AWRIGHT! A Deejay Thread!

Does that combo deal more damage than - cr.jab - cr.jab - xx rh Dread Kicks (if you don’t juggle with super afterwards)?

Yeah…that was me posting after having been up since 3 a.m. that morning because my one year old doesn’t know what “sleep” means. :slight_smile:

Since that link hits crouching and standing opponents, it’s easily his most widely used link.

Cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:(x2), st.:mp: xx :mk: Maximum Jackknife, :mk: Maximum Jackknife


Cu.:mk:, cr.:lp:(x2), st.:mp: xx :hk: Dread Kicks

Based on the fact that the first combo hits 7 times, while the second one hits 6 times, here’s my guess. (I wish I could test it right now.) The first combo will do more damage, but, as any Dee Jay player worth their salt knows, the second combo will do more stun damage…as in it usually dizzies.

So…if you’re looking to do more damage period, go for combo number 2. If your opponent was already dizzy and you’re looking to finish them, go for combo number 1…and tack on a super at the end of that bad boy for added emphasis. :slight_smile:

I’m going to guess you mean a crouching Blanka, because he eats that combo otherwise. (I remember now that I had actually tested this combo and listed its conditions on the updated draft of my FAQ. I sure do need to add crouching character conditions, though.)

Wow that douple upkick super thing really works on everyone exept the shotos! Got to love that stuff =)

btw: I always thought j.rh - cr.fierce xx light sobat would be the best non-super jump in combo. Is this true? Can you do a more damaging combo if you are closer to the oponent or is there a better one than j.rh - cr.rh if you are too far away for the cr.fierce to hit?

If you’re talking non-super and non-crossup, you’ll probably want to go with j.:hk:, cr.:hp: XX :hk: Dread Kick. I mean…four solid hits and very high stun value. Why wouldn’t you want that? (Of course, you could just cr.:hp: or cl.:hk: XX :hp: MGU, too. That combo by itself HURTS.)

If you’re too far away for cr.:hp: to hit, your ideal options are, going from your shortest ranged interruptible attack to your longest ranged one, cr.:lp:, st.:mp:, and cr.:lk:. Cr.:lk: XX :hp: Max-Out may still work, but I’d think that if you can’t get a Dread Kick or MGU combo, a cr.:hk: to set up a cross-up attempt would be the better option.

I guess I should have clarified what I meant by standing and crouching. The combos that launch people into the air with the upkicks usually require a standing opponent. The other combos can link with no problems if they end with dread kicks.

No - standing and crouching blanka. Both conditions seem to prevent me from launching him in the air with upkicks (after a combo). I can certainly launch him from a jumping attack ork with upkicks only (up close).

Another character with a special condition for upkicks is E. Honda. If he crouches or stands, you can always nail him with a combo that finishes with upkicks. It doesn’t look like he has an a difference in animation when getting hit while he is crouched or standing. I do this a lot against Honda where if I miss the crossup, I can still just hit him with a combo like this:

jump in forward > crouching jab > roundhouse upkick > super

Thanks OJ, the reason why I don’t end with rh Dread Kicks is that the second hit usually doesn’t connect and so the short Dread Kick deals more damage since it’s only hit is a bit stronger.

In HD Remix, the second hit hits most of the time. Are you playing classic ST? If so, there’s a subforum for that.

If you’re having trouble with the second hit of the dread kick connecting, try speeding up your combo a bit. This will make each hit push the opponent away less, increasing the chances that the second hit will indeed connect. The easiest part of Dee Jay’s combos to speed up is the cr.jabs.

I’m talking about the jump in combo. It’s very hard to speed that up since there are no jabs.


As much as I like power combos, I do think it’s better to use the ol’ cr.:lp:(x2-5), st.:mp: link more simply because that link tends to cause the :hk: Dread Kick to hit both times. Plus, you get the added option of tacking on more jabs and deciding when to throw or continue the combo because it’s easy to hit-confirm. I would only use cr.:hp: if it was linked from a cr.:lp: either from point-blank range or after a crossup (in which case you end up…at point-blank range), because that’s the only time that it would hit close enough to still interrupt.

All that being said, I’d still go with the jabs. You can tack on sooooooo many of them if you have rhythm, mon. :slight_smile: On bigger characters, you end up doing more damage and stun than you would with cr.:hp:. Give it a whirl.

You can, but two are generally accepted as best. Unless you’re doing, cr.jab x3 xx rh upkicks

wut do you do if some is at 3/4 screen and they jump? if you slide, you get kicked in the face, you st. strong won’t hit them. what do you do?

Yeah, I’ve been wondering this too… if they jump your maxout on reaction from that distance, do you have time to walk forward and standing strong them on reaction? Or is your best bet to go air to air with them using your j. rh? Also, does the cr. fierce have a place as an anti air?

You can walk forward and st.strong, st.roundhouse, cr.forward.

st.rh is best as non-charge AA if the opponents far away from you (and has jumping normals that beat your slide).

st.roundhouse is best as whatever the fuck you want to use it for. It is especially useful against Balrog (Boxer), not because his j.rh beats Dee Jay’s st.rh but because when he headbutts through max outs/air slashers, you get in that shit. You just walk up and st.rh him in the face. Yeah, that’s how Dee Jay likes it.

The only character I use cr. fierce as AA against is Dhalsim, since it has a tendency to trade in your favor or beat his limbs and drills. I’ll frequently stick out a cr. fierce against Dhalsim if I’m expecting a limb attack, but 'Sim is the only character I use that normal on consistently.

cr.fierce is excellent anti-air vs Boxer as well. Not only does it knock him out of his headbutts (past the invulnerability frames), but it often beats (if not trades) with rushes too.