Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

Right now my team is Captain America:A/Spencer:B/Doom:B…so far I’m loving the synergy of this team :slight_smile:

Since people are using the ever so popular Cap/Spencer/Doom, I’m actually going to make a combo video showing what its capable of. Will include TACs, resets and a dozen ways of TOD.

Ya the arrow assist is very nice helped my mix ups alot but that chris machine gun is no slouch. I’ll probaly stick to chris and have taskmaster as a backup.

Hey guys, I figure this is a more a Cap-oriented question than a Skrull one so I’m posting it here:

I’m running Cap(Shield Slash)/XXX/Super-Skrull(Stone Smite). Smite is really nice if a jS knocks the opponent into the corner (damn that slow returning shield slash) for the wallbounce so I can relaunch into a nice damaging figure. The problem of course, is getting in, and this is where character no.2 comes in - I’d like someone who can DHC well off of HCS (the BnB I use builds an extra meter, so which Cap on point I can break 1mil easily thanks to the DHC in most cases) and can cover him with a solid assist for cartwheel or mixup shenanigans. So far I’ve tried:

[]Chris (Gun fire is a bit too slow in my opinion). Definitely a possibility though, second-best from my experience after Taskmaster.
]Dante (Jam Session assist. Can’t bold-cancel for shit after months of practising but Million Dollars is a nice DHC)
[]Sentinel (drones are a bit too slow for my liking and he’s very exposed as a result of his size. Disco Hands is a great DHC from HCS though)
]Taskmaster (Legion arrow is a great DHC here and H arrow does the job perfectly). My current go-to but I’m kinda meh about his damage? I dunno maybe I just suck with him and need more practice, haha.
[]Ammy (Cold Star is… Well, Cold Star, nuff said, but I can’t DHC into Okami Shuffle unless I cut HCS short).
]Joe (Voomerang. Dunno the projectile durability on these things. Honestly I dunno wtf I was thinking at the time).
I’d like to ask some general advice on who you guys think I should run in second place for this team.

Please bear in mind that, although they’re awesome, and this’ll sound a bit scrubby so forgive me, I have major beef with Doom and Hawkeye. Got bodied a lot by a mate who used those two so I can’t stand the guys. Fighting against them is fine, but I don’t wanna use them. I know that’s a stupid thing because Plasma Beam, Hidden Missiles and Quick Shot are all ace assists and they’re both solid characters, but if they can be avoided? Bonus points to you, sir/madam.

I run this same team from time to time. I’m no expert with either Cap or Skrull, but I found Task/horizontal to be the best fit. The DHC is great, arrow coverage works well, and Task plays effectively without needing a really powerful assist (smite doesn’t really do too much for him).

The other combinations I tried that you didn’t mention that may work for you:

Cap/IM/Skrull: This team is great for Cap. Both RB and Unibeam have their uses. Beam is excellent coverage for Cap if you prefer to close the distance, and equally great horizontal screen control if you prefer to zone with shield slash (my preferred playstyle). RB doesn’t cover the rush/cartwheel nearly as well, but is excellent for baiting jump-ins with grounded shield slash, and with a little practice it’s easy to convert any RB jump-in/dive punish into a full combo. Proton Canon covers your DHC off of HCS as well, and you already have the corner relaunch problem solved thanks to a backdash-S after smite. Where this team struggles is after Cap dies, since IM has both a high execution barrier for big damage combos and difficulty without being backed up by a strong assist. You have to spend a lot of time in the lab with IM to make this team effective.

Cap/Nova/Skrull: Another team that adds some flexibility to Cap. Nova’s assists completely remove the need to use smite with Skrull since you can use either a ground or a wall bounce, and they let you set up unblockables when closing in. This team is a little weaker when it comes to horizontal coverage, so typically I’ll use the OG assist with Skrull to help shut down rushdown/jump-in and use Nova’s assist for corner relaunch. Cap DHC into Nova works great, and this team is potentially at less of a disadvantage when you lose Cap because Nova is a little more comfortable to play without a huge assist backing him up.

Cap is kindof my go-to point for online play, and I’m a Skrull main myself, so I’d be curious if you find anything else better than Task, because other than Doom I haven’t found anything that compliments him better.

Right now I’m using Cap (shield)/Task (H arrow)/Doom(missile). TONS of synergy. Pretty much TOD any character with 2-3 hyper combos using doom missile. As well as lots of great zoning pressure. you can pretty much lame out assists and use Cap to protect them with hypers…though you have to be careful with certain match ups. Doom helps cap with free lock down and really awkward cross ups as well as allowing for two hypers to connect. It also helps bail you out when getting hit which can be huge. Doom helps Task with free zoning chip and sets up unblockables. Both Task and Doom are solid anchors as well.

I run Cap/Dante/Task, so the major goes with Tasky…
I can’t feel to happy about using IM in a real team as he is kinda bad as a character. On the other hand, I won’t recommend on Dante if you can’t play him, I’m highly against using characters in your team you can’t play efficiently in any spot (due snap possibilities).

My Cap team which is emerging as my main go to team is Cap, Task, Akuma. IMO I feel that Taskmasters arrow assist is a better option than Hawkeyes arrows because they come out slower. Task and Akuma have amazing synergy, the only problem is Cap and Akum could have better synergy but I’ve been experimenting with the two and have found some pretty good potential with the two. Anyone hve ay experience with this pairing?

That was my team before this one (though I sometimes swapped akuma and tasks(up arrows) position). The team has amazing pressure and dirty resets, but what I found is cap had a hard time dealing with jump back keep away like Trish. when you’re full screen you have limited options and vert arrows wont reach. horizontal arrows are too slow and wind up getting jump and akuma has limited range and becomes a risk of getting punished.

If you run this team, accept the fact Cap is going to have some bad match ups with these assists and plan ahead with team order changes or tagging out appropriately. Switching to task can help a lot.

Currently I am running a Wolverine- Y/ Cap- Y / Hawkeye- A

Wolverine and Cap have great DHC synergy, plus Cap and hawkeye just work so well together. I will be creating a combo video shortly with this team.
I have a 100% on 90% of the cast starting with 1 meter at the start with Wolverine into Cap DHC

Starting using Cap(shield slash)/Jill(arrow kick)/Dante(Jam) and it’s a pretty fun team. Assist wise it works well but DHC wise from Jill to Cap it’s terrible :/. I’ve been using a bnb with Jam Session in it to hitconfirm easily:
cr.L cr.M cr.H(call jam assist) xx H shield slash, j.M j.H dj8H j.S xx air L shield slash, s.H, S, j.M, j.H, j.M, j.H, j.S, (call jill assist) L shield slash then either L charging star, H charging star xx HCS or directly H charging star xx HCS. Builds over a meter for around 680k, weak but since it’s a hitconfirm and easy to do I’m liking it so far and can dhc into Jill for a kill on the characters without a lot of hps (Zero, Vergil…) for a kill.
Jam session and arrow kick help me control the field better with cap while shield slash allow easy mixups for Jill with her special dash into her loop, where I can reset midcombo with jam session (even if weasel shot is better for the resets.) to get a KO.
I’m liking Dante so far as an anchor, bold cancelling isn’t that hard except in xfc3 so it’s cool.

Any suggestions/tips about this team you guys can provide me?

I’d recommend having Dante second over Jill since Dante has better DHC options. Plus I think Dante and Jill go pretty well with Teleport+arrow kick mixups. Arrow Kick is a very good assist as it works pretty similar to Log trap. Btw, I think Jam session scales damage pretty heavily as the optimal solo Cap BNB does over 700k off cr.L so I recommend looking into your BNB combos.

Since you haven’t really stated many problems with the team, here are a few things you can look into:

  • Team hyper combos, how well does it benefit from it (I know Jill’s one OTG and Dante’s one lasts a long time that you might be able to continue after it slightly)?
  • Resets? Any ideas on doing resets? If you watch Ken’s combo video, he has some nice ones with Nova assist which you could tailor to your team with the Jill assist.
  • Converting off an anti air Jam session assist.

Otherwise I can see it being quite a strong team. If all the characters are alive with Cap on point, there is a very strong neutral game.

Yes Jam session got heavy scaling but since it lets me hitconfirm easily it’s cool. Heck I can even do something like LMH(cancelled before it hits)(call jam/arrow) xxATK+S into a combo
Team hyper combo: with Cap on point, thanks to Dante’s hyper I can do lmh xx team hyper, L charging star, L charging star, (L charging star?) H charging star xx HCS in the corner which does 780 damages I think, not worth the meter. Midscreen I’m not sure if I can combo while Dante shoots. Also if the opponent isn’t in the air at the right height then Jill’s gun super isn’t worth doing because otherwise most bullets will miss.
Resets: as I said I already got them with Jill but with Cap I’m currently working on them, I believe I got one right with my bnb, after the j.8H, S xx L shield slash, s.H. I can do atk+s and call jill assist into another combo, which is good since arrow kick doesnt cause much hitstun decay and hits hard.
As for anti air jam session, I can either do: A) super jump, MMHS L shield slash if the opponent is really high
B) H shield slash into combo if the opponent is at the right height.

As for Jill as an anchor, definitely not, she doesn’t seem solid enough to be one (at least in my hands). But I’ll definitely try out.

Edit: forgot to say that the jam session air catch are theories for now.
Edit2: Okay I just saw in my bnb for some reason I can’t dhc to her 623 super probably because I used her assist right before., but I can dhc into her gun super that will otg then into dante’s gun super for around 909k.

When I say team hyper combo, I meant do your standard BNB but instead of doing Light charging star > heavy charging star into Hyper, do Light charging star Team hyper and do magical nonsense there. It is just another option for ending combos, heck you might even get a TOD if you have enough meter.

Oooh I see, going to try this right now.
Edit: Can’t do team hyper since I used assists in my bnb :/. Gonna try with a basic relaunch.
Edit2: Okay here’s what I did:
Basic relaunch combo(cr.L, cr.m, cr.h, s, jmmhs,L ss, S,j. mmhs) into team super and I’m pretty sure it can break 1 million but the timing it pretty damn hard, and sometimes the charging star super might even whiff. Even when it hits, timing is hard to get the two/three charging stars and the last big bullet of dante’s super might miss. So during Dante’s super I did L charging star, L charging star, H charging star xx HCS (dante’s big bullet missed) and it did 1.092k.
Pretty nice I guess.

Can you do something like (can check it, but I’m at work…)
2A B C S j.8C 236A land j.8C 236A land S sj BBCS land (up to here is normal) dash** 236A THC**?

No. You can only THC cancel a normal attack.

Hey guys…i need a lot of help. :frowning:

Cap is my absolute favorite character, I run Cap(shield slash)/Spencer(Slant grapple)/Doom(missiles)

I was having some success with this team and was pretty satisfied… one hit was usually a dead character, awesome resets with spencer assist… and doom missiles kept the run away characters’ from running away and zoning me out… SO I THOUGHT.

I played against someone who actually knew what they were doing with Zero’s buster with missiles backing him up and…it just wasn’t pretty…I couldn’t touch him. No matter how hard i tried I couldn’t hit him AT ALL. I’ve never been so demoralized. T~T

Sadly…I stopped playing cap and went with a Vergil team (tierrrr whoreeeee… but he’s pretty fun) …but I can’t just stay away from him… So I’ve come here for help.

I’m currently brainstorming a Cap/vergil/? team…anyone think this can work? I know HSC and spiral swords would most likely kill a character…but I’m not really sure if vergil’s assist would benefit cap all that much…

I’m just really lost as I’m sure you can tell…All I know is, I want to stick with cap and…I just need some direction from this point. :frowning:

Sorry for the essay,

Well Vergil’s assists aren’t brilliant tbh but his rapid slash allows for some easy hit confirms and I guess could be used with Snap/oncoming with the flip. Since you already know you can TOD with a DHC into Vergil and since Cap generally pushes to corner very well you can easily DHC. Only problem with the duo is that it is fueled by meter so you do need to work on some resets or have a character you can TAC into (unless you have a method to TOD that is self sufficient).

That is the general idea when it comes to Cap (at least, the way I play). He has enough tools to deal with Zero so really, it is just matchup experience. Keep in mind the you have Charging star which travels about half the screen so you can punish both Buster and Doom assist. Since you want to run Vergil, you have DHC options to make Cap safe.

It’s up to you what character to use as an anchor. Something like a beam or anything that can fill the screen can help Cap in the neutral game (as with any character for that matter) while Vergil can benefit from an OTG assist.

Is there any good use with Dante’s devil trigger after HCS? I know Million dollar is great, but i feel sometimes that I have to cut HCS really short not to drop Dante’s Hyper.