Cap’s combo should bring your opponent to the corner, in which case all you have to omit is the last hit of it. Midscreen off a random charging star, yeah, if you want to keep adding damage, you could Devil Trigger, but you’re not going to get much as opposed to Million Dollars. The only time I Devil Trigger is if I catch someone pressing buttons with Hyper Stars&Stripes, then I activate it after the 2nd hit, because it leaves them in a standing stagger state and Dante gets a full combo afterwards.
People do some crazy stuff with DT Dante, so I though there might be something better there. I’m just a scrub Dante, going for his normal B&B while in DT.
I been looking into running Cap(SS)/ Frank(Cart)/ Doom(Missiles) and i was wondering if anyone knows for any good way that Cap can help Frank level up besides TAC?
Unless you HCS into delayed Frank hyper (the one with the cutscene) xfactor>level up, TAC is the most optimal way of doing it.
However, one thing I did find some time ago is that if you do Doom assist+HCS, you can do launch after the missiles come down and then TAC Frank maybe scraping level 4 otherwise an easy level 3. If you have enough meter, I think you can do Frank hyper DHC glitch Cap HCS (whiff) then raw tag Frank back in for another camera shot. Just make sure to DHC when opponent is at the highest point.
Thanks MyNameisE, the more I play with that team the more i think that if i’m going to level up frank i will need to play him on point, which suck because Cap can really used that cart assist for Cartwheel mixups.
You might be able to combo into an aerial HCS and then DHC to Frank’s shopping cart (mid screen only and need your wall bounce) in order to get the wall bounce and a post combo. Then with Frank its just S to jS.
I was thinking an anti spam team (like MorriDoom) with Cap(CS), Chris(Gunfire), and Rocket Racoon (Log). What do you all think? The team has some cool trickles and with Cap’s CS eliminating projectiles it actually makes Chris’s stronger and Chris’s gunfire can help to keep Cap safe. Any thoughts?
no cap cant level up frank very easy, i run a similar team with Cap Nova Frank. My advise switch the order, Run Cap Doom Frank. Doom levels up frank easy, and cart helps Cap and Doom. Yes it sucks if you are left with Frank at level 1 anchor but if you didnt level him up before then you did it wrong
Long time lurker, Cap player since Ultimate came out and was just wondering if I should replace my Taskmaster with Hawkeye for my assist character. Currently my team is Cap(SS)/Task(Straight Arrows)/Skrull(Stone Smite). I have no gripes or complaints with Skrull as anchor you can actually get some mix-ups and resets from stone smite assist as well as an easy re-launch in the corner. I know that task arrows comes out slower than greyhound and Hawkeye can zone more efficiently than task but I feel Task is better all around and is more versatile if I need to rushdown. As for DHC’s I think Task and Hawkeye are the same so they both compliment Cap nicely. Personally I think Cap and Task are BFF’s but these threads are pretty secure in Hawkeye and I just wanted some insight. Thank you very much.
My team is currently Captain/Dorm/Taskmaster and I love it. Loads of health, loads of damage, excellent synergy and combo extending with assists. Only weakness is the DHC from Dorm -> Captain could be better, but thats about it.
I’d run Cap/Task/Dorm for that case I feel Dorm would be the better anchor but the assists order wouldn’t really matter it would help your DHC’s
I’m doing this team tournament and my usual team is off limits, so i’m sure that I want to run cap (charging star) and modok.
the most obvious shell is probably cap/modok/xxx as cap is great on point, i can use beam to keep charging stars safe and because modok is better as a point or second character
The most glaring weakness I have found, is that DHC from cap to modok is horrible. works very poorly so this limits my damage quite a bit.
I’ve been messing with cap/modok/skrull and cap/spencer/modok, and the latter has been giving me pretty good mileage in practice as spencer and cap are great together, i just hate having modok as anchor or without assists. anyone have a suggestion for assists or order with a team of cap and modok? anyone that is an anchor that i should be using? a combo with cap/dok that will net me some TOD damage?
open to suggestions… I could just start modok/cap/spencer but then i no longer have a tool to keep charging stars safe. that might be a big loss in some amtchups.
spencer isn’t even necessary – just one of my choices. The following characters are off limits (rules of the tourney)
-doom, hulk, trish, wesker, phoenix, zero, dante, vergil, morrigan, x23, dormammu, strider
i’m open to suggestions.
I feel that maybe a good fit for anchor for your problem would be Strange. I don’t know if he is any good as an anchor but given that Modok doesn’t farewell as anchor and Cap loses all mix-ups when he has no assists Strange could be a good option for keepaway in anchor. Bolts assist would be great for both making charging stars safe with interesting combo opportunities and make Modok’s keep-away better
Take dante, screw tournament rules.
Anyway, while dhc to Modok might not be so great, consider using TAC, as cap can corner carry pretty good, and Modok can 8-9 cubes out of any corner TAC for 400K combo for one bar
problem is i can’t get the relaunch in the corner unless i’m already pretty close to it, hard to explain.
anyway, i’m not worried about the tournament rules, its just a league 5v5 thing and ican’t play the cahracters that my teammates are using. so its no biggie. If anything i would just run cap/dok/doom if i could, but its off limits as someone on my team is using doom at this point.
How is taskmaster with cap? anyone have any ways to extend cap damage with h assist? I want to make the most of a cap/dok/task team as task’s assist is very strong for modok.
If not i’m just gonna resort to playing cap/spencer/dok which is cookl, but i’m just pretty bored of.
you don’t need relaunch in the corner (actually tasky can help it) just do TAC and it’s a sure kill if you can execute dok TAC combo
Just changed my team to Cap (assist undecided)/Nova (Centurion Rush)/Hawkeye (Triple Arrow). Any opinions on what assist to give Cap? Was thinking Stars and Stripes for the safe crossover counters, but I wanted some second opinions.
Any thoughts on a Cap (Shield)/Nova (Centurion Rush)/Strange (Bolts) team?
If they duck they can both avoid Bolts and punish your crossup shenanigans with flip
Cap/Nova I’ve seen work pretty well but I remember seeing Cap/Strange with bolts as being pretty strong too especially since it can make charging star safe. But as Gefen said above, be careful as most characters can just duck the bolts and if they are small enough, they can punish without the bolts interupting.