There is voice chat.
Could be, although for some reason your Awesomenauts name seems pretty racist. Yuri can’t help that he wasn’t born a white monkey.
Weird question; You know when you start getting a killstreak going and your theme song is playing, does it play for everyone or just you?
Someone found these in the game files:
credit to some guy on gamefaqs.
EDIT: Those are the first two DLC characters, the ones who had their portraits leaked. The finder said that the chick uses lightning attacks, and the slug can possibly drop mini-turrets (not completely sure on this one).
So not enjoying having to fight leon every game with Yuri.
Three straight loss’s no matter which build i take i cannot event fight him all i can do is try to run and if i’m in an open area bomb kite.
I guess i’ll get to work on a bomb focused build.
If we Duo Leon shouldn’t be much of an issue, tractor beam him close as we dual heal and my Drones start doing their business. We’d be fine.
Good to see the slug who gives no fucks is indeed in a mecha of destruction, I need him now.
Another question. Often I go into practice for various reasons (Get a smidgin of XP the easy way, try out a different build route, etc.) but I never seem to encounter an enemy or friendly Voltar or Yuri when I do so. Has anyone else seen them in practice mode bots?
They already mentioned on the AN forums there are no Voltar or Yuri bots because they are too random.
They said they might add them in later.
New publisher trying to get it to market you have to deal with limitations.
Hover Girl’s attacks and upgrades.
Courtesy of the same guy who got the images.
Wasn’t complaining, just curious if I had weird luck or something. It happens Toddles.
Coco seems like a more extreme pusher than Lonestar if the rumors are true. She can do a LOT of turret damage, and a decent amount of single target damage, but doesn’t have much in the way of crowd control other than her blaze, which doesn’t have a lot of damage (Although you can stack slows to really mess with people for your compadres).
I like her, the Silver Surfer reference kind of helped though.
Other DLC dudes page, being updated. I love the name, Derpl Zork lol. I won’t even be mad if this is trolling.
“He likes hunting cats.” lol
What loadouts do you guys use? Particularly for Froggy G and Voltar.
Voltar is my man, I can try to help. Oh also, hi Biggzy! Your Froggy G was a nice compliment to us.
Drones- Drone Army (1/2), Hyper Drive (1/2), Weaponized Hull.
Healbot- Cortex Tank (1/2), Turret Add-on (1/2), Hydraulic Sugar Dispenser (1/2).
Healing Wave- Happy Thoughts (1/3), Psychothrust (1/2), Dreams of Greed.
Utility- Piggy Bank, Solar Tree, and your choice of whichever, doesn’t matter.
If I have two reliable people I grab as many Solar on the way down. Then build order is: Piggy Bank, Solar Tree, and Dreams of Greed. This allows me to farm up Solar early and quickly. On my first trip back I grab Drones and a slot in Hyper Drive, then Weaponized Hull, finish off Hyper Drive and pump the rest into Drone Army. Always work on maximizing Drones quickly as with them it’s no problem raking in kills and assisting the overall team.
From there I analyze what is going on, and what we need. Problems with turrets/enemies picking off robots or allies to quickly? Healing Wave upgrades. Not enough damage output or protection? Healbot with Turret and CD. Personally getting my ass handed to me to quickly? Health upgrade/regen and Healbot with Cortex Tank and CD.
Been playing him for quite a bit, and this feels like the most optimal build. Though I do want to try a few others out.
My Froggy G is pretty basic (and I don’t remember the names right now).
Dash: Longer Stun, More Damage, Shorter Cooldown (deluxe). Thinking about ditching More Damage doing double Shorter Cooldown. I go for Stun first, Cooldown second (after Tornado Shield).
Tornado: Shield, Longer Duration, Ending Explosion. Usually don’t even get to the Longer Duration power-up.
Guns: Truthfully, I haven’t upgraded anything here in the last 10 games I’ve played, so I don’t even remember.
Utility: Regen, Solar Tree, Piggy Bank.
In order of what I do: Piggy Bank, Solar Tree, Dash, Tornado, Dash Stun, Tornado Shield, Regen, and then either Dash Cooldown or Tornado Explosion.
Couple of notes:
Piggy Bank gives 150 Solar and not the listed 125.
Dreams of Greed (Voltar +Solar on Heal) is not worth it. It actually doesn’t increase gains until you are healing by at least +11. Then it changes from 1 Solar per heal to 2 Solar per heal. I find it better to just skip it all together and use my Solar on an extra attack Drone at the start of the match. (after using Piggy Bank).
So Dreams of Greed does nothing at an initial level or just a +1? I’m confused, and wondering why many items seem either bugged, vague in description, or not even correct.
If it’s just the initial +1 (With the natural, and Solar Tree) then I don’t see much of a problem getting it to stack up Solar. But if it does nothing UNTIL I get a heal level up sure, I can probably do without. But it seriously takes me only a few fleeting moments in the field to get enough Solar for Drones and an add-on so it’s whatever.
It doesn’t do anything until you either get 2 levels into the first healing upgrade, or you have bought the second healing upgrade. You have to heal by at least +11 in order to get 2 Solar.
Hmm, not something I’ve noticed then. I just assumed since I usually have Euphoric Thoughts over Happy, but I prestiged. I could drop it from the build but I don’t see anything else helpful, unless I double up on healing ability.
Wanted to try out a different Drone build but it’s really not worth it (Weapon Clip, Weaponized Hull, Hyper Drive) was just curious what the individual damage would be. With two drones doing 16 damage each, for a total of 32 every few seconds just isn’t cutting it compared to four drones doing 10/40 damage each in the same amount of time, with a greater total “health” pool as well since I have more Drones floating around.
Thanks Ayo.
Yeah man, great games last night. I don’t think we lost a match. Your Voltar was fearless. I remember a bunch of times you had like no health and would just stay on the battlefield healing me and toddler.
And shit Yuri is nasty. I hadn’t seen him used much before but toddler is dirty with him. That slowdown just rapes guys. I was cracking up when an enemy would get like half health and he’d try to dip, then Yuri is just slowing him down while you’re healing both of us and I’m dashing through them…then they drop lmao.
I’ll be on again tonight. Hopefully I can find my mic.
Is the netcode good for this game? Looks really awesome but I’m still super sad Fat Princess died.
I miss Fat Princess so much.
Yeah I haven’t had a netcode issue honestly, feels very clean, weird word to use though.