
You only truly need 4 combos with Deejay in the first place, maybe 5. -> cr.jab x2 xx mgu (7 hits, good dizzy, good damage) -> cr.fierce xx mgu (good dizzy, good damage) -> cr.jab or st.strong if you’re good at charge partioning (I think) xx mk or rh upkicks -> juggle super -> cr.short xx mgu (for Chun specifically because cr.jab x2 doesn’t work on her 100% of the time) -> cr.jab x2 -> st.strong -> rh dread kicks (decent damage, decent dizzy)
Edit: I see many of these were posted not very long ago. Good to see someone else has a firm grip on practical combos.
Ok, I could see #2 not working because of pushback. #3…I guess crouch roundhouse comes out slower than it did in Super? Hmmm…I need to test that. #4…not that I don’t trust you, but I need to see that for myself. Did you hit deep with the “standing” strong or was it with the second half of it? I should’ve thought about that myself. (By the way, my theory is that, had they really thought about it, Dee Jay’s standing strong would be a right cross…ala Ryu/Ken’s standing strong, while the uppercut that we know and love would be close strong. That’s why I call it close strong. Semantics.)
Close forward isn’t interruptable?! Wow…I’m really slippin’. I should’ve known that.
Ah yes…the Forward Jackknife Maximum only hits once on Ryu and Ken (who I tested some of these combos on). It was designed to hit twice and does so on other characters, but it misses on those two…and possibly Chun Li. I really need to test this out. I saw at least one of the above combos in a combo video, BTW.
It probably works on wider characters only. I’m sure it’ll work on Zangief like it did in Super. I’m pretty sure it works similar to Guile’s jump in combos after a meaty Jab Sonic Boom…but harder obviously.
Does it dizzy 100% of the time? Is it at least a consistent dizzy combo?
Ah…I wish I could agree with you that jumping roundhouse doesn’t cross-up. This was one of the ones I tested. I posted about a month ago that I found that Dee Jay’s jumping roundhouse will cross-up if you aim for Ken’s back shoulder with…his crotch…and that’s once Dee Jay’s leg is fully extended. (Pretty much the way he crossed up in Super, but it’s a little harder.) Yeah…it looks weird, but it works. The thing I’m really looking for here is if he can actually hit deep enough on a standing opponent to follow it up once he lands. I’m sure he could do it on a crouching opponent based on how the cross-up hits.
By the way, the reason why I listed this combo last? Cross-up roundhouse is very difficult to connect properly. Would I rely on it in a match? No. I’m just listing it because it’s possible…in case someone wants to try it. That’s all. Lemme know what you find if I don’t find it first.
I like practical combo lists, too, but this FAQ is going beyond just the tried and true. Plus, per my Link FAQ, Dee Jay has a ton of links that can be practical…and not just in combos…though they are combos.
But, hey, don’t get it twisted, I greatly appreciate the feedback. This is the kind of stuff I’m looking for. Thanks, 3pwood.
I hit with the first part…walked right up against the dummy and hit strong then tried to link off it. Might work if you hit farther out, but I didn’t think to try.
Oh, and by all means, don’t trust me. :wgrin: I just tried each of the combos in your list a few times against Ryu. I was able to verify some of them, but as I said in the first message, just because I couldn’t manage to do a combo in few tries that doesn’t make it impossible.
This is one I don’t really trust myself on. Thinking back, I was actually being kind of dumb in how I set up the meaty max-out. I was sweeping, which wasn’t giving me enough range to set up the meaty max out and jump in. Maybe a knockdown with dread kicks or something would work?
I think on a couple characters it does dizzy 100% of the time, which would make it ToD for them. I got into the game in HDR, so I’m not sure how things used to be, but my understanding is that the dizzy of dread kicks was reduced in HDR to compensate for a faster second hit, so now it doesn’t dizzy the entire cast. It nearly dizzies most, though.
Yikes. Well, if you can do it, congratulations. I had a heck of a time trying.
You’re welcome
Jumping rh has always been a crossup. It’s just that jumping mk is such a great cross up I never really use it. But all the combo’s that work with jumping mk work with jumping rh, and crossup rh, cr. fp xx rh dread kick does a crap load of damage and stun.
And yeah forward upkicks only hit once on ryu and ken, you gotta use the rh version.
But really there’s no point in listing every single combo you can do with DJ (and he has a redunkulous amount of combos) I seriously only do like 3 different combos in a match.
This is probably literally every combo I do:
Cross up mk, cr. jab x 2, st. mp xx rh dread kick. (The main combo I do on a successful crossup. Sure mgu will always combo and knockdown but I can’t resist the dizzy potential of the rh dread kicks. If they dizzy, which in my experience happens more than half of the time, it’s pretty much round over. Against skinny chars like chun and claw I use one cr. jab instead of 2 or the st. mp will whiff).
Crossup mk, cr. jab x 2, rh upkicks, juggle with super (The other main combo I do on crossup when I have the meter)
Jump in rh, cr. fp xx rh dread kick (I always go for this combo when I see the opportunity to land a clean jump in, works great against ryu, one predicted fireball and there goes half his life and almost guaranteed dizzy.)
Jump in jab, cr. jab, st. lk, fireball (I love this combo, it leaves you in perfect range and even if it’s blocked there’s so many setups. You can tick throw after the first jab, or after the fireball, or throw a cr. forward in there that will knock down if they block standing. Plus it really strengthens your mix up game after a safe jump in. Also easy to combo into when you’re spamming cr. jabs and when of them hits.)
Your better off spending your time learning matchups then practicing unneeded combos when all you need is a good 4-5 consistent useful combos.
I’m not necessarily listing every single combo. If I was doing that, I would’ve have at least 60 combos or something in that list I sent. Like I said, I realize that every combo in that list isn’t practical or necessary to play a good Dee Jay. What I’m doing, however, is listing the bread-and-butter combos and adding a little bit of peanut butter and jelly so that the person reading the FAQ can get their combo-inventiveness kick-started.
My FAQ is more about being a combo-catalyst than a end-all-be-all source of combos. To that end, I list some stuff that’s on the stylish side, but you can easily remove a move here and add a move there and make up your own combo.
Sorry, but I just don’t subscribe to using only a few combos to win matches when I can…at times…perform combos that, while they may be a little more difficult, are just as effective…if not moreso. Even though I’m a big fan of legendary UCLA Basketball Coach John Wooden, I’m so glad the slam-dunk exists. It’s artistry! It’s not just two points.
Well, obviously, if I want to win, yeah, you’re right, but what happens when you need a break from trying to learn matchups? You need a diversion. Welcome to my FAQ.
You go ahead with your five combos. I’ll let other people make a decision for themselves on if they want to use less or more than that. (Why would you expect me to stop when I’m almost done? C’mon now.)
I appreciate the feedback, though.
I’m pretty sure this is referring to the jump in combo after a meaty Jab Max-Out.
I just had a flashback of when I was writing the SNES SSF2 Link FAQ and I think I know what I used to set this up. A Dread Kick from max range on a cornered Zangief. IIRC, the resulting space was Dee Jay’s jumping distance.
However, every link that I did in that game was done on Zangief…not the best testing method, I know…so it’s highly possible that it only works on wider characters.
By all means man keep doing your thing. I’m just letting people know that if all you care about is winning, then only learning the absolute most effective combos is the best way to go about it.
Sure it’s not stylish, or entertaining, it may even be a less fun way to play for certain people. But I would literally do one move over and over again if it’s the most effective way to win a match, because I don’t care about being stylish or entertaining, I’m playing to win.
I think it’s a mentality that’s a prerequisite to being a top player.
Justin Wong is the most boring person in the world to watch play fighting games (Marvel in particular). But he wins. Bear that in mind.
Again, I don’t dispute what you guys are saying about only needing a few combos to win. What I dispute is that you only need a few combos when you have no one to play. (Think about the person that doesn’t have XBox Live or isn’t connected to PSN for whatever reason.)
Every now and then, I like to do something different…something “semi-original”, if you will. In a match, sure…I can do what it takes to win. Outside of a match, however, when I’m burnt out from playing people, I want to experiment. I imagine that if I’m like that, then there are probably other people like me out there, however rare they are, who could use a little inspiration. That’s part of the audience that my FAQ is for. In time, we all learn what combos are practical and what combos are for show. Even that process of learning helps people get better in other areas of their game.
Bottom line, I’m a combo-enthusiast writing a combo FAQ with the hopes that people will get the best of both worlds. It’s a lofty goal, but since I’m almost done, I may as well finish.
By the way, as a Marvel head, even I find myself doing the same high-damage reliable combos over and over again because they work. So, I know about that myself. Don’t sleep on the skillzzzzzzzzz.
Another combo that I think should be in every DeeJay players tool box is jumping jab, st strong, RH sobat. Dude has too many combos heh.